10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

Fuse 自1994年开业以来一直都处于布鲁塞尔电子乐场景的中心,不仅在最初几年邀请到 Carl Craig、Richie Hawtin、Aphex Twin、Daft Punk、Björk、Robert Hood 等先锋音乐人,随后更将俱乐部体验延伸至音乐制作领域,创立厂牌 Fuse Imprint 同时发行数字与黑胶作品。而作为 Fuse 常驻及 Fuse Imprint 的联合策划人,Altinbas 已然成为布鲁塞尔最具影响力的音乐人之一。

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB
10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

Ahmet Altinbas is a Turkish/Belgian force to be reckoned with. Fuse resident and Fuse Imprint label co-curator he is quickly emerging from the ever so interesting and fast developing Brussels’ scene.

Honing his skills for years, he is renowned for his craftmanship both as a DJ and a producer. Altinbas has released on acclaimed labels like Token Records, SK11 and Non Series proof of his high quality musical output and authentic producing style. Always layered with researched and sculpted sound design on top of impactful and toxic grooves, Ahmet has made his productions unescapable from the dancefloors. 

On his own label Observer Station, home to his own creations, Altinbas is opening and exploring ways to release and share his passion for the multifaceted emotions of what connects him to music without any external constraints and keep exploring new grounds, soothing his musical curiosity without letting go of the more traditional function of dance music.

As a DJ, Altinbas has his own way of creating true journeys through carefully selecting cuts and layering them in a captivating manner, mixing compelling elements of each track on the decks to build new dynamics between them, forming a high energy experience with an ever-present underlying story telling by building different emotional phases. His podcasts on Hate, SlamRadio, Reclaim Your City and Monument are a true reflexion of this. Having played at in many cities across Europe like in Berlin, Amsterdam, Portugal, Milano and much more, as well as touring with the Token label nights, the Fuse resident also curates his own parties at the Belgium legendary institution. 

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10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

Altinbas 与好友在 Fuse 发起的派对之夜 Metropolis 则致力于为音乐人提供一个自由实验的舞台,“从前我的制作和混音主要围绕 Techno 展开,随着 Metropolis 派对的诞生,我开始探索让我感兴趣的不同风格,像是 Downtempo, uptempo, electro, IDM, dnb,但我仍然能从中听到它们与 techno 本质上的相似之处,循环的鼓点,富有感染力的律动以及它试图传递的特殊情感——一种更为深沉与阴郁的美学,让你无法舍弃。”Altinbas 曾在采访中说道。

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB
10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

Altinbas 在 2015 年发行首张唱片后,其高品质的创作受到 Token Records、SK11 和 Non Series 等厂牌的青睐,使他迅速成为欧洲 Techno 领域最多产的制作人之一。2022年,Altinbas 创立个人厂牌 Observer Station 探索全新音乐领域,聚焦更为平静与内省的旋律。作为 DJ,Altinbas 在参与 Token 厂牌之夜的巡演之余,亦前往柏林、阿姆斯特丹、葡萄牙、米兰等数个城市演出,其混音则出现在 Hate、SlamRadio、Reclaim Your City 和 Monument 等播客系列。本周五,Altinbas 将来到 TENT 带来其用情感雕刻而成的高能量舞池。

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)


当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证,谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB

10.25 周五 • Altinbas - 颅内漫游-上海POTENT CLUB


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