今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

在2023年,Raspberry Techno已经给我们带来的艺术家有,Fur Coat, Hunter/Game, Rafael Cerato, Totto Chiavetta。这一次,它将回到原来的初始阵容即我们的当家DJ 们Marcos Godoy, Lina K和Tys。

During 2023, Raspberry Techno has already brought you such artists as Fur Coat, Hunter/Game, Rafael Cerato, and Totto Chiavetta. This time, it is coming back to its original roots with the very first lineup featuring Marcos Godoy, Lina K, and TYS behind the decks.

和我们一起享受一个蹦不停的夜晚,Celia的音乐一向是House和Techno,当然,这两者之间的界限往往是模糊的。所以,你会发现整晚都是令人兴奋的两种音乐的混合体。期待一个将acid, tribal, minimal, electro混搭在一起的raspberry 之夜!

Enjoy a fantastic experience for a non-stop dancing night. The music policy at Celia is house and techno, but, of course, the lines between the two are quite often blurred. So, this night, you'll find a heady mix of both throughout the night. Expect flashes of acid, tribal, minimal, and electro too—an exceptional raspberry experience.

Register for limited guest list before 01:00 

by scanning the code bellow


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

This Dutch / ltalian fell deeply in love with electronic music since his early childhood years. Such was his love with electronic music that he started hosting parties in exclusive locations in italy and then dominated the party scene in Shanghai with the crew MET. His unique music style, influenced by the experience living all around the world, is an overwhelming mix of techno,electronica, Deep House.Organic House and melodic.

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

从他的童年时代开始,这位荷兰/意大利人就深深地爱上电子音乐。由于对电子音乐的热爱,他开始在意大利的隐秘场所举办派对,然后与MET一起主导了上海的派对场景。他独特的音乐风格来自于他旅居世界各地的影响,是techno,elec tronica,Deep House,Organic House 和 melodic的充分混合。


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

If you've ever been clubbing in Shanghai, you probably came across a fierce blonde during her late nite extended sets keeping everyone from going home. Lina has been drawn to electronic music from an early age, going to the legendary Kazantip festival in her teens as well as having a tasteful record collection. This shaped her sound to be quite eclectic, and her energy on the dance floor unstoppable. Naturally, this transferred to her DJ career


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Taking care of her  club night Techno Train for 9 years, her current project Techno Is A Woman, and numerous booking requests put Lina among many international and local artists. From closing after Nina Kraviz to Shinedoe, Drunken Kong, Answer Code Request, to  , Go Hiyama , Roman Poncet ,Shin Nishimura ,, The Yellow Heads , D-Unity ,  Julia Govor, Electric Rescue , Absorbed , Stiv Hey , Wax’o’ Paradiso, Florian Meindl ,  Oliver Dautchmenn, Blancah , Tiger Stripes , Drumcell, Hito , Mashkov , MANDY , Darren Emerson , Rebekah, Magda , Andrey Pushkarev , Buytone, Claudio Prc , Bloody Marry , Fur Coat  and so on, bringing her signature sound far and wide across China 

由她组织发起的Techno Train音乐活动至今已9年时间,她还在独立运营另一音乐活动Techno Is A Woman。她对Techno的这份热爱以及现场的超强感染力让她也不断从世界各地的艺术家中脱颖而出,被海内外众多活动邀请。她曾在大名鼎鼎的Techno女将Nina Kraviz后接演,也曾与Shinedoe, Drunken Kong, Answer Code Request, Go Hiyama, Roman Poncet, Shin Nishimura,The Yellow Heads, D-Unity, Julia Govor, Electric Rescue , Absorbed, Stiv Hey, Wax’o’ Paradiso, Florian Meindl,  Oliver Dautchmenn, Blancah, Tiger Stripes, Drumcell, Hito, Mashkov, MANDY, Darren Emerson, Rebekah, Magda, Andrey Pushkarev, Buytone, Claudio Prc, Bloody Marry, Fur Coat等众多知名DJ同台演出。Lina K和她超富感染力的音乐现场使她在中国的地下音乐中脱颖而出


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Marcos Godoy storied background is one of a long-term of development. His roots are pure Spanish, unmistakable, if you dig a little bit deeper you will find a music path of seamless transitions from funk to house or techno, only to remain now in a very unique and personal style in the mixing. Marcos passion and dedication to producing and mixing infectious dance floor grooves is unsurpassed and his ever growing popularity within the electronic music scene was built in the Spanish nightclubs such as Vademecum, Shanghai Club and Zoco; Finland at Redrum; India and China; 

Marcos Godoy的传奇背景是一个长期发展的过程。他是纯正的西班牙人,个性鲜明,如果你再深入一点,你会发现一条从Funk到House或是Techno无缝衔接的音乐之路,现在仍保持非常独特和富有个人风格的混音。Marcos对制作和混合具有感染力的舞池旋律的热情和奉献是无与伦比的,他在电子音乐界不断增长的人气是在西班牙的俱乐部,如Vademecum、Shanghai Club和Zoco;芬兰的Redrum;印度和中国;

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

where it was cemented by his regular appearances in the top-notch underground clubs of town like: Celia, Lola, Elevator, Arkham, Le Baron, The Mansion, 44Kw, Bar Rouge, The Nest, Pepper and OIL in Shenzhen, CodeRed and Karma in Guangzhou,.....He has been also a regular in electronic festivals in China, quite an achievement when you consider just how many artists are involved in the scene. 

在那里,他定期出现在城市的顶级地下俱乐部,如Celia, Lola, Elevator, Arkham, Le Baron, The Mansion, 44Kw, Bar Rouge, The Nest, Pepper 以及深圳的Oil,广州的CodeRed和Karma,这巩固了他作为DJ的地位。他也是中国电子音乐节的常客,当你考虑到有多少艺术家能够参与到这个项目中时,这是个相当大的成就。

He is focused on a bumping, groovy beats that aims straight for your hips and keeps dancefloors filled with energy. Pure Spanish passion on electronic sounds that are unmistakable and made to make you dance.




今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

- PRESALE 88 rmb (1 drink included)

-单人预售票: 88元人民币(含1个drink)

- DOOR 108 rmb (1 drink included)




今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

For table RSVP please contact


+8615921924280  /  微信:cihansait

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Jing’an district, Nanyang road 154 


今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


22.00 - late

今晚「Raspberry Techno - Originals」每个音符都能震撼到你, 你确定不来感受一下? @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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