周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


11月29日,在DADA北京,我们邀请您一起感受这种连接,迎接无与伦比的 Stelios Vassiloudis 的到来。怀揣着对电子音乐的同样热情,我们在音乐中找到共鸣——一个共同的脉搏、一段声波之旅,以及一个充满深沉、沉浸式律动的夜晚,承诺让身心为之律动。


Unity comes in many shapes and forms, but in music, it transcends boundaries, it creates a collective rhythm that pulls us ecstaticly together on the dancefloor. 

On November 29, at DADA BEIJING, we invite you to experience this connection as we welcome the unparalleled Stelios Vassiloudis to the helm. Driven by the same passion for electronic sounds, we find union in music—a shared pulse, a sonic journey, and a night of deep, immersive grooves that promise to move both body and soul.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar



Nigls [葡萄牙 Portugal]

Leo Furioso [意大利 Italy]


[Techno - House]


 晚11点前 Before 11pm: 60 rmb

晚11点后 After 11pm: 80 rmb

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Stelios Vassiloudis 是一位多才多艺的作曲家、制作人和 DJ,来自希腊雅典。自 2000 年代初开始活跃于电子音乐领域,他打造了属于自己的独特声音——通过复杂的音景、精妙的和声和催眠的节奏,传递着情感叙事,超越了舞池的界限。


Stelios 经过专业的古典音乐训练,拥有声学工程学士学位和作曲及编曲硕士学位。他通过全球巡演的方式在电子音乐界闯出了一条自己的道路,作为 DJ 和现场表演者,他曾在全球顶级场地演出——从贝鲁特的私密地下场所到迈阿密的音乐节,从东京的夜场到越南的海滩,从伊比萨的超大型俱乐部到世界各地的舞台,足迹遍布全球。


Stelios Vassiloudis is a multifaceted composer, producer and DJ, originally hailing from Athens, Greece. Active in the electronic music since the early 2000s, he has cultivated a sound of his own - one that reflects his rich and diverse musical background, transcending the dance floor via an emotional narrative of complex soundscapes, intricate harmonies and hypnotic rhythms. Classically trained, with a Bachelor’s degree in acoustical engineering and a Master’s degree in composition and arrangement, Stelios carved his path in electronic music by traversing the globe as a DJ and live performer, performing at premier venues the world over - intimate underground spots in Beirut, festivals in Miami, afterhours haunts in Tokyo, beaches in Vietnam and mega clubs in Ibiza.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

他的制作才华和备受追捧的作品巩固了他作为一位多才多艺且备受赞誉的艺术家的声誉。他在音乐领域建立了令人敬畏的唱片目录,包括在标志性厂牌如 Bedrock、Rawax、Ovum、Rejected、Poker Flat、Constant Sound、Mobilee、Anjuna Reflections 和 Balance 等发行的专辑、EP 和混音作品。

作为一个不惧尝试的艺术家,他令人印象深刻的音乐作品集合展现了来自舞曲音乐光谱各个领域的丰富灵感。他精湛的技术知识和广博的音乐词汇使他能够经常在不同的音乐类型之间游走,无论是狂野的巅峰时刻的 Techno、氛围感十足的 Ambient,还是细腻的 Lofi 节拍,甚至是充满未来感的 Drum n Bass,都能驾轻就熟。


His studio prowess and coveted productions have cemented his reputation as a versatile and acclaimed artist, as he has developed a formidable discography of LPs, EPs and remixes on iconic labels such as Bedrock, Rawax, Ovum, Rejected, Poker Flat, Constant Sound, Mobilee, Anjuna Reflections and Balance, among many others.

Not one to shy away from experimentation, the talent’s impressive back catalogue features a flush tapestry of influences from across the dance music spectrum. His impeccable technical knowledge and expansive musical lexicon allow him to make regular forays into disparate genres from raw peaktime techno to atmospheric ambient and from delicate lofi beats to futuristic drum n bass.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

最近,Stelios 搬到了东南亚,彻底融入了该地区蓬勃发展的音乐场景。他成为了从孟买到首尔、北京到巴厘岛以及两地之间各个城市音乐活动中的常驻嘉宾。

他对这一事业的热情在他最近的合作项目中得到了最好的体现——与香港传奇 DJ 兼 OMA 音乐总监 Anthony Cheung(又名 Anthony2)共同策划。他们共同运营并表演了“Dafbau”——一个东西方融合的双月派对概念,深深植根于充满活力的香港地下音乐场景,展示了两人在延时深夜舞池狂欢中无与伦比的才能。

Stelios 对音乐的强烈热情和追求进步的动力,是他保持灵感和与时俱进的源泉。这些品质无疑保证了他继续作为一位高水准艺术家的声誉。


Recently relocating to SE Asia, Stelios has truly become immersed in the region’s flourishing scene - becoming a regular fixture on the circuit from Mumbai to Seoul, Beijing to Bali and all points between. His passion for this endeavour is best exemplified though his latest endeavour alongside iconic Hong Kong DJ and OMA music director Anthony Cheung (aka Anthony2). 

Together, they curate, run and perform “Dafbau” - an eclectic, east meets west bimonthly party concept, firmly rooted in the vibrant HK underground and showcasing the duo’s unparalleled aptitude for extended, late-night dance floor madness.

Stelios’ intense passion and drive for progression in music serves as the fuel that keeps him inspired and relevant; qualities that no doubt ensure his continued reputation as a high calibre artist.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

NIGLS,出生于澳门的葡萄牙艺术家,迄今已有10余年电子 音乐场景经验。2012年他移居北京,从那时起就成为北京地 下电子音乐的中心力量。

Nigls的音乐旅程发迹于北京京地下电子音乐重要根据地 Lantern Club灯笼俱乐部的邀约,在这里找到了属于自己的 音乐发展之路,通过探索不同电子音乐领域,带领着众多电 子音乐爱好者创造了无数美好的夜晚。

时至今日,Nigls仍活跃在电子音乐底下舞台及锐舞派对,狂 热的舞池经历让他能够很好的理电子音乐美学,并将其融入 于自己的DJ set。他喜欢将不同的音乐风格融合并延伸,让 这些音符迸发碰撞出无限可能性。

拥有强大的House和Techno基础,Nigls喜欢探索宏大的音景 和 它 们 的 变 体 : Deep, Dub, Minimal, Acid, Electro, Breakbeat。

2018年,他创立了FORMA系列,这活动厂牌专注于House和 Techno音乐的极简主义边缘,同时探索声音和艺术之间的共 生关联


Originating from Macau, Portuguese artist Nigls has been blending tracks for over a decade. Relocating to Beijing in 2012, he established himself as a local figure in the underground electronic music scene.

By becoming a mainstay in the line-ups of the acclaimed underground institution - Lantern Club, he found the space to go deeper in refining his taste by exploring diverse electronic music territories and implementing it on the dancefloor.

Nigls likes a playful blend of styles and approaches the mix with this perception, stretching between genres in longer sets, while time is key to creating a journey with diverse landscapes. As an avid dancefloor frontliner, it allowed him to have a wide understanding of its aesthetics, interiorizing those experiences to reflect them on his own DJ sets.

With strong House and Techno foundations, Nigls likes to explore vast soundscapes and their variants: Deep, Dub, Minimal, Acid, Electro, Breakbeat.

In 2018 he founded the FORMA series, this event label focuses on a more minimalist edge of House and Techno music while exploring the symbiosis between sound and art.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


作为DJ、平面设计师、动画师、摄影师,Leo Furioso 备受本地人和外国人的喜爱,因为他为首都带来了独特的House和Disco音乐风格。他的音乐可以被描述为在柏林发明的迪斯科音乐、巴黎的底特律Techno以及北京的Paradise Garage的反乌托邦结果。


在全球各地旋转唱片十年后,与一些最负盛名的国际艺术家(如Underground Residence、Nachtbraker、Max Graef、Fouk、Dirty Channels、Errorsmith、Superman Lovers、Riva Starr、The Kolors)和欧洲集体(如Take It Easy、Pittaya Soundsystem、Apparel Wax、Radio Raheem、Fresch.In Festival)合作,这股无穷的能量和舞曲风格于2019年来到了中国。不到一年的时间,他创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部 BBB Bar,并担任艺术总监和驻场DJ。除了BBB Bar,Leo Furioso 还创办了音乐品牌 PORCO DISCO,经纪公司 BABY BOOM BOOKING,并担任Slowmotion派对 ITALIAN DANCE WAVE 的驻场DJ。至今,他仍是首都最活跃的DJ之一。


多年来,Leo Furioso 与欧洲和美洲俱乐部音乐圈中一些最优秀的成员和音乐厂牌进行了个人和专业的合作,他独享未发布音乐资源,让他始终站在潮流的前沿,塑造自己的音乐风格。


这位无穷能量和律动感的音乐家于2019年来到中国。不到一年时间,他就创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部BBB Bar,并担任该俱乐部的艺术总监、推广人和驻场DJ。‍




From a video game console to a DJ console, Leo Furioso needs very little introduction when it comes to the nightlife and club scenes of Beijing and China. 


DJ, graphic designer, animator, cinematographer, this polyhedron is loved by locals and foreigners alike for bringing a unique shade of House and Disco Music to the capital. His sets can be described as the dystopian result of Disco Music being invented in Berlin, Detroit Techno in Paris, and Paradise Garage in Beijing.


After a decade spinning records around the world, with some of the most prestigious international underground electronic artists (Underground Residence, Nachtbraker, Max Graef, Fouk, Dirty Channels, Errorsmith, Superman Lovers, Riva Starr, The Kolors) and European collectives (Take It Easy, Pittaya Soundsystem, Apparel Wax, Radio Raheem, Fresch.In Festival). This boundless source of energy and groove landed in China in 2019. In less than a year, he founded the highly praised hutong club BBB Bar, where he served as Art Director and resident DJ. Alongside BBB, Leo Furioso founded the music format PORCO DISCO, the agency BABY BOOM BOOKING, he is resident DJ for Slowmotion’s party ITALIAN DANCE WAVE and he is now launching his music label/collective QINA RECORDS. He is to this day one of the most active spinners in the capital.


Thanks to a decade of personal and professional work with some of the finest members and music labels of the club scene in Europe and the Americas, Leo Furioso has exclusive access to unreleased material, allowing him to stay constantly ahead of trends and set his own.

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

周五11月29日 - Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊] 沉浸律动 @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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