Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向

Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向-PYRO音乐

Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向-PYRO音乐

我们一直都想知道Jack Ü到底怎么了,不过现在我们终于有了点消息。

We’ve been wondering what’s up with Jack Ü for a while, and now we finally have some insight… (brace yourselves).

在一个悉尼的访谈中,Diplo回答了人们关于我们是否还会听到他和Skrillex作为Jack Ü组合的作品的问题。

During a Q&A Session in Sydney, Diplo answered a question from the crowd on if we’d hear more from him and Skrillex as Jack Ü.

“有希望吧。”他说道“我现在正在做许多Major Lazer和Diplo的东西。至于Jack Ü,很复杂,因为Atlantic唱片公司。Skrillex与这个厂牌签约,这让我很难做。我很讨厌主流厂牌,所以我根本不想和这些主流厂牌一起做任何事。所以,这很难。”

“Hopefully,” he answered. “Right now I’m just doing a lot of new Major Lazer stuff and Diplo stuff. The thing with Jack Ü is complicated, because of Atlantic. Skrillex is signed to that label and it’s difficult to do anything with that. I hate major labels, so I don’t really want to do anything with major labels. So it’s hard.”

虽然这则消息很难消化,但至少我们知道发生了什么。最后我们听到,Diplo确认Jack Ü是会暂停一段时间了,此前Skrillex推文称“刚刚做了我们2016年最后一场Jack Ü演出,会很久很久没有下一场了,感谢所有来支持我们的人……。”

Although this news is hard to take, at least we know what’s going on. Last we’d heard, Diplo confirmed Jack Ü was definitely taking a break, and before that Skrillex tweeted out: “Just did [our] Last Jack Ü festivals of 2016 …and for a long long time. Thank you for all the people who came out to support us.”


自从2015年Skrillex和Diplo组成Jack Ü双人组之后,我们一直都希望听到他们更多的作品。让我们一起期待“有希望吧”这句话早晚变成现实!

Now, Diplo is saying there’s a chance…

We’ve been dying to hear more since the duo’s debut with Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack Ü in 2015. Let’s hope “hopefully” turns into reality sooner than later.

Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向-PYRO音乐

Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向-PYRO音乐




Diplo终于谈到了Jack Ü的未来的走向-PYRO音乐


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