12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

十几岁离家前往伦敦的 Heidi Lawden 一踏入这座城市便深入其繁荣的俱乐部之景,在 90 年代 Ministry of Sound 的鼎盛时期,Heidi Lawden 加入该厂牌,以 DJ, promoter 及 booker 的身份开启音乐生涯,也因此结识 Larry Levan 和 Masters at Work 等传奇音乐人,并成为 DJ Harvey 尔后长达三十年的经纪人,而这一切也仅是她精彩生涯的序幕。

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB
12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

The best parties, 

not ALL the parties.

— Heidi Lawden

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

Heidi Lawden is a DJ, producer and occasional vocalist. She hosts a monthly show Magic Roundabout on LA's dublab.com and occasionally flees her LA base to DJ globally 'The best parties, not ALL the parties'

Heidi Lawden was inspired by London's club and rave scene as a teen and has worked in the world of dance music ever since, a life not a living. Now based in L.A, she DJs at the worlds finest clubs, undergrounds and festivals, fluidly combining House, Techno and synth-laden Disco oddities to create a world of her own, Heidi has gained the respect and admiration of her peers through her knowledge, style, and infectious excitement for elevating dance music and it's global community. A true crossover DJ traversing gay and straight parties, she invariably promotes fellow female and gender fluid artists through both her party bookings and radio show. When it comes to her DJ sets, she's 'not a planner' and likes to move with the crowd feeding off their energy on any given night. Heidi excels with lengthy sets that truck through into the morning and relishes the opportunity for an open to close all nighter. Panorama Bar, Kaiku, Night Tales, Wildwood, Horsemeat Disco, Coachella, Love International, Skyline, Sunset Campout, Glastonbury, Kala festival, Pikes, Daytrip, Beat Hotel, Cocktail De Amore, Glitterbox, Bears In Space, EDC, iiiPoints, Hï Ibiza are among the clubs, festivals and parties on her DJ schedule as well as being a partner in the Take It Outside party series in LA.Heidi collaborates with the ESP Institute & DJ Harvey by day. A private, homebody between tours and gigs she's somewhat media shy preferring to let her gig's, music, parties and occasional socials posts do the talking. Heidi knows more than she shows, is open and generous with her time and advice to burgeoning talent, she has been and remains a key figure in the fore and background of the global scene.

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12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

00年初,Heidi Lawden 跨过大西洋,她融合了 Techno、House、Disco 的出色混音得以在洛杉矶初露锋芒,“舞曲给予了我所能想象到的最好的生活。”在 DJ Mag 的采访中,Heidi Lawden 曾这样说道。在移居加州过着梦想生活,并逐日成为当地最瞩目的 DJ 的同时,Heidi Lawden 亦不断通过派对与广播助力当代女性及性别流行艺术家登上更广阔的舞台。

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB
12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

长达三十余年的音乐长征中,Heidi Lawden 从未停下脚步,Panorama Bar, Kaiku, Night Tales, Wildwood, Horsemeat Disco, Coachella, Love International, Skyline, Sunset Campout, Glastonbury, Kala festival, Pikes, Daytrip, Beat Hotel, Cocktail De Amore, Glitterbox, Bears In Space, EDC, iiiPoints, Hï Ibiza,你能在这些世界上最杰出的派对、俱乐部与音乐节中看到她的身影。无论台前还是幕后,Heidi Lawden 的真实、谦逊与坚韧的精神正使她成为该场景中的关键人物,本周六,Heidi Lawden 将来到 TENT 的舞池带来标志性的跨界音景。

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)

🎫 购票即可免费领取酒券一张

当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证,谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB

12.7 周六 • Heidi Lawden - 洛城飞花-上海POTENT CLUB


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