6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-21

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten









Ferry Corsten @ MYST


大麦: https://piao.damai.cn/123979.html

微店: https://weidian.com/i/2104084488?wfr=c&ifr=itemdetail


Pre-sale Ticket:150RMB


点击“阅读原文”或以上网站搜 Ferry Corsten 抢票!

Click "Read More" at the bottom of this article, or visit one of the websites above to purchase your tickets today!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Who is Ferry Corsten

来自荷兰鹿特丹的Trance传奇制作人Ferry Corsten 是当之无愧的Trance界领军人物!身兼DJ、制作人的Ferry还主持自己的每周广播节目Corsten's Countdown!对音乐的热爱成就了他辉煌的DJ职业生涯,他的演出足迹遍布全球,并频繁出席各大国际顶尖音乐节盛事,给全世界带去了最具质感的音乐和作品,并在电子音乐界奠定了自己不可动摇的地位!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Ferry Corsten 与Tiesto、Armin Van Buuren 被誉为不可动摇的"荷兰Trance界铁三角"!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐


6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Ferry's Glory 

■国际顶尖Trance Prograssive DJ。
■名副其实的电音先锋,与Armin van Buuren、Tiësto齐名荷兰三杰。
■连续六年处于世界TOP 100 DJ 之列。
■他是Moonman,也是与 Tiesto 皇者组合的Gouryell,还有在大家心目中早成经典的名称System F,他曾化名无数,却独揽傲人百万专辑销售量。

Out of the Blue 6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Ferry化名为System F 发布的"Out Of The Blue"不仅为他开启了职业生涯的新篇章,

更成为了见证 Trance 兴起的神作!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

此后,Ferry Corsten用源源不断的高质量作品空袭各个榜单,混音工作的邀约更是纷至沓来,全球各路知名艺人争相与其合作,并取得了Trance业界的无数项行业殊荣及肯定!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐


Ferry Corsten's Stage Agai6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐
Ferry对音乐的追求与MYST忠于音乐的态度不谋而合!6月3日 ,Ferry Corsten强势回归MYST,我们再次将舞台交给他,缔造整夜激情,延续永不落的经典。

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐Hailing from Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Ferry Corsten's career is exemplified by a passion for music that began as a hobby and spiraled into a full-blown profession. Today, as it was in the beginning, Corsten' s skills lie in his ability to coax the maximum emotional impact from electronic dance music of all genres, not just trance, but also progressive-house and electro. He remains and has always been ahead-of-his-time, making music that becomes a template for others to follow.

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

From the outset, Corsten has been a prolific music maker. With seven full-length studio albums under his belt and multiple Gold records to his name with songs that include 'Punk, 'Out Of The Blue', 'Rock Your Body Rock,' and other world-class hits like 'Made Of Love' featuring Betsie Larkin, 'Hyper Love' Feat. Nat Dunn and 'Radio Crash', Ferry's output has always been plentiful and diverse. None more so is this true than with collaboration and remix work that has seen Ferry line-up alongside star names from the world of pop, rock, electronic and hip-hop in Justin Bieber, U2, Moby, Faithless, The Killers, William Orbit, Duran Duran and Public Enemy.

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐From his New World Punx project with fellow trance pioneer Markus Schulz to his FULL ON live show concept, whereby he melds different styles of dance music by playing back-to-back sets with his cherry-picked roster of DJ/producer friends and a state-of-the-art stage setup, through to his hotly anticipated new live show and tour concept 'Ferry Corsten presents Gouryella' . Ferry has continued to push and excite the world with his live and DJ show experiences. A statement that has been felt everywhere from festivals in Tomorrowland, Creamfields, Dance Valley, EDC Las Vegas, clubs such as Amnesia, Space, Ministry of Sound, Avalon, and iconic arenas like Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall, Allphones Arena in Sydney and New York City's Madison Square Garden.

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

RSVP/预订 86-21-6437 9999



RESERVATION 021 6437 9999


大麦: https://piao.damai.cn/123978.html

微店: https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=2104088512&wfr=c&ifr=itemdetail


Pre-sale Ticket:150RMB



点击“阅读原文”或以上网站搜 Vicetone 抢票!

Click "Read More" at the bottom of this article, or visit one of the websites above to purchase your tickets today!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Vicetone由Ruben和Victor 组成,是来自荷兰的电音双人组! 

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

  Vicetone Live at Ultra Miami 


6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

2012年,初试牛刀的Vicetone签于Monstercat(猫厂)同年联手Collin McLoughlin发行了第一首广受好评的原创单曲‘Heatbeat’,拿下了Beatport榜单前十。随后相继参与为Adele、Calvin Harris、Maroon 5、ZEDD等知名艺人进行混音创作!6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

2013年,出道仅一年的Vicetone就迎来了多少音乐人望而却步的首个大势之年,这年他们一口气发行了6首单曲,拿下5个HypeM 榜首成绩,多个Beatport 榜单前十,同时北美巡演连续六周门票售罄,并受邀全球各大club和音乐节演出;同年8月推出 hit track‘Tremble’更是火到几乎所有大牌都称赞不已,其中包括 Tiesto,David Guetta, Avicii 等。6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

2014年,Vicetone以一张新专辑再次开启了大势之年,专辑收录的‘Lowdown’与 ‘Ensemble’为电音圈注入了强劲活力。紧接着推出的大热新单‘Let Me Feel’迅速拿下Beatport榜单冠军,热力横扫全球。这样他们被Ultra Music Festival盯上了,力邀他们为2014 Ultra Music Festival 创作歌曲‘United We Dance’,俘获大批电音粉。

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

2015年,Ultra团队再次邀请Vicetone为了新一年的Ultra带来了‘Follow Me’!除此之外,Vicetone随后还在Ultra Records下发行了‘Angels’和‘Nothing Stopping Me’两首脍炙人口的热门单曲!

2016年四月,Vicetone配合最新一轮的巡演,终于推出了第一张创作EP‘Aurora’!除了收录了在Spinnin旗下发行的全新单曲‘Pitch Black’外,还收录了其他四首将在巡演中演出的全新创作作品!最近发行的两首作品‘Nevada’和‘Anywhere I Go’也在包括中国在内的多个国家掀起了合唱狂潮!

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

出道至今Vicetone已经推出众多首单曲,为大牌制作多首混音如 Adele, Calvin Harris, Maroon 5, Zedd等等。他们的才华有目共睹,赢得死忠粉无数。这一切只凭他们对电音单纯又忠实的热爱,音乐第一的信条。相信在不久的将来,这两个音乐才子会带给电音迷们更多无法预想的惊世重磅歌曲。

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

Vicetone are a Dutch EDM duo who known for creating cinematic instrumentals and vocal-driven club anthems. Victor Pool and Ruben den Boer, friends since childhood, began producing dance music in their tiny home studio in rural Netherlands. Their melodic, bright-eyed tracks caught the attention of dance labels such as Monstercat, which issued their debut single "Harmony" in 2012. Having already remixed hits by Adele, Maroon 5, and Calvin Harris, the duo made an easy transition to producing tracks with vocalists, starting with "Heartbeat" featuring Collin McLoughlin, which came out in 2013. Several more well-received singles followed, and Vicetone toured with Nicky Romero that summer and Australian duo Nervo in the fall. 

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

They released tracks on labels like Spinnin' Records, Revealed Records, and Ultra Records in 2014, in addition to performing at the Ultra Music Festival and TomorrowWorld Festival. The duo kept delivering club and festival anthems, and in early 2016, they contributed a track to Warsongs, a remix album of music from the popular online game League of Legends. Vicetone's debut EP, Aurora, arrived on Spinnin' Records in April of 2016. 

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐Vicetone have been a regular entrant in the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs list, entering at 60th in 2013, followed by 36th in 2014, 50th in 2015 and 81st in 2016. 

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

RSVP / 预定

021-5386 8088

ADD / 地址


5F, Building 6, South Block, Xintiandi, 123XingyeRd. Shanghai

6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐

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6/3 上海|我们用送票的方式来帮助你选择是去 FUSION— Vicetone 还是MYST —Ferry Corsten-PYRO音乐


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