动员大会| 暨员工见面会
昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB 发布时间:2024-01-22 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

动员大会| 暨员工见面会

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB
动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB
动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB

大会正式开始           Get the meeting started


Therefore, the employees entered and took their seats in an orderly manner, and the host announced the official start of the conference, and all the employees were quietly led by Du (Guiyu), vice president of Kunshan SkyLand, to read the company slogan.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB

领导致辞                               Leader's oration


MC Nan invited Hu (Chang Jun) to speak on the stage. Hu Dong's speech can not hide the excitement, SkyLand from the preparation to the first staff meeting, the middle has gone through a variety of difficulties and obstacles, all the way vividly. Now it's finally officially set sail

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


After Hu Dong, Deputy General manager Zhu (Yi) gave a speech on the stage. I believe that with the efforts of brothers and families together, SkyLand will definitely get better and better in the right direction.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Then deputy general manager Du (Guiyu) general speech on the stage, the truth revealed from the heart, touching people. SkyLand is a brand new group, the details need to be worked out, and the hearts of people will be moved.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Finally, the deputy general manager of the brand department Saimen Yang spoke on the stage, selflessly shared his more than 20 years of experience, has rich experience in bar culture, and pointed out the future orientation and strategic deployment of the brand. Create a SkyLand culture with great personality charm and fashion temperament.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB

各部门管理介绍                               Introduce


The host successively invited the heads of departments to introduce them on stage, which deepened the impression between colleagues and brought the team cohesion to a higher level.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Operations Department CAI (Xu), on behalf of all the brothers of the operations Department sworn: as always, continue to forge ahead, pioneering and innovative, improve work skills, improve service quality.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Concierge Zhang (Hengnan) general, on the stage to emphasize rules and regulations, safe operation. Safe escort on behalf of all our concierge brothers.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Total help Zhou Hua on stage to make a speech

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Wang Jiaojiao, Deputy General manager of the Department of Resources, spoke on behalf of all the Department of Resources

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Vice President of Sales Department (Zhu Jiming) speaks on behalf of all sales Department

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Vice President of Sales Division II (Huang Denglin) spoke on behalf of all sales of Division II

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Vice President of Sales Department 3 (Guo Dinghua) spoke on behalf of all sales Department 3

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


Deputy General Manager of Sales Department 4 (Du Chenxi) spoke on behalf of all sales of the four departments

会议总结                    Conference conclusion


At the end of the meeting, Hu Dong came to the stage again to deploy the strategic plan, emphasizing the safety of production, and drawing a perfect end to the first staff meeting.

动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB
动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB


动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB
动员大会| 暨员工见面会-昆山天空酒吧/SKY CLUB




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