Star DJ Championship night
Ge Lei Stone, a great God - class DJ
中国Scratch DJ界领军人物之一
One of the leading figures in the Scratch DJ world of China
REMIX three vanguard DJ champion DJ
National General judge of China pioneer DJ competition
Superstar DJ producer
"Hot blood street dance group" program team to use DJ
"Chinese hip-hop" program team to use DJ
2016年dj stone受邀亲自带团队受邀参加江苏卫视中国首档全明星电音舞曲类节目《盖世英雄》负责现场DJ音乐总监 与导师:王力宏、凤凰传奇、庾澄庆、 明星: 大张伟、吉克俊逸、吴莫愁 、李斯丹妮、 艾菲、李奇、 刘美麟、 张玮 等明星同台表演。
DJ stone, in 2016, was invited to be invited to take part in the Jiangsu TV's first all star TV show, "the hero of the world" was responsible for the current DJ music director and tutor
2016在中国第一部DJ与夜店题材记录片 《夜店江湖》中与世界百大DJ 大神Steve Aoki 共同受到专访
2016 in China's first DJ and nightclub documentary "night shop" and the world's 100 largest DJ God Steve Aoki jointly received an exclusive interview.
2016年11月door dj受到(爱奇艺)官方邀请参加 爱奇艺尖叫之颁奖典礼 。
In November 2016, door DJ was invited by Iqiyi to attend the Iqiyi scream night awards ceremony director.
2016年12月 dj stone受邀参加香港英皇巨星演唱会与谢霆锋、 陈伟霆、 容祖儿 、古巨基、 李克勤同台表演。
In December 2016, DJ stone was invited to attend the concert of the king superstar in Hongkong and perform with Nicholas Tse, William Chan, Joey Yung, Ku Kui Kei and Hacken Lee.
2017年在#电音时代#第一季第三集 代表中国DJ制作人与吴亦凡、尚雯婕 等接受独家专访。
In 2017, the third episode of the first quarter of the year in the era of the Wu Yifan era, the representative of China's DJ producers received exclusive interviews with Wu Yifan and Shang Wenjie.
2002年开始参加各大音乐节演出 (上海百大DJ音乐节 intro音乐节 丽江音乐节 百威音乐节 乐杜鹃音乐节 阿拉善 万人沙漠音乐节 西湖音乐节 爱一夏音乐节 太湖音乐节 LOFT音乐节I-TIME 电子音乐节 octopus 草原音乐节 草地音乐会 北京长阳音乐节 阔旗音乐节 上海迪斯尼音乐节 深圳泡泡百大音乐节 中国嘻哈全明星万人演唱会 )各大音乐节的特邀嘉宾DJ。
2002 began to participate in the major music festivals (Shanghai DJ Music Festival intro music festival, the Lijiang Music Festival, the Budweiser Music Festival, the Alashan million man Desert Music Festival West Lake Music Festival, the summer music festival, the Taihu Music Festival LOFT Music Festival, the I-TIME Music Festival Octopus grassland Music Festival north of the North. Beijing Changyang Music Festival, flag flag Music Festival, Shanghai Disney Festival, Shenzhen bubble 100 Music Festival, Chinese hip-hop, all star concert, DJ
DJ Stone(葛磊)到底有多diao?
If you wanna figure out how dope DJ Stone is,
firstly you may watch Heroes Of Remix!
『葛磊 DJ Stone』
2018/05/22 Ⅹ DJ Stone
The star DJ producer, Ge Lei, struck a shock
Lighting the whole atmosphere, detonating a new round of climax!