3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


日期 | Date


时间 | Time

23:00 -  To Late

门票 | Tickets

From 3.5 - 3.10

Single early bird   - 98 RMB 

单人早鸟票 - 98元人民币

From 3.10 - 3.16

Single pre sale ticket  - 128 RMB 

Group pre sale  ticket for 3 - 300 RMB 

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

单人预售票 - 128元人民币 

三人团体预售票 - 300元人民币

Door  tickets - 138 RMB

现场票 - 138元人民币

Beswerda is a Dutch and Rotterdam based artist who is ready to take you on a musical and emotional journey with the combination of minimal and melodic techno.Within his music you’ll experience the emotion that was felt when the music is created. With surprising drops and organic drums his music is varying every time you will hear him play. He really has a unique take on what melodic techno should be like. The combination of minimal, Indie Dance and melodic techno is something new for the clubs.


3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

In 2015 he recorded and released his first single ‘Growing’ on the label Tronic by Christian Smith. After his first release he did several other releases on labels such as Infinite Depth and WEITER. After several releases, Beswerda took some time to determine his sound better and develop something that really matches how he wanted to be. A short sabbatical to figure everything out and focus on some new material. He came back with Turmoil.

2015年,他在Christian Smith的厂牌Tronic上录制并发行了他的第一支单曲《Growing》。在第一次发行之后,他在诸如Infinite Depth和WEITER等厂牌上进行了几次发行。在几次发行之后,Beswerda花了一些时间更好地确定自己的声音,并开发出真正符合他期望的东西。他进行了一段短暂的休息来弄清楚一切,并专注于一些新材料。他以《Turmoil》回归。

In 2021 he released the track called ‘Turmoil’ on the label Afterlife. This track was played by his good friend Colyn every set when he was touring in the summer of 2021, so Tale of Us decided to add this track to their Realm of Consciousness pt. V compilation. It really made a mark for his career.

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

2021年,他在厂牌Afterlife上发布了一首名为《Turmoil》的曲目。这首曲目是他的好朋友Colyn在2021年夏季巡回演出时每场演出都会播放的,因此Tale of Us决定将这首曲目加入到他们的《Realm of Consciousness pt. V》合辑中。这真的为他的职业生涯打下了重要的一笔。

Beswerda is now playing at legendary clubs and festivals all over the world. After this milestone Beswerda did another release on the Afterlife label, on the label Just This, and is scheduling a few more releases for the year 2023. Including on Mind Against their new imprint Habitat.

Beswerda现在在世界各地的传奇俱乐部和音乐节上演出。在这个里程碑之后,Beswerda在Afterlife厂牌上再次发行了一张专辑,还在Just This厂牌上发行了专辑,并计划在2023年再发行几张专辑。包括在Mind Against的新厂牌Habitat上

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Diva Li is an electronic music producer and DJ. she is also an active figure in China’s underground music scene and has been considered as one of the most popular and respected female DJs in China. As an experienced DJ she was invited to play with Pig&Dan, Sian, Martin Eyerer, Ninetoes, Benny Grauer, Tama Sumo as a guest.

She has her special point of view towards electronic music and dance music, with her music always being full of rich and exquisite emotions, intense and minimalistic melodies as well as her own soulful vocal lines. These characteristics have guaranteed her uniqueness within the country’s techno music scene. 

In 2016, she was invited to play at Boiler Room which brought her to a higher influence. In 2018 and 2019 she played at the Great Wall Music Festival with the biggest names in the world techno scene such as Nina Kraviz, Ben Klock, Dixon, Recondite, Carl Craig and Chris Liebing. In 2018 she became the first female DJ to represent China for Cervantes Music Festival touring shows in Mexico. 

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

In 2020, together with Ma Haiping and Chace, she was the guest DJ for FEVER LIVE which was watched by 1.37million people online and ranked first in the hourly list of several LIVE broadcasting platforms. Not only has she gained a lot of polpularity on live DJ, but she is also the outstanding producer of domestic electronic music.In 2020, Ran Music released her 12-inch vinyl album and it was distributed on Kompakt, a famous record store in Cologne, Germany, becoming the first female producer in China to release vinyl album.

Diva Li,电⼦⾳乐制作⼈ / DJ /歌⼿。她活跃于中国的电子音乐场景,曾受邀为国外电子音乐大牌Pig&Dan, Sian, FJAAK, Martin Eyerer, Ninetoes, Benny Grauer, Tama Sumo, Adriana Lopez等作嘉宾。 

2016年受邀登上了现今地球表面最热门,直播超过了65个国家的音乐派对现场Boiler Room的舞台。2018、2019年与Nina Kraviz, Ben Klock, Dixon, Recondite, Carl Craig and Chris Liebing等国际一线电子艺人同台长城电子音乐节。

2018年成为第一位代表中国到墨西哥交流巡演的女DJ。2018年在阿姆斯特丹ADE 电子音乐节参与Black Kat 厂牌派对2020年与马海平、Chace同为网易放刺FEVER LIVE的特邀DJ,直播累计137万人在线观看,在几个直播平台的小时榜都排名第一。她不仅在现场DJ上得到了众多追捧,她也是国内电音制作人里的佼佼者,2020年在Ran Music发行了个人12寸黑胶专辑并在德国科隆的著名唱⽚店 Kompakt 分销上架,成为第一位发行黑胶唱片的中国女制作人。

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Instant and urgent. Spicy and Salty. Deep and dark. East and North. Water and earth. We’re the no filter synth crackheads- obsessed with sounds, ruled by feisty temperaments. Fäng Biàn Miàn, an addictive bowl of noods, representing a tumbling and rumbling experience - stilling your hunger to climax into vertigo. With Fäng Biàn Miàn you will cum to all your senses. It tickles you to dance, cry, laugh and vibrate. Fäng Biàn Miàn doesn’t disappoint. Fäng Biàn Miàn is life.

我们是一呼必应的组合.辣与咸.深沉和幽暗.东方接西方.水并土我们是狂热的合成爱好者,臣服于这样肆无忌惮的狂躁性情 .Fäng Biàn Miàn,一碗让人上头的面条,代表着一种翻滚燥热荡漾,轰鸣沉醉的非凡体验. 满足你的饥渴,带你达到高潮.它会击中你所有的感知让你跳舞,哭泣,大笑,颤抖.Fäng Biàn Miàn 永不辜负 Fäng Biàn Miàn 是态度 .

NEXT ...





3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Line Up 



门票 | Tickets

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Upcoming International Line Up 

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧




3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

For table RSVP please contact


+8615921924280  /  微信:cihansait

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


For any questions please add customer service support account : celiaclub-sh

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Jing’an district, Nanyang road 154 


3月16日// BESWERDA带你一同探索Afterlife的音乐秘密@CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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