12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell

12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐

PYRO音乐12月的直播月中,我们将会迎来诸多DJ来到我们的直播间,其中有一位非常优秀的DJ不得不介绍给大家,这就是全球资深的Techno 艺术家 Drumcell,他将会在12月3日来到PYRO音乐的直播现场,直播时间为18:00,当晚除了 Drumcell 还会有许多其他的艺人来到现场,将会是一个长时间的派对直播夜晚!

We just released Decembers stacked Live Stream schedule with all the many great artists that will be stopping by PYRO Music Studios. However, today we will reveal an international Techno legend that will hosting the decks. Techno artist Drumcell will come to PYRO Music on December 3, starting at 18:00. In addition to Drumcell this weekend, there will be many other artists on site, including the bassment crew on Friday night which include Misloop, Donn and James Lealand. The party is sure to continue on after this golden lineup

12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐


Drumcell 总是执着于对声音的实验。除了受到90年代早期锐舞文化的影响,他与合成器和声学设计的渊源还要追溯到青年时期的古典音乐熏陶。致力于探索与发现音乐制作中的模拟领域和数码领域,最终将两者结合并形成了自己独有的生猛,躁动,迷幻的音乐风格。作为北美最资深的Techno音乐人之一,他所制造的声音打破了音乐类型的限制,绝非传统意义上的Techno。从柏林的Techno圣地Berghain,到底特律Movement音乐节的主舞台,再到横跨欧洲,拉美,日本和澳洲的各大音乐节,Drumcell已经把他的音乐带到了全世界。

 Drumcell has always been a determined experimentalist in sound. Though galvanised by the early '90s rave scene in LA, his love affair for synthesis and sonic design date back to the classical training of his musical youth. Drumcell explores and discovers the analogue world as much as the digital world of music production, to finally combine them into his very own raw, suspenseful and hypnotic style. As one of the most esoteric techno artists in North America, his sound disregards genre limitations and is everything but conventional techno. From Berlin’s techno mecca Berghain to the main stage of The Movement in Detroit to festivals across Europe, Latin America, Japan and Australia - Drumcell’s sound can be heard around the world. 

12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐

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12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐

Drumcell 的直播各位千万不要错过,如果你错过了直播,也可以来到他中国巡演的现场,亲临感受其音乐魅力。

If you miss Drumcell's show in Shanghai Mansion by Asian Vibes, then check out his remaining China tour dates for a show near you!

12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐



12月3日 PYRO直播间迎来 Techno 大神 Drumcell-PYRO音乐

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