6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

现常驻于柏林的制作人、视觉艺术家及厂牌主理人 Red Pig Flower 正以其杰出的创作才华登上 Tresor、Fabric、Hoppetosse 与 Kater Blau 等备受尊敬的著名俱乐部的舞台,亦横跨罗马尼亚、瑞士、墨西哥及东京等地与舞池分享她的不凡风格。Red Pig Flower 凭借对多元声响敏锐的洞察力将自己的创作不断推向全新高度,从 House、Minimal 到富有质感的 Techno 节律,她始终致力于营造一场迷幻的旅途,从深夜至凌晨为舞池提供平稳而微妙的过渡。

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB
6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

Berlin based Korean-Japanese producer, visual artist, DJ and label owner Red Pig Flower has grown to become a highly respected figure in Berlin’s underground electronic music scene and further afield across the globe. Playing at some of the most respected institutions on her home Berlin like Tresor, Hoppetosse and Kater Blau, as well as global hotspots like Guest House in Bucharest, Romania, Nordstern in Basel, Switzerland, Bar Americas in Guadalajara ,Mexico and Dommune and Womb Club in Tokyo. As a DJ Red Pig Flower’s sound traverses through a broad spectrum of styles ranging from playful House and tripped out minimal sounds through to more murky, textured Techno and groove-driven loops, whilst her own live set leans heavily on a more hypnotic style of House and Techno. Both formats of performance always focus on the journey and aim to deliver a smooth, subtly evolving transition throughout the night and into the morning.

With her own material on labels such as Baile Musik, Serialism,  Brise, Proper Slap and Yoruba Grooves, Red takes inspiration from stories she’s heard, books she’s read and other art forms that feed her creative mind. Her impressive back catalogue of material has gained her the attention of leading publications and influencers in underground electronic music such as XLR8R, Resident Advisor and BBC Radio 1’s B.Traits, a telling sign of the quality embodied in her music. Amongst her own output, Red is also co-founder of the revered Sound Of Vast imprint, born out of her and label-partner Knock’s Vast parties in London whilst the duo where living there, before a relocation to Amsterdam saw the pair launch the label and have since gone on to release highly acclaimed EP’s from the likes of DJ Sodeyama under his The People In Fog guise, San Proper, Vid aka Egal 3, The Mole, Cosmin TRG under his Com Sin alias and of course Red Pig Flower herself.

In 2020 her career has raised  even more under the Covid circumstances, her set has  featured on Dance Television, Meoko, Trommel, and Mutek the names of which are the most respectful flatforms in the dance music scene, not only that,  her production tips got introduced by Native Instrument. In 2021 she is about to have her release on Get physical music alongside several vinyl releases. 

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6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

Red Pig Flower 善于在自己的经历及那些能够激发她创造力的艺术形式中汲取灵感,通过视觉和听觉并行的呈现方式为听众带来一场沉浸式的旅途。在 Baile Musik, Serialism,  Brise, Proper Slap and Yoruba Grooves 等厂牌发行作品后,Red Pig Flower 很快便引起了像是 XLR8R、Resident Advisor 和 Radio 1’s B.Traits 等电子音乐领域中极具影响力的媒体的注意。

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

Red Pig Flower 还是厂牌 Sound Of Vast 的联合创始人,该厂牌始于她与合作伙伴 Knock 在伦敦开启的 Vast 派对。搬往阿姆斯特丹之后,两人便创立了 Sound Of Vast。在封锁期间,Red Pig Flower 将大量时间投入制作,也致使她的作品陆续出现在 Dance Television、Meoko、Trommel 和 Mutek 等杰出厂牌。本周六,Red Pig Flower 将再次来到 TENT,用东西方碰撞的诗篇重织感官乐章。

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)


当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证。谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB

6.29 周六 • Red Pig Flower - 东方伊甸园-上海POTENT CLUB


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