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Florian Picasso,法国DJ / 制作人。人如其名,有着浓郁的艺术家气息,不同于其他制作人的表现力,Florian Picasso显得更加沉着,内敛,优雅,作品风格独立,自我。
从13岁开始接触DJ的 Florian Picasso表示当时也不是非常确定要走音乐这条道路,只是发现自己很喜欢制作,也喜欢花大量的时间去听不同种类型的音乐,越做越喜欢,便投入更多的时间与精力做了非常多的mashup,然后放到自己的歌单中。
早在两年前就已经与大师Steve Aoki开始准备的单曲[The Shape],一经发行,便唤醒了每位乐迷的神经,一起沉浸在作品的每一处遐想中。
说到Florian Picasso的身世,也是具有传奇色彩的。三个月大的Florian Picasso是在孤儿院里被Picasso家族里的人认领并带回法国抚养,这也是他名字中为什么有“Picasso”这一姓氏存在的原因。当Florian Picasso长大成人并开始了自己的音乐道路后,他不忘为自己出生的国度--越南创作作品并返回探望自己过去曾生活过的故乡。
Florian Picasso到了自己仅生活过3个月的地方后,由景触情说到“当我意识到我被Marina Picasso夫妇领养并作为我的养父养母后再回到自己的出生地,对我来说是非常特别以及温馨的。当我们在生活里抱怨或者带有消极情绪时,我再回头看到那些没有我过的幸福的小孩时,我认为我应该更加珍惜自己的生活,也让我更有动力追求自己的梦想,我永远不会忘本,我会感激并珍惜眼前的一切。”在此过后,Florian Picasso也创作了三张专辑《Saïgon》,《Hanoi》,《Danang》向自己的祖国致以自己最深切的情怀。
Florian Picasso的 logo 也受益于毕加索抽象的画作风格。
抛开这些身世,Florian Picasso个人在创作方面是极其认真细心的,今年也顺利入榜百大dj排行榜内。
越南的文化对他启发和影响很大,在这首《Final Call》视频里就提到了关于悲惨的布雷区这一过往事实。当然,对于Florian Picasso来说,他也会创作一些和现在国籍文化有关以及无国界的一些作品,话说回来,就是要以作品记录自己的过往,继续向前!
Yes, you’re reading that name correctly, and yes, Florian is related to the Picasso you’re thinking of. Adopted from Vietnam by Marina Picasso when he was three months old, Florian is the great-grandson of famed Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. Though that’s a tremendous name to live up to (Florian says he recognises the “challenge about writing my own legacy”), being part of a creative legacy has its perks. Not only did he also become interested in the creative arts at a young age (Pablo began at the age of 7, Florian at 13), but his family has always understood and supported his endeavours.
In recent years, his stature has skyrocketed, with official remixes for some of the community’s most iconic pillars — from Benny Benassi to Flux Pavilion. It’s his originals, though, that have caught the ears of prestigious labels like Doorn, Dim Mak and Protocol in 2016. His work often references his heritage (the music video for ‘Final Call,’ for example, powerfully speaks on Vietnam’s tragic history with minefields), but also connects the dots to his current global passport, crafting a fresh brand of electro-tinged house that doesn’t belong to any nationality; it belongs to Florian.
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心灵捕手Florian Picasso
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