[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐
[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐

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这期我们关注到一个深圳的DJ,名叫Daniel Power。他主要推动’Unchained‘Drum&Bass 音乐和 ‘Detached’ 的Techno。他对未来活动有着目标和期望,让我们来看看他和他的活动。

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐


A:嘿!我是Daniel Power,31岁,从英国伦敦来的。我其实才刚刚开始做了2年的DJ,但我生活中一直是个狂热 Raver 和音乐爱好者。我在深圳 Bang Club 是常驻DJ,我也在广州 Hangover 做一些活动。我会说它们俩是中国南方最好的两个地下场之一,我也是这两个活动品牌的创始人和主要推动人,目标就是推动地下场地受人欢迎的音乐。


A:我来中国差不多7年了,但我之前说过,深入音乐现场才2年。深圳的现场很积极,很惊讶深圳的地下音乐这两年发展的很快。这里也有如同上海一样好的地下场地,做的很好并且很老牌了,虽然音乐方面海稍许落后,但是我感觉一直在进步。Bang是深圳地下场最大的支持者。Magma 也是一个好地方,很支持我们和本土有才华的人。现在公开重新开门了,我们又多了个好去处,我会在12月2日做一个活动。同时,我得说一说Pepper Club,开始带来些好的活动和订些不错的艺人。最后,下一个月会有一家我参与的新店开门,名叫Sector。它会把商业和地下用不同的房间来结合到一起,我很激动可以在他们的地下舞台做一些派对。总的来说,我对中国的发展,尤其是深圳,感到很乐观。


A:好吧,我从英国来,我觉得拿这两个比不是很公平,因为伦敦有世界上最好的音乐现场,对于 Drum&Bass 来说,没有比英国更好的地方了。你知道,当你有一群人,一套好的音响,一个很牛的DJ时,对我来说,无论你在哪儿,音乐是通用的,这是音乐美的地方。

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐


A:我觉得做 Techno 的不是很多,这已经有部分人做的不错,但我觉得这里做Drum&Bass有点空缺。我对来自香港,上海,北京的一些DnB人印象深刻,特别是Heavy HK,Sweatshop & Syndicate。看他们带来了多少好艺人,他们做活动多专业,让我想要在中国南方模仿他们。对我来说,现在我想推动的越远越好,在这做一个好的活动组织。






A:他们对我们很支持,有时甚至有点受不了。尤其是一开始一些成功的 Hangover 活动,我花了很大力气,结果他们比我预想的要好,让我十分感动。我感觉很幸运,也很感激所有当地人的支持。

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐




A:好的,其实我们第一个 Unchained 活动在 Hangover ,我们在办 Arkaik 的活动,他是一个很棒的来自英国 Drum&Bass DJ/制作人,他现在主要在上海,是Sweatshop的常驻。所以在派对当天我要去机场了,然后发现我们给他定错了机票,他的机票订到了深圳而不是说好的广州,在那之前我刚接到一个VJ电话说不能来。当时我快疯了,在想应该怎么办,但我很快搞定,安排巴士去深圳机场接Arkaik,带到了我们的广州活动现场。他一开始不开心,但我们做到了最好,最后变成了一个疯狂的夜晚。他的表演非常棒,我也设法在广州找到了一个出色的VJ名叫 VSLZR,那晚上很棒,现在是我们大部分活动的VJ。所以,本来是要变成灾难的活动,突然变得很棒,我永远不会忘记。




好,我有些人要感谢和提到。Bence,Milla,Faye,Bastien,Vic,Kenny,Ah Bee和其他帮我助我们推动和发展Unchained的人。谢谢Mantis,他给了我在Bang的机会,帮我推动一些Drum&Bass活动,如果不是他,我不会是一个DJ和Promoter。


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[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐


PYRO will feature one venue or event organiser located in China to share with our followers. There are thousands of clubs throughout China with a steady growth of events and festivals inside and outside venues and the typical environment. This new feature will bring to light all their unique approaches to the nightlife scene.

This edition of PYROs “SHOWcase of the week” will be focusing on a DJ from Shenzhen by the name of Daniel Power who pushes “Unchained” primarily for drum & bass music along with “Detached” for the techno sounds. He has high hopes for both events with some serious goals in the future that we’ll dive into now. Lets check out how he operate his functions and events. 

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐

Q:Hey Daniel ! Its great to have you featured this week, can you tell us a little about your background and where you’re from for those that may not know you?

A:Hey! Cheers for having me! Sure. I’m Daniel Power, 31, from London, England. I have only been DJing seriously for just over 2 years now but I have been a huge raver and music lover basically my whole life. I am the resident DJ at Bang Club, Shenzhen and I also host regular events at Hangover, Guangzhou. I am also the founder and main driving force behind Unchained & Detached two different events brands but both with a mission of pushing the underground scene in their respective genres.

Q:How long have you been in China and what are your thoughts on the scene here?

A:I have been here for almost 7 years in China now. I would say the scene here is very positive and in Shenzhen for example it’s amazing how I’ve seen the underground music grow so much in the last 2 years. Bang has been the biggest supporter for myself as a DJ and also the underground scene in Shenzhen I feel, Magma is a great place that is really supporting us local talent and now with Public reopening again we have another great spot for Shenzhen and I will be hosting an event there on Dec 2. Also I must mention Pepper club who have started to bring in some real serious bookings of late.  Finally there will be a new club opening next month which I’m heavily involved in called Sector it will be combining the commercial with underground with different rooms and I am very excited to be hosting some parties in their underground stage!

Q:After organizing and attending all shapes and forms of parties both here and in your home country of England, how would you compare the crowd and scenes between the two?

A:Well coming from England don’t really think its fair to compare the two as of course London has one of the best scenes in the world and for Drum & Bass it doesn’t get any better. But you know when you have a good crowd, a great sound system and an awesome DJ then to me it doesn’t really matter where you are in the world, music is universal and that’s what is so beautiful about it.

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐

Q:What was the purpose behind your Unchained & Detached events, was there a void down South?

A:I think not so much for techno there were already a few good crews doing stuff down here but I definitely felt a gap was there for Drum & Bass. I was very much inspired by the big DnB crews from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing, specifically Heavy HK, Sweatshop & Syndicate. Seeing how many great artists they had brought over and how professional they did things made me want to emulate that here in Southern China. For me now I want to push it as far as possible build and build a real institution here.

Q:Do you have a team thats involved or is it primarily just you organising the events?

A:The whole vision is mine for sure and when I started I was doing most things myself but I have a great core team now that are really helping to push things to the next level. Two great designers, a chief editor, photographer, VJ and a few great core DJs to name a few!

Q:When did you first get into electronic music and what motivated you to take the next step with organizing events?

A:I’ve been into electronic music since a small child. My father used to be head of security at a massive record company BMG. So basically every week he would come back with tons of new CDs that were given to him or would have been thrown away. I would spend a lot of my time going through all the music and I feel that was a great building block for me and kept my mind very open to different sounds and genres. As for stepping up to organizing my own events well it was just the natural progression for me from getting deeper into DJing and wanting to do more of my own thing, follow my own vision instead of being a part of someone else’s vision.

Q:How has the support been from the local community since you begin organizing events?

A:Oh the support has been great and sometimes even a little overwhelming.  Especially the first couple of successful ones I did at Hangover I put so much into making them happen and it went even better then I could have hoped so was really touching for sure. I feel very lucky and blessed with all the local support I have had so far.

[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐

Q:Which qualities would you say a good party have?

A:My top priority will always be the quality of music, if that is good then you have done the most important part to me. But of course having a proper venue with a nice sound system is important too. And you need to do a good job promoting otherwise you wont have a decent crowd to enjoy it all. If you can get these right then I think for sure you will have a good party. 

Q:What do you look for when choosing a venue to throw your party at?

A:Sound for me is No. 1 when choosing a venue and when I first got invited to DJ at the new Hangover bar I knew this was the right place to build something. They have a lovely Funktion One sound system there and believe me it makes a huge difference especially when you are trying to get people into a genre they don’t really know or understand yet.  Having that extra quality sound can make people feel it even more. Of course it’s also very important to have owners who you can work with too though and who can let you flourish and follow your own vision. I must say I feel I’ve been very blessed here so far.

Q:Can you share an experience of a horrible party experience that you’ve been to or DJed at any point in your life may be funny in hindsight?

A:Oh yes actually for our first major Unchained night at Hangover we were hosting Arkaik (Dispatch Recordings) a really awesome drum & bass DJ and producer from England. He’s based in Shanghai at the moment and is a regular for the Sweatshop night over there.  So on the day of the party I get a call from him with him saying he just got to the airport, however turns out we booked the wrong tickets for him! His flight was heading to Shenzhen but should have said Guangzhou! On top of that I had just received a call a few minutes before with my VJ all of a sudden cancelling on me. So yeah at that moment I was freaking a little thinking what am I gonna do. But I quickly got it together and arranged to pick Arkaik up from Shenzhen airport and then went and put him on our party bus that took us all to the venue in Guangzhou. Well he wasn’t so happy at first, but we made the best of the situation and it ended up being a truly wonderful night! He played so well and we had a brilliant turn out too. I also managed to find an awesome VJ in Guangzhou called VSLZR who did an awesome job that night and is now the mainstay VJs for all our events. So yeah from what I thought was becoming a disaster at one moment ended up being an awesome night that I will never forget.

Q:If you could throw a dream party with your favourite DJ at your favourite venue, who and where would it be? 

A:To be honest I think I may have nearly lived that dream already. I was very privileged to host the living legend that is dBridge very recently on Nov 5 at Hangover. It was truly one of the most magical sets I ever experienced, pure class the whole way through and took everyone there on a magical journey.  The vibes that night were perfect and it’s an experience I will never forget.

Q:Whats next for Unchained and Detached, any future goals?

A:For the future just want to keep pushing and growing as much as possible. Keep building the network and fanbase bit by bit and planning to bring over many more big internationals for 2017!

Thank you for your time! Feel free to give further shout outs!

Yes have quite a few people I would like to thank and mention. Bence, Milla, Faye, Bastien, Vic, Kenny, Ah Bee and the other people that have really helped to push and grow Unchained so far. Big shout out to Mantis he gave me all my chances at Bang and helped to push a regular drum & bass night there too, I would not be the DJ or promoter I am now if it wasn’t for him. Big shout outs to Yee and Black of hangover and also the hangover owner they have all been very accommodating and supportive to me.



[PYRO音乐的对话间]深圳的地下音乐推动者 —Daniel Power-PYRO音乐

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