7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

和我们一起享受一个蹦不停的夜晚,Celia的音乐一向是House和Techno,当然,这两者之间的界限往往是模糊的。所以,你会发现整晚都是令人兴奋的两种音乐的混合体。期待一个将organic, tribal, indie, electronica混搭在一起的raspberry 之夜!

Enjoy a fantastic experience for a non-stop dancing night. The music policy at Celia is house and techno, but, of course, the lines between the two are quite often blurred. So, this night, you'll find a heady mix of both throughout the night. Expect flashes organic, tribal, indie and electronica too—an exceptional raspberry experience.

日期 | Date


时间 | Time

23:00 -  To Late

门票 | Ticket

Single pre sale ticket  - 88 RMB 

Group pre sale  ticket for 3 - 200 RMB 

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

单人预售票 - 88元人民币 

三人团体预售票 - 200元人民币

Door  tickets - 108 RMB

 现场票 - 108元人民币

*all tickets includes one drink 


7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Christi McGarry, also known as DJ Xi, is a multi-talented Filipina-American beauty queen with a dynamic and versatile persona. Born in Jersey City, Christi's journey has taken her around the globe, frequently transitioning between various places before settling in the Philippines nearly a decade ago to reconnect with her heritage.

Christi McGarry,也被称为DJ Xi,是一位多才多艺的菲美混血儿选美皇后,拥有极具动感和多变的个性。Christi 出生于泽西市,她的脚印遍布全球,在多个地方频繁辗转,最终在近十年前定居菲律宾,以重新连接她的文化根源。

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

In the Philippines, Christi built a prominent career, becoming one of the country's top models and muses. Her beauty and charisma also led her to success as a television personality and host, particularly known for her award-winning travel show. Despite her thriving career in modeling and television, Christi decided to pursue her ultimate passion: music.

在菲律宾,Christi 建立了显著的职业生涯,成为该国顶级模特和缪斯之一。她的美貌和魅力也使她在电视节目主持人领域取得成功,尤其以她获奖的旅游节目而闻名。尽管在模特和电视领域取得了辉煌的成就,Christi 还是决定追求她终极的热情和梦想:音乐。

With her magnetic presence and international appeal, Christi has established herself as a household name in the music and events industry in the Philippines. She is in high demand, securing bookings from luxury brands such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Prada Beauty, and Armani Exchange, and performing at elite underground clubs and beach parties across the nation. Christi is a regular feature at prestigious underground festivals like Unknwn.

凭借她吸引人的气质和富有国际气息的魅力,Christi 已成为菲律宾音乐和活动行业的家喻户晓的名字。她需求量很大,获得了迪奥(Dior)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、普拉达(Prada Beauty)和阿玛尼(Armani Exchange)等奢侈品牌的邀请,并在全国各地的顶级地下俱乐部和海滩派对上表演。Christi 也是著名地下音乐节Unknwn的常客。

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Her extensive experience in fashion, entertainment, and music reflects her refined class, extensive knowledge, sophisticated taste, and meticulous attention to detail. This combination makes her a versatile figure capable of captivating audiences in both underground and commercial markets, ensuring an energetic and unique sonic adventure for all her listeners.


7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

This Dutch / ltalian fell deeply in love with electronic music since his early childhood years. Such was his love with electronic music that he started hosting parties in exclusive locations in italy and then dominated the party scene in Shanghai with the crew MET. His unique music style, influenced by the experience living all around the world, is an overwhelming mix of techno,electronica, Deep House.Organic House and melodic.

从他的童年时代开始,这位荷兰/意大利人就深深地爱上电子音乐。由于对电子音乐的热爱,他开始在意大利的隐秘场所举办派对,然后与MET一起主导了上海的派对场景。他独特的音乐风格来自于他旅居世界各地的影响,是techno,elec tronica,Deep House,Organic House 和 melodic的充分混合。

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Marcos Godoy storied background is one of a long-term of development. His roots are pure Spanish, unmistakable, if you dig a little bit deeper you will find a music path of seamless transitions from funk to house or techno, only to remain now in a very unique and personal style in the mixing.

Marcos Godoy的传奇背景是一个长期发展的过程。他是纯正的西班牙人,个性鲜明,如果你再深入一点,你会发现一条从Funk到House或是Techno无缝衔接的音乐之路,现在仍保持非常独特和富有个人风格的混音。

He is focused on a bumping, groovy beats that aim straight for your hips and keep dance floors filled with energy. 


7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

click on pic for details 

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧




For any questions please add customer service support account : celiaclub-sh

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
7.5// RASPBERRY INVITES XI @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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