[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐
[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

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这周‘PYRO音乐的对话间’会关注到来自 Changhai Wax 的Léon C。他既是这个活动品牌的创始人,同时也会在上海各种派对打碟。让我们来看看他是怎么组织活动的。

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐





当我看到7个DJ同时在一晚上打碟的时候很不开心,或者每天每周在一家夜店都是同样的Deep House阵容。我觉得我们应该试着在过于丰富的音乐种类和单一的种类中找到平衡。但我看到一些DJ组合,甚至Club的成功的时候,我觉得很有希望。Elevator对我来说很不错,和欧洲夜店文化很相似。他们一直预定国际艺人,那些艺人并不是需要花350门票的排名前10的艺人,他们会放些好音乐,给我们很好的气氛。


A:完全不同,我以前的回答过类似问题,这边没有像法国这么多的选择。你在巴黎或者其他小城市呆一晚上,你会有House,Techno,Minimal,Disco 等选择,也可以发现很多新歌,人们去夜店是为了听歌的。


[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

Q:那么什么是Changhai Wax? 创立的目的是什么呢?

A:我去年遇到了Anthon Herr和San,我不知道他们也在打碟。我们开始聊起了音乐,我发现我们对音乐品味差不多。从此,我们创办了Changhai Wax,然后2016年,Lucas Lbtx加入了团队并开始和我们一起做活动。



A:ROOST不是在夜店里的。我一开始,第一次是在我一个朋友的地方搞的。我一天晚上在酒吧遇到了一个德国人,他说他的天台想搞点好东西。我们2周后直接去了那边。便宜的啤酒,烧烤,一整天的house音乐是整个活动的亮点。然后我们更新了后,变成大概5,6次在Gaia2 Rooftop 和8-art Hotel roof。

最近,我们在搞The Bunker万圣节派对,在浦东的一个仓库。再一次,便宜啤酒,烧烤,和house,techno音乐。我们在上海大多数夜店都举办了Changhai Wax的活动,我想少打碟,想多做更好的活动。个人来说,我很喜欢去 Elevator 的 Microwave Night,还有Cafe Mate,一个周四的 Discomhouse 活动。


A:我不能给出具体的日期,但我已经听了好多年了。大概3年前,听歌不够满足自己了,我开始了打碟。先是一个先锋的DDJ-SR碟机,大概3月后,我把它卖了,因为一直看着电脑而不是去感受音乐真是超级无聊。然后我开始训练CDJ机,我到上海后,一个朋友的朋友把我名字加到了Luce的阵容名单里。我很有压力,但那晚我打了5,6小时。在一些演出后,有的好有的坏,我想找些合适的人来创办Changhai Wax,因为我好多次都因为派对的奇怪阵容感到失望。然后我遇到了之前提到的几个人。

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐






[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐


A:我9月在当时一个挺火的after party 放音乐,在提醒老板我会打一晚上的micro house之后,甚至是在她同意前,已经给她发了几个set。气氛非常好,每个人都在舞池跳舞。然后,老板来了,让我在set中间放45分钟舞曲来保持舞池中跳舞的人群。当晚发生了2次,很高兴看到她2次清空了舞池的人,然后我就决定回家了。

Q:Changhai Wax下一步是什么?年底还有什么想要完成的目标吗?




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[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐


PYRO will feature one venue or event organiser located in China to share with our followers. There are thousands of clubs throughout China with a steady growth of events and festivals inside and outside venues and the typical environment. This new feature will bring to light all their unique approaches to the nightlife scene.

This week of PYROs “SHOWcase of the week” will be focusing on Léon C. from Changhai Wax. He is the founder of the event organization and also regularly DJs at various events and parties here in Shanghai. Lets check out how he operates his functions and events. 

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

Q:Hey Léon! Its great to have you featured this week, can you tell us a little about your background and where you’re from for those that may not know you?

A:I am French and I love dumplings.

Q:How long have you been in China and what are your thoughts on the scene here?

A:I have been in China for almost 2 years now, it’s not that long, but I have my opinion about it. I can see a nice evolution in terms of clubbing options, 2016 new venues are pretty nice and sound system quality has been increased compared to last year. But then, it’s sometimes still not following in terms of line-up and diversity.

I am sad when I see 7 Djs playing in a one-night party, or 24/7 “Deep House” line-ups in a club and I think we should try to find the balance in between too much diversity and no diversity. But I am optimistic when I see some Dj crew achievements and even club. Elevator for me is the right way, and similar to European club culture. They push on booking international headliners, who are not top10 rank with a 350RMB entrance fee, just to bring good and sometimes new vibes.

I hope it keeps evolving this way but once again, it’s only my opinion.

Q:After organizing and attending all shapes and forms of parties both here and also attending plenty from your home country of France, how would you compare the two scenes?

A:It’s totally different, and my previous answer is also related to this. Here, there are not as many options as you can have now in France. You spend one night in Paris, sometimes in smaller cities too, you can have the choice in between nice house, techno, minimal, disco headliners and discover new songs. And people go to club for music!.

For example here, it’s sometimes risky too keep Minimal all night long, because you may loose people. But it’s also a good experience as a DJ when you have to double your efforts and creativity to keep the vibe constant but also your identity in front of people who sometimes, are not here for the music.

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

Q:So what is Changhai Wax and what was the purpose behind its creation?

A:I met with ANTHON HERR and SAN last year without know these guys were playing too. Then, we start talking about music and I realized we shared the same tastes. From this, we created Changhai Wax. Then in 2016, LUCAS LBTX joined the team and started building events with us.

What we are? Probably records digging addicts. And our main purpose is to try to build original events, not only plug our USB for 3 hours and leave. Our main event was ROOST last spring, and we had every 2/3 weeks and outdoor party with 300/400 people dancing from 3pm to midnight. 

Q:Where are the typical venues that you host your events and what qualities do you look for in a proper venue?

A:ROOST was not in club venues. We started the first one at a guy’s place. I met this German guy one night in a bar and he told me he wants to do something nice with his rooftop. We went straight to there and two weeks after was the first party. Cheap beers, BBQ, and house records all day long were the qualities of this event/venue. Then we renewed the experience maybe 5/6 times in Gaia2 Rooftop and 8-art Hotel roof too.

Recently, we were part of THE BUNKER Halloween party, in a kind of warehouse in Pudong. Once again, cheap drinks, BBQ, and house/techno records. 

We also had Changhai Wax events in most of Shanghai clubs, as everybody, but I try to play less and build better events from now. Personally, I am very involved in Micro/wave night at Elevator but also Café Maté, a Thursday disco/house hang out. 

Q:When did you first get into electronic music and what motivated you to take the next step with organizing CW events?

A:I could not give an exact date but I have been listening for years. Maybe 3 years ago, listening was not enough and I bought my first gear to start Djing, it was a Pioneer DDJ-SR controller. After 3 months I sold it because it’s super boring to watch your computer all the time instead of feeling music. Then I started training on CDJ’s and when I arrived in Shanghai a friend of a friend added me in a Line-up at Lune. I was super stressed but at the end played 5 or 6 hours this night. 

After a few gigs, good and bad ones, I wanted to find the right people to build Changhai Wax, as I have been many times disappointed by strange line-up in parties and I met the guys I mentioned before.

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

Q:Do you work with a team when organizing events?

A:Yep, some other friends joined the team, mostly designers who will help us in visuals, venue decoration, etc… 3 Djs are enough, we prefer book other people to renew the parties and Djs are lazy when it’s time to build something not related to playing ☺

Q:How has the support been from the local community since CWC’s inception?

A:I am glad most of our parties were packed. We try to reach little by little “real” local community but it’s a hard job. As we are all French, you guess who’s our crowd ☺, the issue is every 6 months we have to renew it because of students leaving.

Q:Which qualities would you say a good party has?

A:Quite cliché but good vibe and interaction within Dj and dancers, good sound system, and original venue if possible.

[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

Q:Can you share an experience of a horrible party experience that you’ve been to or DJed at any point in your life may be funny in hindsight?

A:I was playing in a current popular after party in September, after have advised the owner I was going to play some micro house all night long, even sent some sets before so they agree on it.

The vibe was super nice, everybody dancing, packed dance floor. Then, the owner came and asked me to play 45 minutes in the middle of my set to keep people dancing. This happened two times in the night until I decided to go home, happy to see she emptied the dance floor two times.

Q:What’s next for Changhai Wax? Any goals you would like to accomplish by the end of the year?

A:By the end of this year, not so many things. We will probably celebrate out first birthday in January, and some things are On-going for the BUNKER and international bookings ☺

Thank you for your time! Feel free to give further shout outs of upcoming events!



[PYRO音乐的对话间] Changhai Wax 创始人 —Léon C-PYRO音乐

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