中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??

中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐

今年 DJ Mag 的全球百大DJ评选中,非常遗憾并没有中国DJ被选入内,对于这个结果许多人都是不感觉到意外,但是总是又有那么一些让人期待有中国DJ的进入。不过在另外一份DJ Mag 的榜单中,有着许多来自中国的身影,这就是目前正在进行投票的 DJ Mag 全球百大Club 排行榜。

This year's DJ Mag results were out in October; unfortunately no Chinese DJs made the list. Not a huge surprise but many were hoping to see a Chinese person there. Now, DJ Mag has another list, which could have some Chinese entries. Take a look at the DJ Mag Top 100 Club Ranking.中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐

在2016年的DJ Mag 全球百大Club评选中,中国的 Club 就占据了5席。国内目前最人气的上海 Club MYST SHANGHAI 名列 #60,也是目前国内Club中最高。其它四家为 北京的ELEMENTS(#65)、澳门的CLUB CUBIC(#81)、北京的MODO ULTRA CLUB(#84)和 上海的M2(#86)。

In 2016's DJ Mag Top 100 Club list, Chinese clubs claimed five seats. The highest was Shanghai's MYST Club, which ranked #60. The others are Beijing ELEMENTS (# 65), Macau CLUB CUBIC (# 81), Beijing MODO ULTRA CLUB (# 84) and Shanghai M2 (# 86).中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐

2017年的DJ Mag 全球百大Club评选现在已经开始投票阶段,中国目前在大范围邀请全球知名DJ来打各地演出,除了上述5所Club之外,还有更多的Club也是想进入DJ Mag 全球百大Club,获得这样一份殊荣,并且有部分Club已经开始在DJ Mag的网站上做起了广告。

2017 votes are open, China has since invited a wide range of famous DJs to play around the country. In addition to the clubs listed, there are other clubs who may enter the DJ Mag Top 100 - some have even started advertising on the DJ Mag website.中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐


Now, the voting process is same as the Top 100 DJs, you can use three ways to log in to vote, Facebook, Google + and Weibo account, but the current Weibo account login or error happens, temporarily unable to login. Hopefully they revise it soon.中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐

那么在你心中会为哪家 Club 投票呢?

So in your heart will vote for which Club?



中国将会在明年有更多的DJ Mag 百大 Club??-PYRO音乐

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