2月28日 星期五
February 28, Friday
Bandulu [France 法国]
DJ X [France 法国]
Eeka [UK 英国]
酒仙桥 Gangstarr
Yao Ling 姚灵 (VJ)
Drum and Bass
Jungle, UK Bass, Dubstep
22:30点前/Before 22:30: free 免票
22:30点后/After 22:30: 60 rmb
For this edition a VJ join the team Yao Ling (data_yao) 本次特邀VJ艺术家:姚灵
作为 Banlife 项目的联合创始人,她是一位活跃于当代艺术领域的跨学科艺术家,创作涵盖装置、影像、绘画及多媒体艺术。她的作品探讨时间、空间与记忆的交汇,以及科技与自然之间的对话。她的艺术实践曾在全球多个知名艺术机构和艺术节展出,包括苏格兰皇家学院、西湖公共艺术项目、阿那亚艺术季、中德青年艺术家联合展览、米兰当代艺术博览会等。她的艺术融合个人经验与文化象征,呈现出深具哲思的视觉语言,挑战并重塑人们的感知方式。
Yao Ling (data_yao) – Originating from Guizhou, is a digital artist with a diverse range of talents—she can sing, dance, play drums, and handle spicy food with ease. But what she truly excels at is bending photons to her will. Whether through the laser of a projector, the pixels of a screen, or the glow of RGB tubes, shapes ambiences and sculpts visuals with a distinctive artistic language. Co-founder of the Banlife project, she is a contemporary interdisciplinary artist engaged in installation, video, painting, and multimedia art. Her work explores the intersection of time, space, and memory, as well as the dialogue between technology and nature. She has exhibited in renowned art institutions and festivals worldwide, including the Royal Scottish Academy, West Lake Public Art Program, Aranya Plein Air, the Sino-German Young Artists Development Fund Joint Exhibition, and the Milan Contemporary Art Expo. Blending personal experience with cultural symbolism, she presents a deeply philosophical visual language that challenges and redefines perception.
来自法国里昂的 Bandulu 深受该市电子音乐地下文化的熏陶,十多年来不断塑造自己的独特声音。作为 Altered Life 团队的创始成员,他在 2008 年左右积极组织电子音乐活动,推动了里昂的电子音乐场景发展。随后,他踏上旅程,在中国度过了 15 年的音乐生涯。
Bandulu 的音乐风格跨越多个领域,他巧妙地融合了 雷鬼(reggae)、鼓打贝斯(drum and bass)和 raggatek,用震撼的低音和充满活力的节奏点燃舞池。此外,在躁动的音乐之外,他还沉浸于 氛围音乐(ambient) 的创作,将其作为内心的避风港,在沉静的音景中寻求平衡。无论是掌控 DJ 台,还是雕琢氛围音景,Bandulu 的音乐始终是一场穿越文化、情绪与节奏的旅程。
Hailing from Lyon, France, Bandulu is deeply influenced by the city's underground electronic music culture, having spent over a decade crafting his unique sound. As a founding member of the Altered Life collective, he actively organized electronic music events around 2008, helping to shape and propel Lyon's electronic music scene. Later, he embarked on a journey that led him to a 15-year musical career in China.
Bandulu's music spans multiple genres, skillfully blending reggae, drum and bass, and raggatek to ignite dance floors with thunderous basslines and dynamic rhythms. Beyond his high-energy sets, he also delves into ambient music, creating serene soundscapes that serve as a refuge for introspection and balance.
Whether commanding the DJ booth or sculpting ambient soundscapes, Bandulu's music is always a journey through cultures, emotions, and rhythms.
DJ X的DJ生涯起始于巴黎,在Follies pigale、Le Bateau-Phare、Moulin rouge 及著名club La Locomotive 崭露头角。2000年初,他在亚洲展开了新的旅程,并在泰国帕岸岛的 Orchid Club 担任了2年的常驻DJ。之后在中国的 Suzy Wong 和 Club 9 担任 DJ。之后他回到了音乐制作人和live performance的身份,直至今日。
DJ X Started playing in Paris Clubs such as Follies pigale, 「Le Bateau-Phare」 and a well know clubs 「La Locomotive」 next to the 「Moulin rouge」. Then continue is journey in Asia early 2000 and played as a Resident DJ at the 「Orchid Club」 in Koh Phangan -Thailand for about 2 years (= about 24 Full Moon Parties). Played in China as well, back in the days at 「Suzy Wong」 and 「Cloud 9」 two clubs that now only exist in the memories ! Then came back to Music Production and live performance for a while until this year
EEKA这哥们儿,是个完全投入、对丛林音乐充满热情的英国DJ。他的音乐风格强调重拍、技术感强、还带点黑暗的丛林和鼓打贝斯。跟许多英国小伙伴一样,Eeka从英国地下文化那儿受到了不少影响。他小的时候,就特别迷The Prodigy的早期专辑,像是《The Music for the Jiltered Generation》和《The Fat of the Land》。海盗电台和地下派对之类的经典玩意儿也对他影响挺大,让他找到了自己真正热衷的丛林和鼓打贝斯灵感,像Breakage、Cause4Concern、Shy FX这些和相关的厂牌。EEKA保证能让追求刺激的人满意,他的音乐集合了丛林、老派、深沉滚动和重拍、Neurofunk、jump-up和liquid风格。他认为鼓打贝斯是最多元化的电子音乐类型,创造复杂声景的可能性无穷无尽。他就是那种高频、黑暗、迷幻震动的来源,能让你完全沉浸在音乐里,背后支撑的是无情的贝斯线和恶魔般的双重下落。
Eeka is a fully immersed, passionate junglist and DJ from England. His core taste is represented by the heavy, techy and dark side of jungle and drum and bass. Like any British youngster, Eeka absorbed heavy influences from the UK underground. As a wee lad, he completely rinsed early The Prodigy albums “The Music for the Jiltered Generation” and “The Fat of the Land”. Classic mediums such as Pirate FM and underground raves further influenced him, introducing him to his undeniable core jungle and DnB inspirations; Breakage, Cause4Concern, Shy FX and related labels.
Eeka promises to satisfy adrenaline junkies, with sets consisting of jungle, old school, deep rollers and bangers, Neurofunk, jump-up and liquid. He believes that drum and bass is the most diverse electronic music genre, which has no limits to the intricate soundscapes it can create. He is a source of high-frequency, dark and psychedelic vibrations that beckon you to lose yourself in the music, underpinned by relentless basslines and demonic double-drops.
北京digger/producer/promoter/唱盘主义DJ北京地下音乐空间Clash主理人北京活动厂牌《挑衅》主理人 国际音乐人组织TEO,黑人音乐系列派对GrooveNation主创成员主理旗下活动:Forbidden System/北京根源雷鬼活动B-Town Babylon/RootsVibration从掉入90sHipHop的大坑开始音乐旅程。
深掘到Soul/funk/jazz/blues/reggae/spiritual等根源音乐。2015年,以CrimeMasterG的名义开启HipHopDJ生涯。常年痴迷70年代音乐,标志性Samuel Jackson采样的producertag令人印象深刻。
北京Bass DJ,喜欢用电子乐表达情绪,从北美留学归来的她深受Bass文化与D&B、UK bass,dub reggae 等音乐场景影响,常年活跃于北京多个地下音乐厂牌与活动,2024年正式以一名BassDJ的身份加The Eye Organization组织的Badness Party。
Beijing bass DJ, who enjoys expressing emotions through electronic music, was deeply influenced by bass culture and genres such as D&B, UK bass, and dub reggae during her studies in North America. She has been active in various underground music labels and events in Beijing for years and will officially join The Eye Organization's Badness Party as a bass DJ in 2024.
B1, Block A (North Gate)
Ritan International Trade Center
Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District