[ 2017/11/04 ]
中国杰出电子音乐制作人之一,致力于推广现代电子音乐文化,其现场气氛操控能力毋庸置疑,曾多次担任国内大型电子音乐节及现场派对的特邀嘉宾,堪称派对现场氛围操控者!他说他享受在每次派对当中,让每个节拍及每个音符,爆发在每一名RAVER的体内!在Dooley Du短短几年的发展生涯中,用心做音乐的态度,使得他在业界中,很快的受到了行内的高度认可,并收获了许多真正的电音粉丝。
One of the outstanding electronic music producer in China, dedicated to promoting modern electronic music culture, its atmosphere control ability, no doubt, has repeatedly served as large domestic electronic music festival and the party specially invited guests, is the party scene atmosphere the pilot! He said he enjoyed every party, every beat, every note, in every RAVER! In the short years of Dooley Du's career, he has made a music attitude, which made him highly recognized in the industry and gained many true fans.
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Super Bernard团队主理人之一
One of Super Bernard's team
One of the original LGFU manufacturers
Live recording and sound amplification technology of Chinese recording artists association
DJ professional committee member