东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启
东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB 发布时间:2024-05-06 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

场地租赁  合作共赢

Venue Leasing Cooperation

场地租赁:广告发布会 | 宴会 | 年会 | 聚会 等

品牌合作:公关活动 | 品牌发布会 | 时装发布会 等

演艺录影:演艺代理 |  灯光音响 等

私人派对:婚礼派对 | 生日派对 | 庆功宴会 等

Advertising Conference | Banquet | Annual Meeting | Party

Public Relations | Brand Launch | Fashion Launch

Performing Arts Agency | Lighting & Sound

Wedding Party | Birthday Party | Celebration Party

Available Now

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB
东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

坐落于东兴市北投旅游集散中心33号楼,黄金地段的地理位置同时创造了极好的条件,2020年斥资3000余万,联合中国知名设计装修公司gddcs品牌设计  一同打造室内多元化顶级派对空间。

Located in No.33 building of Beitou tourism distribution center in Dongxing City, the golden location creates excellent conditions at the same time. In 2020, it will spend more than 30 million yuan to build a diversified top party space with the brand design of GdDCS, a well-known Chinese design and decoration company.

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

  sky face club 整体实际占地面积约3000平方米,场内演绎占地面积高达800平方米,无柱层高达15米的超级派对空间,拥有台位共50张。汇集世界最新科技技术与Vintsge Neuman 顶级声光电设备装置。

The actual floor area of sky face club is about 3000 square meters, with a floor area of 800 square meters and a column free floor of 15 meters. There are 50 seats in total. It brings together the world's latest technology and the top acousto-optic equipment of vintsge Neuman.

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB


The lifting equipment imported from abroad, the high-altitude WIA arranged in a combination, as a bridge to convey the soul of music, the hall is equipped with vertical surround sound from well-known brands, absolutely shocking visual synchronization, return to the purest and most free playing experience.

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB


The professional planning team can provide you with a full set of creative solutions, with all-round execution from publicity to venue layout, and high-quality photography cameras to track and record your wonderful moments in all directions.

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB


High-quality service system, new entertainment mode, professional interpretation team presents the ultimate stage, giving you an unforgettable moment, whether it is annual meeting, private party, major venues, we will create a unique and exclusive venue for you, with high-quality services Give you a comprehensive multi-sensory entertainment experience.

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB

欢迎各大品牌商家入驻SKY FACE CLUB凯菲



Multi-dimensional spatial transformation

Provide the most suitable rental venue

Reservations are now fully accepted



市场总监:139-7702-0521 钟小姐

企划总监:183-7788-6491 覃先生

东兴SKY FACE凯菲 CLUB | 品牌合作 • 场地租赁现已正式开启-东兴凯菲酒吧/SKY FACE CLUB


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