12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1
广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club 发布时间:2018-12-13 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club


about blank   对应本次邀请驻场艺人

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

    about blank is a formerly illegal, multi-room club by Ostrkeuz S-Bahnhof in Friedrichshain. It's a short walk from Salon Zur Wilde Renate, and like that club, it's a lightly renovated re-purposed building with seemingly endless nooks and crannies. There are two main dance floors inside, and in the summer DJs play out in the garden (this is open in the winter too, often witha bonfire going). 

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

    The music policy is open-ended but mostly focused on house and techno, with occasional bass or disco nights. The overall atmosphere is gritty, and the parties often go well into the following afternoon or eveni

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

柏林最暗黑夜店”://about blank派出的明星代表。://about blank虽然空间不大,但能量却从不减弱,大多数时候,音乐与派对能够直接坚持到第二天下午甚至直接到晚上。加上阴暗的环境与高质量的Techno和House音乐,每一个前来的顾客都很难找到离去的理

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Born and raised in the suburbs of Potsdam, Akmê first developed his penchant for electronic

music in the middle of the 2000s. He soon found a home and outlet for his musical exploits at

Spartacus Potsdam, a club which helped shape him both musically as well as socially. Having

organised numerous events and sampling all of the delights suburbia had to offer, he was drawn

to the bustling metropole of neighbouring Berlin. Here he quickly attained a foothold in the music

scene at ://about blank; a move which blossomed into a residency in 2014. Akmê’s sets are known

for their diversity, they are profound improvisational odysseys which explore deep planes of

emotions. Though if there is one thing they achieve above all else, it is that they will make you

move. Simply put: Techno with groove.

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club



12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club



12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Was born in SPb, Russia

Since 2001 was growing in Ukraine under influence of major Ukraine, Russian and European Electronic Artists.

Started djing in offline era.

Held the residency in different places experimenting with different genres, mostly played house based grooves. Performing with most talanted Ukraine DJs.

First techno gig took a part in 2008.

In 2007 started "Studio 21" as Amateur DJ School.

2008-2012 Sound Perfection Radio Show 

Since 2007 to 2014 took part and made number of events and parties, took part in different contests for radios and events mostly playing progressive, tech & house.

Since 2014 performing in China.

Since 2016 "Studio 21" is based in Guangzhou.

«Our Space» is new series brand parties launched by Studio 21 in 2016. Representing mostly worldwide underground music and artists!

2017 Studio 21 started to work with Chinese students

2017 MiXMAG China Launch Party  with Masaya Kyuhei (Japan)

2017 "Our Space" toured off first time to Shenzhen's Super Club "Sector" Underground Stage


12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

DJ WING已有12年的DJ生涯, 曾任职广州多间著名供乐部的驻场DJ包括当时众多蒲友追捧的D&D品牌系列店, 派对圣地 CLUB CYBER, 红极一时的一号码头俱乐部。 广州唯一推行会员制度的热舞夜店RICH' S CLUB.等著名供乐部, 并担任完美格式娱乐制作的指定表演嘉宾。灵活多变的他擅长 House ( Electro; Funky; Vocal; Tech)、 Breaks( Nu school; Funky)等MUSIG STYLE对现场气氛的抓摸可谓功力十足。并担任众多知名品牌指定表演嘉宾。(2003PUMAN发布会、2003NIKE发布会、喜力TOUR等知名品牌)。

DJ WING入行的数年间经历了广州电子音乐风格变化最大的数年(从DISCO到 CLUB CULTURE年代), 以上种种累积令今天的DJ WING可谓当之无愧的夜店老司机, 可以从容地探控不同种类的跳舞音乐。更由于熟悉灯光音响器材, 使他成为众多夜店指定的开业DJ。


12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

從 2003 年開始和世界分享音樂靈魂的 Ricky Tsang 自幼便受到了 古典音樂的熏陶學習音樂,6 歲就開始登台演出鍵盤。中學時期 曾組織 Band 隊擔任鼓手;2004 年接觸電子音樂後立志成為一名 出色的 DJ 及音樂製作人。Ricky Tsang 在電子音樂的道路上一直以包容的心對待不同風格和類型的音樂并力求創新,音樂風格主要為 TRANCE / PROGRESSIVE

TECHNO 希望能打開音乐与人之间灵魂的交流,用音樂傳播愛和能量給熱愛音樂的人們,共同創建一個 P.L.U.R(Peace / Love / Unity / Respect)的世界。

2011 年開始著手建立自己的電音廠牌 Desire Music - 慾望之聲。

2013 年憑藉個人電台節目“Electric City”受邀登錄城市之音成都臺 FM102.6 “Only Electro”欄目,2017 年再度受邀亞洲音樂台“普乐 電音 X Ranking Beats”共同組織的農曆跨年特備節目“NONSTOP 24”演出嘉賓。

12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

 日期 / Date 

12月8日, 星期六

Saturday, December 8th

 阵容 / Line up 





  Tcket / 门票  

 40 RMB 



12/08 DJ AKME 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party!Vol.1-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

 地点 / Address 


6F, Honder International Hotel, No.2, DongGuan Zhuang Road



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