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Music is the soul of the nightclub unchanged forever
“ 电 音 节 ”

There's no longer a live music festival,There, you will unload your social pressure, forget everything, and follow the music with your heart,The electric sound is not only Music Carnival, basically you step into the electric sound field,Your body is no longer yours, it is drowned in the crowd,Dancing with music, at this moment, the body and soul are separated, enjoying joy and cheering,So life without an electric syllable is incompletem,The little string brings you from the ten major electric syllable to the world of electrical sound

比利时最盛大的电音节,可以说是每年最令人期待的节日了,从05年第一届电音节只有一万人参加开始,到13年创造了35分钟售完十八万张门票的成绩,电音节的魅力不用多说,每次他们都能在门票开售后的几分钟内销售一空,而且每次节日都能请来世界最顶尖的DJ,包括Armin van Buuren, Avicii,David Guetta and LMFAO,并在2012年被全球舞曲音乐奖授予同类最佳音乐节,音乐节于每年的7月底举行
The largest festival in Belgium is the most expected festival every year, From the first 05 years of the ,first syllable of electric syllable,only ten thousand people took part in the festivaland in 13 yearsone hundred and eighty ,thousand tickets had been sold in 35 minutes,and the charm of the syllable was not to be said much。Each time they could sell them a few minutes after ,the tickets were sold and each time they were able to invite the world's top DJ including Armin van Buuren, Avicii, David Guetta and LMFAO,and the world dance music award in 2012the best music festival of the same kind,which was held at the end of July every year
【Electric Daisy Carnival】

有着十六年历史的EDC音乐节,已经成了全世界派对动物的圣地,可以说是北美最大的电子音乐节了,每年都有超过30万的观众参与而且能请到像,Afrojack, Kaskade, Tiesto,David Guetta and Steve Aoki,这些国际顶级DJ表演这是一个综合性音乐节,除了音乐舞台之外还有很多的游乐设施(跳楼机、摩天轮、秋千、碰碰车等等一应俱全)音乐舞台有7个环绕在整个场地(Las Vegas motor speedway拉斯维加斯赛车场)周围所有的音乐、灯光还有烟火都非常恰当好处,7个舞台设定,每个舞台都有一个主题,EDC在世界很多地方都会举办,拉斯维加斯的最为盛大
The sixteen year old EDC Music Festival has become the world's holy place for animals
It can be said to be the largest electronic music festival in North AmericaMore than 300 thousand of the audience participates in each year and can be invited to the top international DJ performances such as Afrojack,Kaskade, Tiesto, David Guetta and Steve Aoki,This is a comprehensive music festival in addition to the music stage there are a lot of amusement facilities(skydiving machine, skyscraper, swing, bumper car and so on) There are 7 musical stages around the whole site (Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas Racer)and all the musiclights and fireworks are very good 7 stage settings, each stage has a theme EDC will be held in many parts of the world Las Vegas is the most magnificent.

sensation就是由世界超级巨型派对组织,ID&T所推出的世界级大型DJ电音现场派对是世界派对人士的盛会,是全国最大的室内音乐节,分为white和black两个version,举办时间相隔一周,先是“white edition”,曲风侧重Progressive Trance,参加者穿白衣隔周再举办“black edition”,放的都是刚硬猛烈的techno/hardstyle曲风,参加者穿黑衣举办地阿姆斯特丹是出了名开放的性都,去sensation,释放你的压抑
Sensation is a world class large DJ audio field Party launched by the world super giant party
organization ID&T. It is a world party event and the largest indoor Music Festival in the country
Divided into white and black two version ,holding time for a week apart。First, "white edition", the wind is focused on Progressive Trancethe participants wear white clothes every other week, "Black Edition"all are rigid and violent techno/hardstyle wind participants wear black clothes The host city of Amsterdam is a famous open sex city,Go to sensation and release your inhibitions.
【Ultra Music Festival】

美国最大的电子舞曲音乐节,在迈阿密举办,经常能请到像David Guetta,deadmau5,Tiesto,这样的明星表演,节日也会通过youtube进行现场直播。最早举办于1999年,由两个充满活力的年轻人Russell Faibisch和 Alex Omes共同创立,第一年即大获成功每年发生在3月底的Ultra逐渐成为全球跳舞音乐爱好者每年必去朝圣的狂欢节,2013年,15.5万人/天的人流量,刷新了迈阿密城接待人数记录,音乐节在迈阿密市中心的标志性地点——Bayfront Park举行
The largest electronic dance music festival in the United States, held in Miami can often be invited to a star performance like David Guetta deadmau5, Tiesto, and the festival will be
broadcast live through YouTube First organized in 1999, it was founded by two energetic young people Russell Faibisch and Alex Omes and the first year was a great success Ultra, which takes place at the end of March has gradually become a carnival of global dance music lovers who must go to pilgrimage every year. In 2013 155 thousand person / day traffic volume refreshed the number of people in Miami. The music festival is held at Bayfront Park, the landmark location in downtown Miami
【Global Gathering】

Global Gathering被Armin Van Buuren誉为“世界上最重要的节日之一”,它是每年七月在英国斯特拉特福举行的为期两天的舞蹈音乐节,Global Gathering拥有最豪华的LED屏,并且每年吸引了超过250,000观众
Global Gathering was hailed by Armin Van Buren as "one of the most important festivals in the world." It is a two-day dance festival held every July in Stratford England. Global Gathering has the most luxurious LED screens and attracts more than 250,000 viewers each year
【Electric Zoo】

欢迎来到人类狂欢动物园现场!这个音乐节诞生于纽约,被誉为“最不可错过的电子盛典”,全球一线的DJ阵容,每年不同主题的动物装置,在纽约的蓝岛公园Randall’s Island Park举办,像David Guetta,Laidback Luke以及一些新锐DJ会来打碟,让整个气氛high爆,疯狂褪去人类社交外衣,释放动物本性,尽情嗨
Welcome to the Human Carnival Zoo! The festival was born in New York and is known as the
"Most Immissable Electronic Festival" the world's first-line DJ lineup,and animal installations of different themes each year。Held at Randall's Island Park in Blue Island Park New York, like David Guetta Laidback Luke and some cutting-edge DJs will come to play making the entire atmosphere high and crazy! Take off the human social coat, release the animal nature

This festival originated in Australia and is the fastest growing festival in Australia. Australia is famous for its carnival and Stereosonic is one of them. It will be held in Sydney Melbourne, Brisbane and other places This festival is also one of the favorite gatherings of many DJs
【Ozora Festival】

The Ozora Psychedelic Music Festival is the only world-class psychedelic music ,festival in the world that is unique to small villages in Hungary for seven consecutive days OZORA Music Festival allows you to feel "connection" and deep ,resonance through music, color and ghostly energy,Many people said that when the dance music of seven days and seven nights finally stopped the audience fell into a great sense of contrast and began to miss it。The organizer of OZORA comes from a utopian commune,They emphasize environmental protection and support recycling,The recycling and sorting of garbage is the responsibility of volunteers composed of the audience participating in the festival
【Sunburn Festival】

Sunburn 是在印度著名的嬉沙滩Goa举办的电子音乐节也可能是亚洲最大的音乐节,音乐节包括音乐演出娱乐设施、食物和购物,Sunburn在2009年被CNN评选为世界上最好的音乐节第9位,这个印度的电子音乐盛事每年都会吸引到15万乐迷参加,可以一睹印度和国际DJ如Swedish House Mafia Mark Knight的精湛表演这个彩色的节日除了音乐,也对艺术、文化进行庆祝
Sunburn is an electronic music festival held in Goa a famous leisure beach in India and may also be the largest music festival in Asia The festival includes music performances entertainment facilities food and shopping. Sunburn was ranked 9th in the world's best music festival by CNN in 2009.This Indian electronic music event attracts 150,000 fans every year,You can see the superb performances of Indian and international DJs such as Swedish House Mafia and Mark Knight In addition to music this colorful festival also celebrates art and culture
【Storm Festival】

As the largest outdoor electronic music festival in Greater China STORM is still famous enough but it is funny that because。Budweiser was named several times everyone mistakenly thought that this music festival was held by Budweiser.In October each year thousands of electricmusic lovers use the name of electric music to participate in the electric music event.However, from the lineup, the joining of the top 100 DJs coupled with the cool stage effect has gradually become one of the influential and well-known music festivals.

CLUB SPACEWOO一直致力于推广电子音乐文化
For many senior raversthese music festivals may be familiar
But the true charm of the festival needs to be experienced in person
CLUB SPACEWOO has been promoting electronic music culture
And we're going to present you with the best indoor electric syllables ever
Tengchong, it's about to get hot
