7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

来自迈阿密,现常驻于布鲁克林的艺术家 LOKA (Yesenia Rojas) 正以其概念性的 DJ 现场成为纽约俱乐部繁荣之景的核心成员。LOKA 创作背后无边界的潜力、与舞池间弹性的对话,都向世界展现着其未被当下同质化的声响。LOKA 热衷于将历史记忆融入创作,以多维视角讲述加勒比传统打击乐与当代声响的和谐碰撞。

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB
7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

Disarming dance floors with a magnetic fierceness, New York City artist and DJ Yesenia Rojas aka LOKA harnesses a confrontational approach to sound that is intuitive as it is experimental. The Miami native flirts with a versatile lineage of club and migrant percussions embodying borderless potential. CDJs function as instruments under her deft hand, defiantly blurring the edges of genre with an emphasis on eclectic rave selections, unconventional techno offerings, and a homegrown mastery of electro and bass. Expect total immersion and surrender.

Features and mixes include Dazed Digital, i-D magazine, FACT magazine, Complex, Resident Advisor, NTS, Rinse, and DJ MAG. Rojas has also released original music on DJ Stingray 313’s Micron Audio label with an EP for Tresor in the works, as well as activated spaces and performed at MoMA PS1, Sonic Acts Amsterdam, ICA Miami, III Points, Boiler Room Festival (NYC, BOS), Club Terminal, Art Basel, and Frieze. Together with MORENXXX, the duo produce the seductive raver series, SLIP, and perform together as SIRENS. LOKA also plays live with Tati Au Miel in their band, Formations For Eternity.

↓ scroll down to read more

为 Dazed Digital, i-D magazine, FACT magazine, Complex, Resident Advisor, NTS, Rinse, and DJ MAG 等知名媒体录制混音之余,LOKA 的足迹更跨越从 MoMA PS1, Sonic Acts Amsterdam, ICA Miami, III Points, Boiler Room Festival (NYC, BOS), Club Terminal, Art Basel 到 Frieze 在内的各个音乐节、俱乐部及艺术博览会。

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

作为一名黑人女性,我始终思考着如何在忍受一切的同时不失声,保持专注、坚强和清晰的意图。所以我偏爱从部落节奏与加勒比打击乐中汲取灵感,我想让它成为一种击鼓马拉松,就好像我奔跑了很长时间,但从未对前进感到疲倦或畏惧。” LOKA 曾在 Noisey 的采访中解释道她创作背后的意图。除了探讨过往历史中殖民者带来的文化创伤,将去殖民化融入创作,LOKA 还是迈阿密女权主义团体、非营利组织 (F)empower 的一员,并为其每月一次的派对系列 Masisi 演出。

在 DJ Stingray 313 的厂牌 Micron Audio 及 Tresor 发行作品、为电影及影视项目制作音效设计与配乐,LOKA 同样以制作人的身份活跃于各个平台,不断推进其声音实验。2023年,LOKA 与芝加哥音乐人 MORENXXX 合作推出音乐项目 SIRENS,并在 Bossa Nova Civic Club 举办全新派对系列 S.L.I.P。本周六,LOKA 不仅将为舞池带来如今布鲁克林舞池最火热的选曲,还有 Afro, Latin 及来自加勒比海岸的节律呈现历史记忆与声音艺术的野性交汇。


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)


当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证。谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB

7.27 周六 • LOKA - 野性加勒比-上海POTENT CLUB


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