12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

作为如今柏林最值得期待的新星,Salty DJ 自首次演出以来一直专注于黑胶现场,从古早 techno,90年代 trance 到 jungle、footwork,他恰到好处的选曲总能引领听众进入一场跨流派之旅。Salty DJ 亦是德国厂牌及黑胶派对系列 Shockwerk 的常驻成员之一,该社群基于彼此对黑胶的热爱而成立,并致力于从线上与线下两种渠道将志同道合的人群聚集在一起。

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB
12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

Salty DJ is one of Berlin’s artists to keep an eye on thanks to his skill of playing vinyl only and the careful selection of records which ranges from first-generation techno to early / late 90s trance.

As a resident DJ of the Shockwerk collective, which became popular for throwing parties in South Germany, he always adapts to his environment by selecting music that reflects the energy on the dancefloor and takes the crowd through a journey of different genres.

Well-known for his attention to detail, he also utilizes his wide genre knowledge to deliver emotive and technically impressive sets.

One of the key moments in his career occurred when he played for the Kulør label night at Berghain in 2022 followed by further milestones like gigs at Weltspiele and Tresor, underground raves in Venice, and playing for Berlin’s notorious queer party Mala Junta.

Salty DJ’s love for music shines through in every performance. His signature sound, impeccable mixing skills, and a strong affiliation to the early generations of techno have set him on a promising path.

↓ scroll down to read more

2022年,Salty DJ 加入哥本哈根艺术家 Courtesy 的厂牌 Kulør 的演出阵容,首次登上 Berghain 迈出其精彩生涯里程碑式的一步。随后他的标志性声音不仅出现在 Weltspiele,Tresor,RSO 等俱乐部,你亦能在 NTS Radio, Bassiani Podcast 听到他的杰出混音。本周五,这位柏林黑胶匠人将来到 TENT 的舞池,带来90年代的锐舞记忆。

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB
12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)


/ 当晚全时段购票可领取免费酒劵一张

/ 23:30 前购票可在前台额外领取 shot 一杯

/ POTENT 粉丝群成员到店可享特别福利

/ 当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书即可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证,谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB

12.27 周五 • 可盐可甜,柏林黑胶匠人 Salty DJ-上海POTENT CLUB


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