2016 Now Or Never上海站延期通知 NOW OR NEVER Shanghai Date Change
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

2016 Now Or Never上海站延期通知 NOW OR NEVER Shanghai Date Change

2016 Now Or Never上海站延期通知 NOW OR NEVER Shanghai Date Change-PYRO音乐

今天Now Or Never 公布了上海站延期通知,:由于不可抗拒的因素,原定于2016年12月31日举办的Now Or Never“即刻重启”上海站演出将延期至2017年1月4日,届时David Guetta、Chace、KAKU、Leo Chiodaroli将为大家继续带来精彩演出。


如重新安排的演出时间与您的行程有冲突,Now Or Never将为您提供全额退款。请于2017年1月3日前与您购票的渠道联系并沟通退票事宜。对于在a2non.cn或友付购票的朋友,请将您的姓名、手机号和订单号通过邮件发送至 customerservice@a2storm.cn 您将在退票申请提出后的3周内收到退款。

2016 Now Or Never上海站延期通知 NOW OR NEVER Shanghai Date Change-PYRO音乐

Notification for NOW OR NEVER SHANGHAI 2016 event date change

We regret to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control we are forced to postpone our show to January 4th, 2017.

David Guetta will still headline the event as planned, along with Chace, Kaku and Leo Chiodaroli.

For everyone who has already purchased their tickets and would still like to attend, your tickets will be valid and accepted at the door on January 4th, 2017.

For those who request a full refund please contact the ticketing channel you purchased ticket from. For those who purchased tickets from a2non.cn, please send us an email to customerservice@a2storm.cn with your name, mobile and order number before January 3rd, 2017. You will receive your full refund within 3 weeks from the submission.



2016 Now Or Never上海站延期通知 NOW OR NEVER Shanghai Date Change-PYRO音乐


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