Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!-PYRO音乐

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix大赛终于落下了帷幕。这个特别的remix大赛获得了各方面的支持,成为了目前为止最大的remix大赛。感谢超过35名制作人的参与,他们的风格从techno到trap都有囊括。     

The Mixfeed x PYRO Music Remix Contest has come to a close. This particular remix contest has achieved the highest amount of submissions making it our biggest remix contest to date! We would like to thank all 35+ remixes that were entered; all had their own distinct style and genre ranging from techno to trap.

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!-PYRO音乐



听过所有提交的作品后,Volac选择了TABLE 18作为本次比赛的优胜者!因为出色的作品质量及总体的优秀状态,所以被我们选中! 


After personally listening to all submissions, Volac has selected TABLE 18 as the remixing winner! They chose this remix based on the production quality and overall groove it possesses. 

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!-PYRO音乐

TABLE 18的remix会被放到soundcloud和facebook上,他们分别有150,000和350,000的关注者。这对TABLE 18将会是一次很不错的曝光。 

Table 18s remix will be reposted on their Soundcloud and Facebook which has 150,000 and 35,000 followers respectively! Thats some serious exposure for TABLE 18!! 

Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!-PYRO音乐

 Pyro 也会送出一个礼品包!包括Pyro帽子,Pyro音乐USB,一副Pyro太阳镜等!

PYRO will also be throwing in a gift bag with a snapback, PYRO Music USB, shades and more! 



You can listen to this remix here: https://pyromusic.cn/tracks/in-a-club-table-18-remix 


PYRO would like to remind all the talented producers that submitted a mix that we are already in the works with upcoming contests that will allow you to get international exposure just like this opportunity offered so stay tuned!



Mixfeed x Pyro 音乐 Remix 大赛落下帷幕!让我们来恭喜优胜者获得国际曝光的机会!-PYRO音乐

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