07/05 -「娇比」呈献荷兰天才DJ Julian Jordan
澳门娇比新濠天地酒吧/cubic club 发布时间:2023-04-02

07/05 -「娇比」呈献荷兰天才DJ Julian Jordan

来自荷兰年仅20岁就获得Spinnin'公司力捧的天才电音舞曲制作人Julian Jordan ,首张专辑“Rock Steady”一经发行便迅速在各大热播歌单中成为首选混音的曲目。 

他和Sander van Doorn共同创作的“Kangaroo”将他的音乐制作生涯推向新的高峰。 Sander van Doorn,Nicky Romero,Hardwell,Thomas Gold和Diplo等著名DJ也热衷于在各大演出中播放他的热门曲目。近几年Julian Jordan的名字渐渐进入大众的视线,相信他声名大噪已经指日可待!想感受明日之星的音乐现场?不要错过5月7日(星期六)Julian Jordan于澳门「娇比」的首演!

Make way for Julian Jordan, a 20-year-old hyper-talented dance music producer from The Netherlands. Recognized by Spinnin' Records as a rare talent at his age, they were keen to release his debut 'Rock Steady' and got picked up by all the a-list DJs right away. 

Then Julian took it to a next level, releasing club smasher 'Kangaroo' which he created with none other than Sander van Doorn. Sander van Doorn, Nicky Romero, Hardwell, Thomas Gold and Diplo are just a handful of DJs currently hammering Julian Jordan's records in the clubs. With this much commotion already being stirred up, we see a bright future ahead and suspect it won't be long before Julian Jordan is a household name. Catch him for his debut Macau performance in Club Cubic on 7 May (Sat)!

预订 / Reservation:+853 66384999
门票 / Ticket:$250

07/05 -「娇比」呈献荷兰天才DJ Julian Jordan-澳门娇比新濠天地酒吧/cubic club


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