《Best friend》 单曲播放量1.4千万,吸引⼤量粉丝关注,并且获得著名说唱艺术家⻢思唯(MASIWEI)以及TSP安琪的⽀持,并合作单曲 YTH MONEY GANG 团队共4名成员, 个⼈特⾊鲜明,各类⾳乐类型都想尝试的他们,正在成为全新的下⼀代
YTH chopie, formerly known as Sonam choephe, was born in Tibet on February 1, 2002 A rap artist from Garze dege County, Tibet Autonomous RegionIn 2019, he began to write independently. A year later, in 2020, YTH Money Gang came to Chengdu together and began their own music career.
YTH Chopie-“Dont Know”During this period, he created 《best friend》with the well-known rap artist young13dbaby The hit single, with a broadcast volume of 140 million, has attracted a large number of fans' attention and won the support of the famous rap artist masiwei nd TSP
There are four members in the team of YTH money gang. They have distinctive personal characteristics and want to try all kinds of music types. They are becoming a new generation
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来自于美国,密西根州,底特律西部的DJ Reaper大老板,从2013年就开始生活在中国了,从2007年就开始打碟, DJ Reaper 大老板演奏一系列的不同类型的音乐,但是他更专业在Old School/New School Hip Hop音乐类型上。DJ Reaper 大老板在全世界不同的场地都有过出场演奏,目前固定在中国上海。从2013年至今,只要是上海定期的有演奏hip hop的场地,他都被邀请过去打碟。他和Come Correct Crew 在 Shelter & Dada有过演奏,和 Hip Hop Hijack 在 Monkey Champagne.有过演奏。他现在是 Sharpshooters,最好的双人DJ组合成员之一。从Arkham到Ninja,到King Kong,再到Mansion,或者任何地方你可以想象的到的,DJ Reaper大老板都在那里有过演奏。不管演奏的都有哪些人,也不管是什么时间,什么地点,真正的狂欢始于一声尖叫:大老板来了!