Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅

Say Yes is glad to invite this old friend to do his 2nd Asia tour as the celebration of Say Yes Asia 1 Year Anniversary+. The last tour this past May, besides Shanghai and Beijing, we've been to Chengdu and Guangzhou. This time, we're gonna discover more in Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taipei. For Shanghai, we're returing to Shelter where he played in China for the first time, meanwhile having one more special guest Chill Wave genius Sun Glitters to present his live set. Local lineup also looks interesting as we're joined by ChaCha's solo DJ project Faded Ghost, new star Tutu and Say Yes resident Misloop.

JIMMY EDGAR (Slices Feature)

颜值爆表也无法掩盖Edgar才华横溢的事实,他在想法和风格上都显示出超越实际年龄的成熟。年级轻轻却已成功成为一名多产的艺术家/音乐家,精通各种音乐制作软件, 在地下HIP HOP和FUNK方面有着深厚的积淀。出生于1983年的他,青少年时期除了玩转鼓,键盘, 萨克斯等各种乐器,也接触和尝试过各种创作,为了让自己的音乐技术更加完美,他还去学习了钢琴。早期就开始创作实验glitch音乐、复古未来主义的electro-funk音乐,在当时的全球地下音乐界掀起了层层巨浪。生来就被赋有对未来主义funk极强的感知力,这位土生土长的底特律人自青少年时期就开始动次打次了。

Jimmy Edgar @Mixmag LA Lab

15岁时,他就在当地派对主办方的帮助下登上舞台与Juan Atkin和 Derrick May 这些来自家乡底特律的电音先驱们同台交流。早期对于音乐的积极挖掘和探索让他羽翼丰满,18岁就签约了极具国际影响力的同有Aphex Twin, Boards Of Canada, Flying Lotus, Clark的Wrap Records。随后参与世界各地的巡演。 他充满魅力的台风和自己设计的视觉呈现都深深折服了观者。他编写的错综复杂的节奏,让人怀疑他究竟是哪个星球上飞过来?

Jimmy Edgar参与设计的专辑封面

Artwork by Jimmy

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
作为电音制作人,他最为里程碑的发行就是在 2001年在Poker Flat发行的" We Like you", 随后在 K7!发行 XXX, 并与Danny Daze, Scuba保持互动。 2013年Jimmy和Machinedrum一起成立了Ultramajic,发行了很多重要作品。除了以DJ duo JETS的名义DJ以外,Stewart(machinedrum)负责挖掘和训练厂牌的新的音乐人,他们的首次发行是Jimmy红极一时的EP Hot inside out。随后,Jimmy和Zeta一起创作发行了专辑。整个夏天他以个人名义和JETS名义忙于巡演, Ultramajic成为他主要的工作重心。

Jimmy Edgar Boiler Room Berlin

在别的艺术家们还在试图形成自己的风格的时候,Jimmy已经在艺术的道路上到达了一个别人不能轻易企及的高度。最重要的是,在多年来不断在变化中寻求突破的过程中,Jimmy已经掌控了自己的艺术人生。在他那些令人耳熟能详,舞池气氛保障的大红曲如"Strike","Burn"和“Let Me Tell You” 深深影响我们多年后,他又携新曲重装上阵, 让我们期待本次巡演中更多来自6月新专Dreamz Come True中的作品.

Let Yrself Be Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐 Sonically, Jimmy's fluent in a myriad of vernaculars, from "software as music" and glitchy underground Hip Hop to his signature glossy, erotically charged robot funk. Visually, he's established himself as an in-demand director, photographer, and multimedia artist with an impressive roster of videos, exhibits, and magazine work to his credit.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
Born in 1983, Edgar was playing drums, keyboards, and saxophone, as well as experimenting with sound manipulation by the time he was an adolescent. To complement to his technical prowess, Edgar learned to play piano and "feel the music" in Detroit's Baptist churches. By the time he was 15, with help from a promoter friend, Edgar was spinning alongside hometown legends Atkins,May, and Saunderson in local strip clubs and raves. His early exposure to music, technology, spirituality, and seduction informed Edgar's creative impulses profoundly, and their confluence has become a recurrent motif in his work.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
Edgar famously signed with influential Warp records at 18, and spent his early 20's recording and touring, winning audiences over with his dynamic stage presence and customized visual show. While at Warp, Edgar released 2004's Access Rhythm, a 4-track EP of blunted, left-field beats, and 2005's 6- track electro-sleaze EP Bounce Make Model. Jimmy's influences and techniques reached a breakthrough synthesis on 2006's LP Color Strip. Using a mix of custombuilt gear, and analog and digital instruments, Edgar created a scene-stealing sound that fused Minneapolis funk, California Hip Hop, and Euro Electro. Color Strip became an instant favorite with fans and critics alike.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
 In a breakout year highlighted by two EPs and an exhaustive global tour, the most significant shift in Jimmy Edgar’s life was the launch of his new enterprise, Ultramajic. Part record label, design house, and metaphysical portal, Ultramajic (created in 2013 and managed by Edgar and creative partner Pilar Zeta), alchemically melds music, design, objects, and installations into a holistic multi-sensory experience. KOMA Machinetalk Jimmy Edgar Studio VisitUltramajic marks a milestone in Edgar’s independence as an artist and his emergence as an impresario.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
“Ultramajic is simply our venture to solidify what we do. The art of collaboration has been lost. In the ‘Age of the Internet,’ we have seen artists become pioneers unto themselves due to lack of communication, and I intend to bridge a bit of that gap with Ultramajic.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
In addition to Edgar’s own EPs Hot Inside and Mercurio, in 2013 Ultramajic released singles by ghetto dub artist Aden and Creepy Autograph. Ultramajic projects and releases in 2014 include the Silicone EP by Berlin-via-Miami bass producer Danny Daze, Chambray’s Rub, and Edgar’s new Saline EP.

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
Other labels Edgar has called home include Warp, where he signed at the age of 18, Poker Flat, who released his 2002 single “We Like You”; K7! who released 2010’s XXX EP, featuring floor-fillers“Hot Raw Sex” and “Turn You Inside Out”; and Scuba’s Hotflush imprint who released 2012’s Majenta EP that included the “Art of Noise meets Timbaland” track “In Deep”, and the “Prince meets Frankie Knuckles” burner “This One’s for the Children”. At an age whenmany artists are just coming into their own, Edgar is more secure in his artistic vision than ever. Most importantly, after years of shape-shifting into others' molds, Jimmy Edgar is now in full control.

Sun Glitters (live)

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
卢森堡音乐人Victor Ferreira的个人项目。 他运用glitch拼贴采样,融合了充满感情的旋律,多变的人声采样,数码化的合声,温暖的低音及氛围强烈的声场,制造了富有夏日气息、充满阳光和水气的声音风景,难忘又美丽。

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐
Sun Glitters is stage name Luxembourg electronic music producer Victor Ferreira, a man who cuts together glitteringly lush sunshine vocal samples with stop-start minimal beats surrounded in wave after wave of synths.



Faded Ghost

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐


Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Upcoming Tour Gigs 接下来

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

关注公众号转发此条微信, 告诉我们你最喜欢的Jimmy的作品并回发截图, 我们将抽取幸运粉丝送出上海站免费门票和上一场巡演嘉宾Moritz von Oswald从柏林带来的新专。

Repost this Wechat on your moments, tell us his productions that you like the most, send us back the screenshot, we will give away the free tickets and a new album from our last tour guest Moritz von Oswald to the lucky fan.  

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

 For More Info 更多信息 ·13764726690 

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

Jimmy Edgar五城巡演 11.24 Shelter携手Sun Glitters Live现场 | Say Yes 重磅-PYRO音乐

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