周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar




Will A 回归啦!带着他在曼彻斯特的超火派对Rhythmwerx,Will A将在2025年第一周末为你带来最燃的开场!

在DADA上海做了7年“Minimalist”派对的Will A,这次是五年来首次回到中国!他还邀请了House与黑胶狂热爱好者Special K一同登台。两人早在URVC偶遇,聊了个通宵关于黑胶和House音乐,8年深厚友谊却一直没在俱乐部一起玩过DJ,今晚终于要一起上阵了!肯定会有一场超炸的House B2B!带你high够!

Will A returns to Beijing bringing his usually Manchester based Rhythmwerx party to give the 1st weekend in January a kick start! Since running his 'Minimalist' party series at Dada Shanghai for over 7 years with occasional events in Beijing too this is the first time in 5 years back in China for Will and he invites special guest House & Vinyl enthusiast Special K to join him behind the decks. 

Will & Special K met by chance one evening in URVC and after a lengthy discussion on all topics spanning vinyl and house music there was a new friendship made, after a friendship of over 8 years they’ve never actually managed to share the decks in a club and so tonight is the night! There's a good chance there will be a very housey b2b!

Make sure to get your 2025 started with a bang and get down for a night of quality House, Acid, Breaks & Techno at Dada Beijng this Friday 3rd January.'


1月3日 星期五

January 3, Friday


WILL A  [Pfeiffer Records, UK 英国] 





11点前/Before 11pm: 30 rmb

11点后/After 11pm: 60 rmb

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Will A 是英国 Rhythmwerx 派对厂牌老板,同时是一位专注于 House、Techno 和 Acid House 音乐的DJ。

他曾是上Dada Shanhgai长达7年的驻场艺人;离开上海后他搬到了日本,在大阪的三年多时间里,他与 DJ Nobu、DJ Masda 及 Soichi Terada 等一起作为 Circus Osaka俱乐部的驻场艺人演出。

House, Techno and Acid House DJ and head promoter of Rhythmwerx parties and multi city events. Previous resident DJ at Dada Shanghai for 7 years then Circus Osaka for 3. Now based back in the UK running the Rhythmwerx parties at various clubs, bars and venues.

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Will 从15岁起就开始收集和播放黑胶唱片,多年来热衷于搜寻稀有唱片。他从黑胶唱片中汲取灵感,将 Deeper Chicago House 与英式风格的 Garage、Breaks、Techno 和 Acid House 唱片融合在一起,创造出他独特的声音和风格。

他在曼彻斯特大学期间开始正式成为一名专业 DJ,这座城市以其令人敬畏的俱乐部和音乐文化而闻名,这对他产生了巨大的影响。早年间的他被 Brother's Records 唱片公司的老板选中,成为曼彻斯特最具前瞻性的 Techno 之夜 Belly of the Beast 的常驻 DJ。这使他有机会与一些著名DJ一起表演,如 Mark Broom,、DVS One、Marc Houle 和 Jerome Sydenham 等。 

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Will A started Djing whilst attending University in Manchester where the city, notorious for its formidable club and music culture, had a huge impact on him.

Will A started Djing whilst attending University in Manchester where the city, notorious for its formidable club and music culture, had a huge impact on him. After initially playing lengthy after hours sessions and house parties Will was picked up by now Brother's records label owners and made resident of a forward thinking Techno night Belly of the Beast in Manchester. This gave him the chance to play alongside well respected DJ's in the city and from further afield. The night booked international DJ's such as Mark Broom, DVS One, Marc Houle, Jerome Sydenham and many more. 

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Will 在大学毕业后来到上海,举办派对和演出,与 Roy Davies Jr、San Soda、Curses、Addison Groove、Jozef K、A Guy Called Gerald、Wallace 等知名音乐人同台。他最受欢迎的派对系列“Minimalist”每月在 Dada 举办; 多次草莓音乐节和 MIDI音乐节演出外,Will 还多次登台英国 Gottwood 音乐节,与 Mathew Johnson、Mr.G 等著名音乐人同台。

几年前他回到英国,带着他的 Rhythmwerx 系列派对足迹遍及英国各地,更在曼彻斯特传奇唱片公司Eastern Bloc Records 定期举办活动。

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Minimalist 活动旧照 Old memories

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Will made the move over to Asia after finishing university where he continued DJing and ran successful parties every weekend in Shanghai, playing alongside some of the biggest names to come through the city such as Roy Davies Jr, San Soda, Curses, Addison Groove, Jozef K, A Guy Called Gerald, Wallace and many more. His ever popular night 'Minimalist' ran monthly at DADA where he played extended sets exploring all corners of House, Techno and Acid house. As well as playing at the cities festivals Strawberry and MIDI festival several times, as well as Gottwood festival in the UK sharing the stage with Mathew Johnson & Mr. G amongst others.

Now based back in the UK running the Rhythmwerx parties at various clubs, bars and venues. With regular events at legendary Eastern Bloc Records Manchester for whom he recently did a guest mix for.





周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Special K 是一位来自英国伦敦并在北京发展的DJ,自1993年开始收集和表演充满灵魂的美国house & garage音乐。

作为一名DJ,他的主要影响来自于90年代纽约和新泽西的garage sound。近30年过去了,他仍忠于自己的音乐根基。在Louie Vega, Kerri Chandler, Frankie Knuckles, Joe Claussell和Tony Humphries等艺术大师的启发下,Special K继续维持音乐的高水准,抓住了house音乐的黄金时代。

多年来,Special K在许多著名的场所都带来表演,如伦敦传奇的Ministry of Sound和具有开创性的Garage City,后者将美国Garage Sound跨越大西洋带到英国。

在北京,Special K 继续引领音乐潮流,并曾在Migas的著名派对Detroit Series驻场,许多极具影响力的美国House DJ都曾在这里演出,包括Timmy Regisford, Roland Clark和Chez Damier。作为一个音乐纯粹主义者,他将继续通过他广泛收集的黑胶唱片提供经典的house & garage音乐。

Special K is a Beijing based DJ from London, UK - collecting and spinning deep and soulful US house & garage vibes since 1993.

His main influences as a DJ stem from the 90’s New York and New Jersey US garage sound and almost 30 years on, he continues to stay true to his musical roots. Inspired by artists such as Louie Vega, Kerri Chandler, Frankie Knuckles, Joe Claussell and Tony Humphries to name but a few, Special K continues to stay true to his sound which captures the golden age of house music.

Over the years, he has played such renowned venues as the legendary Ministry of Sound in London and the seminal night Garage City which brought the US garage sound transatlantic to the UK.

In Beijing, he continues to play out occasionally and was resident at the Detroit Series @ Migas, a night that brought a selection of highly influential US house DJ’s to Beijing including Timmy Regisford, Roland Clark and Chez Damier. As a house music purist, he continues to serve up classic house and garage sounds via his extensive collection of vinyl.


See u on


周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


Winter Best Deal

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

周五1月3日 - RHYTHMWERX pres. WILL A (UK) & SPECIAL K (UK) @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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