NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE
上海NINJA酒吧 发布时间:2023-11-14

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧


营业时间:10:30PM - LATE

预售 100元(One Drink)|现场 150元(One Drink)

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧




NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧


YTH Chopie, 原名索朗群培:(Sonam choephe )2002年2⽉1⽇出⽣于⻄藏 
在2019年开始独⽴创作,随之的⼀年后,2020年YTH MONEY GANG 共同来到成都CDC 开始了属于他们⾃⼰的⾳乐⽣涯,期间与国内知名说唱艺术家YOUNG13DBABY 创造了热⻔单曲,

《Best friend》 
单曲播放量1.4千万,吸引⼤量粉丝关注,并且获得著名说唱艺术家⻢思唯(MASIWEI)以及TSP安琪的⽀持,并合作单曲 YTH MONEY GANG 团队共4名成员, 个⼈特⾊鲜明,各类⾳乐类型都想尝试的他们,正在成为全新的下⼀代

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧

YTH chopie, formerly known as Sonam choephe, was born in Tibet on February 1, 2002 
A rap artist from Garze dege County, Tibet Autonomous Region
In 2019, he began to write independently. A year later, in 2020, YTH Money Gang came to Chengdu together and began their own music career. 

YTH Chopie-“Dont Know”

During this period, he created 《best friend》with the well-known rap artist young13dbaby The hit single, with a broadcast volume of 140 million, has attracted a large number of fans' attention and won the support of the famous rap artist masiwei nd TSP 

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧

There are four members in the team of YTH money gang. They have distinctive personal characteristics and want to try all 
kinds of music types. They are becoming a new generation

NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧 NINJA158 ► 11.17 新血藏区黑马//A Few Good Kids降临!@ YTH CHOPIE-上海NINJA酒吧


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