PYRO音乐 2016年末盘点 精选2016年度 TOP 10 单曲
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PYRO音乐 2016年末盘点 精选2016年度 TOP 10 单曲

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PYRO音乐 2016年末盘点 精选2016年度 TOP 10 单曲-PYRO音乐



Top 10 Tracks of 2016




PYRO音乐 2016年末盘点 精选2016年度 TOP 10 单曲-PYRO音乐

PYRO音乐 2016年末盘点 精选2016年度 TOP 10 单曲-PYRO音乐 

1 Flume-Never Be Like You

1月,Flume的Never Be Like You 首次在BBC Radio 1 作为Annie Mac的最热单曲播出。多伦多歌手Kai在歌曲中献声,用她独有的好嗓音,配合歌曲的大量管弦乐搬的印迹和诡异的鼓点——更不用说他发表的他第二张出色专辑的第一首单曲,Skin。不过,和过去的澳大利亚杰出人才的材料相比,重心很明显转到了写旋律和让人吓掉下巴的音效设计。结果,“ Never Be Like You ” 成为了年度最轰动的曲子之一,甚至在美国拿到了白金认证。这单曲是Flume的在2016年快速进步的证明。

In January, Flume’s “Never Be Like You” premiered on BBC Radio 1 as Annie Mac’s Hottest Record In the World. Featuring Toronto singer Kai, the beautiful vocal-driven piece offered plenty of Flume’s orchestral hallmarks and quirky drum programming — not to mention delivering the first taste of his standout sophomore album, Skin. Compared to past material from the Australian phenom, however, the emphasis was clearly shifted to methodical songwriting over jaw-dropping sound design. As a result, “Never Be Like You’ translated into one of the standout blockbuster singles of the year, even going Platinum in the US. The track is a testament to Flume’s meteoric rise to crossover stardom in 2016

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RÜFÜS DU SOL - Innerbloom

9分半钟的曲子可能是这三人组到目前为止最复杂的一个作品,在2016,它真正变成了年度主题曲之一,高质量的混音集得到了What So Not,Sasha,Lane 8等大牌的支持。现场表演使用的旋律元素让人着迷,你只需坐下来,放松,然后在这首歌中迷失自我就好。

The nine-and-a-half minute track is arguably the trio’s most sophisticated offering to date, and in 2016, it became one of the veritable anthems of the year thanks to high profile remixes from the likes of What So Not, Sasha, Lane 8 and more. The melodic elements used by the live ensemble  are borderline entrancing, sit back, relax and get lost in the Sol. 

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Claude Vonstroke - Who’s Afraid of Detroit?

很难相信Claude VonStrokeWho’s Afraid of Detroi发布已经10年过去了,不过,不管你信不信,他已经在Claudes的生涯里最热门的单曲里之一取得了10年的成功,并且决定重新Remix一个新版本,而且也值得收入这个榜单。他也被不同的remix中被Marc Houle,Octave One,Visionquest等人选中。令人着迷的副歌部分会让你洗脑到2017年都出不来!只要你胆子大,就点开来听听看!

Its hard to believe an entire decade has gone by since Claude VonStroke first released the original Who’s Afraid of Detroit. But believe it or not, he's reached the 10 year mark on one of the biggest hits of Claudes career, and decided to remix it into a fresh and modern edit that deserves to be on this list. It also was remixed by a diverse selection from Marc Houle, Octave One, Visionquest and more. The catchy riff on top of this song will remain in your head well into 2017 so listen if you dare, and aren’t afraid of Detroit of course!

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Skrillex ft. Rick Ross - Purple Lamborghini 

优先于他的所有歌曲,Skrillex和Rick Ross为自杀小队做的单曲“Purple Lamborghini”,引起了人们的疯狂。超级制作人和超级说唱歌手的合作,让Rick Ross那不入流的Miami Trap歌词和Skrillex厚实的节奏配合的华丽无比。一些歌用Skrillex和Rick Ross的合作宣传,让人满意无比。但是,Ross的激情嗓音和Skrillex,锋利无比的制作让这首歌可能变成了今年最成功的电子/嘻哈合作单曲。不像电影,歌曲的合作着实是实力派。

Prior to its release, Skrillex and Rick Ross’s Suicide Squad accompaniment, “Purple Lamborghini,” was feverishly-anticipated. The superstar producer/rapper combo pulled out all the stops for their marquee collaboration, as Ross’s infamous Miami trap lyrics flowed over a tenacious Skrillex beat. Few tracks as hyped as Skrillex and Rick Ross’s collaboration manage to adequately satisfy expectations. However, Ross’s passionate vocals and Skrillex’s razor-sharp production led “Purple Lamborghini” to become perhaps the most successful electronic/hip-hop crossover track of the year. Unlike the movie, this collaboration actually delivered quality.

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5 Maceo Plex - Solar Detroi

底特律找到了它呆在这榜单的方法,我们把这归咎于他是techno音乐的出生地。玩笑放一边,Maceo Plex总是有特有的音色超越了喜欢的techno的灵魂。他的连续和弦贯穿整首歌,带你进入一段9分钟的旅程,并最终让你满意。

Detroit just keeps finding its way on this list somehow, we’ll chalk that coincidence up to the fact that its technos birthplace. Jokes aside, Maceo Plex has always had a distinct sound that transcends the souls that may not be the most fond of techno. His chord progression throughout the song takes you on a 9 minute journey that will surely leave you satisfied. 

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Martin Garrix - In the Name Of Love

Martin Garrix,早已是对做电音热单是轻车熟路。但是在2016,这位年轻制作人进入了新的领域。在离开S厂后的第一年,他利用了他的优势来创造,可能最大的表现是和Bebe Rexha的合作的“In The Name of Love”。在夏天发布后,这歌整体相对他以前的歌更简单。Future Bass的节奏吸引了不同寻常的注意力,配合Bebe Rexha的深情嗓音。这次合作在7月得到了250,000,000的流媒体播放,或许Martin在2017会继续试着做一些Future Bass。

Martin Garrix is certainly no stranger to making dance music anthems. In 2016, however, the young producer tread into new territory. In his first year free of Spinnin’ Records, Garrix took full advantage of his newfound ability to explore his creativity, perhaps evinced most notably in his collaboration with Bebe Rexha, “In The Name Of Love.” Released over the summer, the widely-streamed song is more simple and stripped back than what Garrix’s fans were used to hearing beforehand. The future bass clip draws its appeal from the unusually mellow nature of Garrix’s production, and the sultriness of Bebe Rexha’s impassioned vocals. With the collaboration boasting over 250 million streams in since its release in late July, Garrix may want to continue experimenting with future bass in 2017. 

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7 Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter

在市场和期望是成功的关键的一个产业,对于艺人来说,真正听取听众想法的艺人是不可思议的少。当Porter Robinson和Madeon在毫无预告的情况下放出Shelter后,他们简直是让网络瘫痪了。这两位年轻制作人关系很棒,他们俩都在歌里面用了他们个人独有的元素。曲子本身获得了颇多关注,并做了一个国际巡演,号称会是你今年看过最好的演出。尽管Robinson和Madeon都说Shelter会是他们唯一的一次合作,但是这曲子对于我们的影响,将不仅仅停留在2016.

In an industry where marketing and anticipation plays such key roles in the success of releases, it’s incredibly rare for artists to truly take listeners by surprise. When Porter Robinson and Madeon dropped “Shelter” upon the world following no prior announcement, they veritably “broke the Internet.” The partnership of the two prodigious producers in the studio (and onstage) flows incredibly well, as both parties insert key elements of their respective stylistic traits into their collaboration. The track alone garnered enough attention to demand an international tour that is argued as the best show one could’ve experienced this year. Though Robinson and Madeon have both noted that “Shelter” will be their sole collaboration together, the impact which the song had will extend far beyond 2016.

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8 Deadmau5 ft. Grabbitz - Let Go

从Deadmau5开始一点点放出他的W:/2016ALBUM并初现轮廓时,这位制作人的第六张专辑势必要成为年度一大专辑。用“Let Go”Deadmau5再一次用他迷人的才华横溢的progressibe音色是他成为了这些年的一大偶像。这首曲子出色的合成器和独特的旋律势必会创造一段令人幸福的快乐时光,特别是对于那些亲历现场的人来说更是如此。更不用说Grabbitz拿直击灵魂的声音,会让你感受到在歌词中心碎。

From the moment deadmau5 began uploading bits and pieces of W:/2016ALBUM onto his profile, the producer’s sixth LP was primed to be one of the biggest albums of the year.  With “Let Go” Deadmau5 once again captured the entrancing, brilliantly-written progressive sound that has made deadmau5 such an icon over the years. The song’s remarkable synths and distinguishable melodic progression are bound to create fond memories for those witnessing it live during the upcoming “lots of shows in a row” tour. Not to mention the soulful vocals by Grabbitz that puts you in the middle of his lyrical heartbreak.

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9 Chace - Stranger

今年人气飙升的Chace,今年6月在Barong Family厂牌旗下发行了Destination,作为专辑主打歌曲Stranger更是神乎般的洗脑节奏,MV的发布在国内外电音圈引起了不小的反响。

Chace, released “Destination” under Barong Family. His leading song of new album “Stranger” has unforgettable rhythm and the MV capped off whirlwind in the whole electronic music world.

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10 Carta - Shanghai

Carta的首支个人单曲shanghai, “上海是我的家。我在这座城市长大。这里的文化,建筑,方言,小吃,生活我都再熟悉不过。因为这一切,才会有今天的我,也才会有这首歌。”    

Talking about the idea of his first hit “Shanghai”, Carta said “Shanghai is my home. I grew up in this city. I am familiar with the culture, architecture, dialect, food and life. I am thankful for all of these and that’s the reason why this song comes out.”



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