距离 MOJOHAND上张专辑《MOJOHAND》发行已两年有余,乐队的第三张专辑《MOJO Working…蓝调进行时…》终于在4月16日于北京正式发布,我们已迫不及待想要回归蓝调之路,和沿途的每一位蓝友分享近三年来我们音乐的积累以及对Blues有增无减的热爱!历经2022的无序无奈,相信你们也有许多所想所愿,欢迎各位来现场与我们相见,一起歌唱!一起跳舞!一起Blues!
MOJO still working !
MOJOHAND乐队由曾经深入美国芝加哥和密西西比河三角洲沿岸探访Blues音乐的贝斯手王铮和吉他手魏威组建于2014年的北京,是目前中国演奏Blues音乐的先锋乐队代表。成军九年来,MOJOHAND与许多国内外著名Blues音乐人都有过深度合作,其中有:中国蓝调摇滚传奇歌手-杭天;美国格莱美奖三次提名的Blues口琴大师和蓝调音乐家Billy Branch;亚洲杰出Blues吉他演奏家-菊田俊介(Shun Kikuta);一直活跃在芝加哥的日裔蓝调钢琴演奏家-有吉须美人(Ariyo)。另外,MOJOHAND也和中国布鲁斯领军人物张岭、美国格莱美获奖者-Blues音乐家Suger Blue、Matthew Skoller等等都有过短暂而亲密的合作……从2014年以来,MOJOHAND一直活跃在现场,由他们领衔的“蓝调芥末大会”和“以蓝会友”系列活动充分展现了蓝调包容并蓄的现场特点,用东方视野探寻和拓展了传统蓝调的新边界,深受乐迷好评。2018年底MOJOHAND发行首张专辑《黑蓝作坊》向历史经典Blues致敬;2020年10月发行MOJOHAND中文原创同名专辑《MOJOHAND》。2021到2022年,乐队完成了跨越全国六十城的大规模巡演,2023年3月即将推出乐队的第三张全新唱片《Mojo Working...蓝调进行时...》,随之而来的是MOJOHAND2023年最新一轮的全国巡演。
MOJOHAND, as Chinese Blues pioneer and the highest level of Blues musicians in China, founded by bassist Wang Zheng and guitarist Wei Wei in the year of 2014 in Beijing, who has been visiting the Chicago and Mississippi coasts in the United States for Blues rooting. Convinced that Blues is the source of all modern music, MOJOHAND’s making the repertoire across the entire American Blues history, from Robert Johnson in Mississippi to Muddy Waters in Chicago; from Tennessee's Albert King to Texas's Stevie Ray Vaughan. Deeply rooted in the traditional Blues, at the same time MOJOHAND also relentlessly creates new Chinese Blues, actively organized and participated in various types of Blues concerts and music festivals and toured throughout the country, 2018/01/28 MOJOHAND invited by Blue Note Beijing (the world famous jazz club) and did very successful performance there, MOJOHAND’s debut albumwas released on 12/29/2018 at “Music Space Beijing”. Been together for three years, MOJOHAND has worked closely with many famous Blues musicians at home and abroad, including: Chinese Blues legendary singer - Hang Tian; Japanese Blues guitarist from Chicago - Shun Kikuta; The king player of Blues harmonica from Japan - Kotez; American Blues musician - Matthew Skoller and Big Walker ......2018 just start, MOJOHAND as a warm-up band, along with the legendary “Three Grammy Award Nomination”American Chicago Blues Master Billy Branch and his band leader - has been assigned to “Chicago Blues Hall Of Fame”Japanese blues piano master Sumito Ariyo Ariyoshi , took “Billy’sFirst Tour in CHINA” From Beijing to Shanghai to Tianjin and Hangzhou …… They made seven wonderful show in the harvest of high praise, but also made great contributions to the dissemination and promotion of the blues music in the China!
毕业于国立华侨大学艺术学院美术系,在校期间与日本蓝调吉他演奏家大泽宽相识,此后与亦师亦友的大泽先生一同走上蓝调音乐之路,并在毕业后来京加入杭天乐队。随后在金佛爵士、张岭、节奏之犬,杜银蛟爵士、留声机等诸多乐队担任鼓手和打击乐手,并和Billy Branch、Sumito Ariyo Ariyoshi(有吉須美人) 、Suga Mama、Avies Elis、Tess Collins、Ptah Brown、Heather Jakeman等诸多来自美国、英国以及澳大利亚和南非的音乐家合作演出。
芝加哥蓝调吉他大师Shun Kikuta、蓝调钢琴手Rie Lee Kanehira和日本口琴旗手Kotez在中国巡演期间的固定合作鼓手。