当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 CognacQueen音乐:MeganTheeStallion - TinaSnow 从Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga再到近两年火遍全球Cardi B, Billie Eilish, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Grimes, Megan Thee Stallion等潮流音乐女巨星的不断崛起,如今我们早已步入坏女孩称霸天下的时代。 In the past two years, we got the popular female ICON Billie Eilish, Grimes, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat. Now we have entered the era of bad girls dominating the world. SICILIA将于6月份重磅呈现周末派对企划「HEY! BITCHYS!」,每周五晚我们将邀请国内最具代表性的Hiphop坏女孩DJ/制作人掌控舞台,召唤挣脱周中牢笼的派对动物们集合舞池,开启最疯狂的周末假期旅程! In June, Sicilia will present a brand new party session on every Friday. We will invite lots of most representative female hip hop DJs / producers in China to take control of the stage. They will summon the party animals who have escaped from the cage of the week to gather on the dance floor. Just enjoy the craziest weekend with us! 就在6月5日本周五晚,广州最火爆Hiphop夜店Inside当家花旦DJNORA,将作为SICILIA派对特别企划「HEY! BITCHYS!」首位女嘉宾打响头炮!她将向舞池源源不断输入对标国际品味的Hiphop/Afrobeats/Trap/Dancehall等,呈现最具女子力的潮流音乐现场! On This Friday night, the famous female DJ in Southern-China NORA, will be the first female guest for SICILIA special party session "HEY! BITCHYS!". She will show some international vibes to the party animals liked Hiphop / Afrobeats / Trap / Dancehall, etc. And she will bring a trendy music scene by the best female power! 「HEY! BITCHYS!」Vol.1NORA(JOINT/IMPACT) 2020.06.05 FRI. @SICILIAFREE ENTRY Afro Vibing Mix By Nora音频:进度条00:0059:05
NORA南中国最具知名度的女DJ之一硬派(广州)⽂化传播有限公司旗下签约艺⼈广州/佛山IN.SIDE CLUB当家女DJ知名潮流音乐派对品牌JOINT主理人 MOST FAMOUS FEMALE DJ IN CHINA GUANGZHOU INSIDE CLUB RESIDENT DJCO-FOUNDER OF 'JOINT' NORA从⼩受到家庭影响培养起独特的⾳乐品味,之后受Hip-Hop⽂化感染爱上节奏鲜明的⾳乐。年仅23岁的她,于2014年起在机缘巧合下开始接触Party及DJ⽂化并深深投⼊其中,随后与志同道合的好友成⽴“JOINT派对组织”,曾多次为广州的派对动物们呈现新鲜前卫的派对场景,并成为南中国最炙手可热的新生代女DJ! Nora was influenced by Hiphop music from an early age, and then became a real party animal. Because of an experience in planning activities , she become a DJ and set up 'JOINT' party organization with friends. NORA加⼊DJ⾏列近4年来⾜迹踏遍全国各地,曾在多个标志性俱乐部如NINJA/ASL/SECTOR等演出,并受多个知名潮流品牌邀请作为演出嘉宾,如W Hotels + Mixcloud呈现的FUTURE RISING、uth x Roaringwild Pop-Up Party。并于2019年负责武汉DICxBLANK先锋潮流艺术节与服装品牌 SQUADUNIDENTIFIED的秀场音乐录制等。 Nora have been invited by many legend venues liked NINJA(Shanghai), ASL(Shanghai), Hangover(Guangzhou), Sector(Shenzhen),and fashion brands liked Adidas, Roaringwild etc. during her career. 将丰富情感的Hip-Hop⾳乐与Bass⾳乐相互融合是NORA的拿⼿好戏,她擅⻓将搜罗到各有特点的旋律与节拍碰撞出奇妙的⽕花,亢奋且充满节奏感的Bass⾳乐可以令听众充分体验到⾼潮迭起的奇妙,这种奇妙更令她沉醉于为听众放送她的“秘制”DJ Set! She was strongly influenced by hip hop music, later fall in love with bass electronic music. She has a unique insights in electronic music, likes to discover the unique music and make the interesting arrangement, believe that can make the audience have a fresh feeling.