12/15 栏杆处集合
SHEKINAH 约你 【 断头局 】
SHEKINAH 是 Pillz Records 的签约艺人,同时也是中国知名电子音乐厂牌SOUND OF TOMORROW RECORDS、Bass Music 厂牌 Wildpanda Recordings 主理人,在中国电子音乐界享有崇高的地位与声誉。
SHEKINAH is a signed artist OF Pillz Records and also the head OF SOUND OF TOMORROW Records, a well-known electronic Music label in China, and Wildpanda Recordings OF Bass Music. SHEKINAH enjoys a high status and reputation in China's electronic Music industry.
TA 一手打造的电子音乐厂牌在短短的一年时间以高质量的作品在国内众多厂牌中鱼跃而出,其主理厂牌发布的作品已突破5000万试听量。时至今日,他已经发布多首 RIDDIM 单曲,包括《花宵道中》、《圣诞前的历险》、《龙争虎斗》等电音热单,总体播放量已经突破500万次。
The electronic music brand created by TA jumped out of many domestic brands with high-quality works in just one year, and the works released by its main brand have exceeded 50 million auditions.Today, tan has released a number of RIDDIM singles, including "midnight flower", "adventure before Christmas", "enter the dragon" and other electronic music hits. The total number of views has exceeded 5 million.
SHEKINAH 不是第一次来到 Harbin 了,之前打过 Underground Bar ,粉丝们都叫他老谭。叫他老谭可不代表他真的老,98年的小鲜肉一枚哦!
SHEKINAH isn't the first time he's come to Harbin. He's played Underground bars before and fans call him old tan. Calling him old tan doesn't mean he's really old, a little fresh meat in '98!
老谭是国内极为罕见的 Riddim Dubstep 制作人/DJ,台上风格以 Riddim Dubstep 等 Bass Music 为主。曾经与 G.T.A、Bassjackers、Anti-General 等中外优秀 DJ 同台合作。
Lao tan is a very rare producer /DJ of Riddim Dubstep in China. The stage style is mainly based on Bass Music such as Riddim Dubstep. Have cooperated with G.T.A., Bassjackers, anti-general and other foreign excellent DJ.
15号当晚与舞池栏杆合影打卡,并发送至奥斯卡微信平台后台,在 SHEKINAH 的回顾中能上榜的小伙伴们可以得到 SHEKINAH 送出的神秘礼物一份呦!!!
On the evening of 15th, take a photo at the railing and punch in the card, which will be sent to the backstage of WeChat platform of Oscar. Those who can make the list in SHEKINAH's review can get a mysterious gift from SHEKINAH!!!
—— " IT'S ABOUT TO PLAY " ——