给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐


Monkey Museum品牌为韩国Bigbang团员胜利自主经营的夜店品牌。在韩国时常称为话题焦点,汇聚各路明星、音乐爱好者、 粉丝们的常驻夜店。

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

2016年,韩方正式将Monkey Museum品牌授权, 并于2017年在中国长沙开设第一家海外分店。开业至今,已经邀请了Swanky Tunes等众多国内外知名DJ做客,并将在之后不断邀请最棒的国际DJ加入!

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

本月24号,Monkey Museum又将迎来一名重量级的百大DJ VINAI。VINAI是来自意大利的DJ电子音乐双人组合。所以进入百大DJ排行,并在去年百大评选排名37。

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

而这一次,Monkey Museum也将向广大的DJ朋友们伸出了橄榄枝,Monkey Museum将要评选出一名优胜DJ,作为VINAI当天演出的Support DJ之一。

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐


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给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐


作品投递截至时间:2月18日 23:00


长沙Monkey Museum Club音乐团队,将从符合标准的作品当中,挑选出一名最喜爱的DJ作品,并于本月20号,公布获奖DJ人选!

获奖DJ将得到与百大DJ VINAI的同台演出机会,外加3,000元的演出费用+往返机票+酒店住宿!!更有机会被club签约进行定期演出。这个是给所有怀揣着梦想的DJ朋友们的绝佳机会。

活动最终解释权归PYRO音乐与长沙Monkey Museum共同所有 

Monkey Museum - the club brand was originally started and organised by SEUNGRI from the biggest Korean pop group Bigbang. Since it opened, it has always been one of the best club in Korea. 

In 2017, Monkey Museum started his first overseas club in China as Monkey Museum Changsha. Since it opened, they have invited many superstar international DJs like Swanky Tunes etc. 

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

On February 24th, Monkey Museum going to host another TOP100 DJ: VINAI. VINAI is a DJ and producer duo from Italy. They are ranked #37 in the DJ Mag TOP100 poll in 2016. 

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

For this event, the club has decided to open an opportunity for all Chinese DJs. They will select one DJ from PYRO Music to be the supporting DJ for VINAI’s show that night. 

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

Entry Rules

1.Sign up for PYRO Music with a DJ account.

2.Upload your own mixtape, with #MonkeyVINAI in the tags section (this is very important for us to find your mixtape!!)

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

3.Share the mixtape with all your friends, get at least 50 likes.

4.The length of the mix should be 40-60 mins, in any genre. But need to fit the music to the style of the club. 

Submission Period: Now until 18th Feb 23:00. 

Winner Announcement: 20th Feb

The music team from Monkey Museum Changsha is going to pick the DJ with the best mixtape, and announce it at 20th Feb. 

The winner will be able to get a chance to share the stage with VINAI, with 3,000 RMB DJ fee. Flight and hotel will be covered as well. Additionally, the DJ may get a chance to be singed by the club as well. This is the perfect opportunity for all DJs to make their mark!



给你个机会成为百大DJ VINAI 的Support DJ!-PYRO音乐

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