来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐

来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐

(scroll down for English)


来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐


A:大家好,我是LIBEN。我来自日本名古屋,12岁时随父母第一次来到中国海南省,随后经常在中国生活。在我在上中国高中的时候,第一次接触到电子音乐,当时听到的是Skrillex的 'Bangrang',深受影响并从此着迷电子音乐。随后我通过网络知道电子音乐可以通过电脑制作出来,于是我决定努力成为一名制作人兼DJ并向当时在读的高中申请退学。顶着父母的反对我回到了日本,开始了独居的上班族生活,并把赚到的钱用到购买音乐制作的设备当中,回日本的期间我也自学了不少基础的音乐制作知识,准确地说我开始尝试音乐制作就是从这个时候开始的(2016年年底)。当我备齐我需要的所有音乐制作设备后,我于2016年六月份辞职再次来到中国海南,在家中搭建起工作室,开始了全力投入音乐制作之中,并且学习了不少DJ的技能。这大概就是我的经历。


A:是的,非常感谢Pyro音乐提供给我这个平台展示我自己的音乐。这是我的第一张EP,其中包含了4首单曲,分别是:‘I Can’t Speak English’, ‘Mild’, ‘Error’, ‘Next’。


A:第一首 ‘I Can’t Speak English’ 是我这张EP的主打曲,是一首非常奇特风格的Dubstep音乐。(但事实上我不是不会说英语哈哈)

第二首 'Mild',正如曲名,是一首温和的低音音乐,给人带来放松的感觉。

第三首 'Error',是我和来自伦敦居住于中国成都的低音音乐制作人Harikiri一同合作完成的,是一首结合了Moonbahton和Dubstep风格的低音音乐。

最后一首 'Next',是一首非常欢快的Dubstep音乐。


来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐



Q:听说你也将会和 Dexter King 进行合作?

A:是的,当然除了和Dexter King的合作还有这次和Harikiri的合作之外,将来我也会和其他艺人合作。



来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐





最新单曲'I Can't Speak English'

来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐


来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐

This time recommended a Producer/DJ from Japan, he is in China to find his way to electronic music, keen to creation, Recent on PYRO music released the new EP, attract the attention of other musicians. Let us together to know fluent in Chinese young Japanese producers-LIBEN!

Q:Can you introduce yourself a little?

A:Hi, I'm LIBEN. I'm from Nagoya, Japan. I first came to China at the age of 12 with my parents, living in Hainan province. When I was at my Chinese high school, the first time I came into contact with electronic music was when I heard Skrillex’s song “Bangrang", I loved the music and it had a great influence on me. I knew electronic music was made through the computer, so I decide to leave school and try to become a producer and DJ. Of course, my parents objected, so I went back to Japan, and started working life, living alone, and put all of my money towards buying music production equipment. Back in Japan, I learned basic music knowledge by myself. Really, I began to try to produce music only this year. When I prepared all the music and production equipment I needed, I resigned from my job and went back to China again. I set up a studio at my home in Hainan, and began producing again and learning some DJ skills.

Q:Is this your first time releasing an EP?

A:Yes, thank you very much PYRO Music for providing me the platform to show my music. This is my first EP, the four singles are: ‘I Can 't Speak English’, ‘Mild’, ’Error’, and ’Next’.

Q:Can you make some comments on these four songs you produced?

A:The first song ‘I Can 't Speak English’ is the EP's main song, it is a very unique style of dubstep. The second song, titled 'Mild', is mild bass music, it brings a more relaxed feeling. The third, 'Error', is a collaboration between me and a Chengdu-based bass producer Harikiri, it's a combination of Moonbahton and dubstep style bass music. Finally 'Next' is a very cheerful dubstep song. People can listen to my personal features from this EP, such as the unique bass, I like these four songs very much.来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐

Q: Where does your inspiration come from?

A:I decided to start writing electronic music from the beginning, keeping my head full of inspiration. Whenever I am walking or cooking, I use my mouth to simulate inspiration of mine. But before I lacked a lot of knowledge, it was difficult to make music in my mind, so at the beginning to self-study production, it's easy to give up. In Japan, one day, I saw a book about electronic music, Japan's well-known producer Tofubeats said ‘Electronic music is actually very simple, all you have to do is constantly repeat trial and error’. After that inspired me, I repeated a lot of trial and error, more and more in mind, the inspiration could be a reality. So my inspiration has not broken through.

Q: We heard you will collaborate with Dexter King soon?

A:Yes, of course, in addition to Dexter King and Harikiri, I will work with other artists in the future.

Q: Do you have any performances in China coming up?

A:Recently, all my time has been spent working on production, and I just finished my first and second performances in Hainan province.来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐

Q: How about your future plans and goals?

A:In the future, I'm ready to work to hone my skills better, and the creation and release of more music. I'm looking forward to go to more places to play music. And hope in the future and more exchanges and collaboration with other artists. Please look forward to my future work!



来自日本的新锐制作人/DJ—LIBEN 新EP首发PYRO音乐-PYRO音乐

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