在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

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Dream Hackers,这个组合是两位还在美国纽约大学NYU Tisch 音乐专业的大一新生组,Eric 和 Peter。在音乐的求学之旅中他们有着自己的故事和想要表达的情感,这一切都在他们制作的歌曲之中,他们是中国制作人/DJ的新星,有着自己的态度和目标,近期他们的新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ 也在PYRO音乐上发布,让我们来了解下这两位新秀。

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐


A:大家好!我们是Dream Hackers,白衣服的这个是Eric,黑衣服的是我(Peter),我们两个都在纽约大学NYU Tisch上学,音乐专业,今年大一。我们是在学校里面认识的,然后就成为了组合。


Q:来说说这次发布的新歌Real Good Thing

A:这次的新歌Real Good Thing是我们联合我们学院的Domenico一起制作的。Domenico负责人声部分,我们负责曲子。这首歌讲述的是我们现在作为音乐人的感受:我们非常幸运能够考进这所美国最好的流行音乐学校,从9月份到现在短短三个月不到我们已经被三个厂牌签约并且在纽约和洛杉矶都进行了表演。这些都是Real Good Thing,使我们更加地努力做更多高质量的音乐,并且让更多的人听到我们的音乐。




在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐







在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐





A:因为我们风格范围很广,我们喜欢和很多不一样的艺人合作,国内的话觉得Carta、Dirtyclass、Warz。他们都是我的好朋友,所以都想要合作一次,做一些不同的东西。国际艺人的话我现在很喜欢Monstercat新晋艺人Tokyo Machine,他们的东西很独特,我觉得我们也会挺合得来的。






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在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

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在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

Dream Hackers is a duo consisting of 2 students named Eric & Peter, studying at the Tisch Music school of New York University. Capturing their own stories and feelings is critical to their sound, and they fuse these elements into the music that they produce. They are the new stars of Chinese Producers & DJs, and they are excited to release their latest works on Pyro Music. So let's learn some more about these two new talents.

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

Q:Hello, could you please introduce yourself a bit?

A:Hello everybody, we are the Dream Hackers, the one in the white clothes is Eric, black clothes is me (Peter). We are both music majors at NYU Tisch School, freshman level music majors this year. We met in school and began working together from there.

Q:Please talk about your song “Real Good Thing”.

A:The new song ‘Real Good Thing’ is our collaboration made with our fellow student Domenico. Domenico did the vocals, we made the music. This song is about us, and our feeling of being musicians now: We are very lucky to get into the best American pop music school, and from September to now, just less than three months, we've been signed to three labels and have performed in Los Angeles and New York. These are the Real Good Things, making us put more effort into making more high quality music, and let more people to listen to our music.


Q:Did you have any differences while producing?

A:Eric is best at Progressive and Melodic, the thing that I'm better at is Bass. Because each person has their own strengths, so we had no issues. Sometimes I found some of the problems he didn’t, and we can solve them together. This is one the benefits of being in a duo.

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

Q:You study music in the United States, what differences does it have compared to domestic electronic dance music?

A:I think, first of all, the United States is not affected by China's firewall, so we can use Youtube, Soundcloud, Splice and other places to study. And then, because our school is a pop music school, and its focused on writing and production, I learned that a good song cannot separate songwriting and recording. In songwriting we will pay more attention to soul of a song, each song has a story we want to bring everybody, rather than simply to playing music. In production, we now we also record using musical instruments, not just the MIDI instruments.

Q:Will you have any live performances in China?

A:Yes! Please see our schedule below!

Q:How do you divide the work between you when producing a song?

A:When producing, Eric and I are each responsible for our own things. At a show, I DJ, Eric is the MC.

在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

Q:If you were able to collaborate with any domestic or international artists, who would it be?

A:Because we are a wide range of styles, we like to cooperate with many different artists, domestically it would be Carta, Dirtyclass, Warz. They are my good friends, so we want a cooperation with them to do some different things.

For international artists, I’m recently into Monstercat and the new artist Tokyo Machine, their stuff is very unique, I think we would hit it off.

Q:What are your plans for after this release?

A:Our current plan is to produce more music. At the beginning of next year, we will try to release on each of the big foreign mainstream platforms. Our short term goal is to have a release on Mostercat or Armada in 2017! We will arrange more at home during the summer vacation.



在美国学习音乐的中国希望之星,二人组合 Dream Hackers 新歌 ‘Real Good Thing’ PYRO音乐首发-PYRO音乐

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