1999 年 16 岁的 DANBO 开始了自己的音乐生涯,并迅速崭露头角成为一名颇具影响力的 DJ 。他组织的 Hip-Hop 派对每次都能吸引超过 500 人的现场观众,这在当时的日本是难以想象的。此外,他还活跃在京都最知名的地下 Hip-Hop 团体 IMP 和 KCYB (现称为BONG BROS)的现场 DJ 演出中。
At the age of 16 in 1999, DANBO began his music career and quickly made a name for himself as an influential DJ. The Hip-Hop parties he organized would attract over 500 live audiences, which was unimaginable in Japan at the time. In addition, he was active in live DJ performances for the Hip-Hop groups IMP and KCYB (now known as BONG BROS), the most famous underground Hip-Hop band in Kyoto.
他高超的 Scratch 技巧得到了业内认可,被收录在作品《INFINITY D-ST-Limited Edition》和《BONG BROS-The Pain of Child Verse》中。他作为京都最受瞩目的 DJ 受到了大量的赞誉,进而加入了京都代表派对“BUTTERFLY SATURDAYS”,并与 DJ LEAD(Heavy Hitters)搭档。
His high skills of scratching was recognized and accepted to appear in works like “INFINITY D-ST -Limited Edition” and “BONG BROS –The Pain of ChildVerse”. Gaining a large number of props as an essential DJ in Kyoto led him to join the representative party of Kyoto “BUTTERFLY SATURDAYS” starring DJ LEAD (HeavyHitters).
2016年,日本最大的嘻哈音乐节 “SUMMER JAM TOKYO” 第一次举办,DJ DANBO 成为当天为数不多的受邀 DJ 之一。次年,他与 DJ BIGBEN 一起完成了首次纽约巡演(Slate NY、High Line Ball Room...)和日本巡演(Harlem Tokyo...)。2019 年 DJ DANBO 又开启了他个人的欧洲巡演。
In 2016, the largest hip-hop music festival in Japan, "SUMMER JAM TOKYO," was held for the first time and DJ DANBO became one of the few DJs to perform that day. The following year, he completed his first New York tour with DJ BIGBEN (at Slate NY, High Line Ball Room, etc.) and a Japan tour (at Harlem Tokyo, etc.). In 2019, DJ DANBO embarked on his own European tour.
2023 年 7 月 21 - 22 日, 现场备受好评的日本传奇 𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐁𝐎 再次闪回 1 OAK SH!其大胆而细腻的曲风,经过多年时间打磨与沉淀,给所有听众留下了难以磨灭的印象。如今,他准备好用他的音乐去征服任何一双“挑剔的耳朵”。快来现场感受 DJ DANBO 的独特魅力!
On July 21st to 22nd, 2023, the highly acclaimed Japanese legend DJ DANBO will once again make a comeback at 1 OAK SH! His bold and intricate musical style, honed and refined over many years, has left an indelible impression on all listeners. Now, he is ready to conquer any "discerning ears" with his music. Come and experience the unique charm of DJ DANBO live in person!
Operation Hours
酒吧 / CLUB
周三-周日 / WED-SUN
添加 1 OAK SH Front desk
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我们鼓励参加派对活动的客人,遵循我们建议的着装标准 (Dress Code):女士穿着时尚/不穿拖鞋入场;男士休闲正装/不穿短裤背心拖鞋入场。
We encourage guests attending party events to follow our recommended dress code: Ladies should wear fashionable attire and no slippers, while gentlemen should wear casual formal attire and no shorts, tank tops, or slippers.