2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

Carl Cox在9月结束了他在Space Ibiza 15年的驻场演出,因为White Isle NightClub最后一次在夏天结束的时候关门。

鲜有人知Cox会在Ibiza 紧随而来的最后一次Music is Revolution 演出上做些什么,但是当传奇英国派对挑选人在伦敦Tobacco Dock新年派对上做了最后一次Carl Cox & Friends 活动时,他给了我们一个关于他新一季计划的重大线索。

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2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

Carl Cox整场演出都穿着印有“Pure Carl Cox Ibiza 2017”的T恤,与此同时,同样名字的Facebook账号在那天更了第一条推,写的很简单“Ibiza 2017 .. We are coming for you(Ibiza2017,我们为你们而来)”

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

到现在为止,Cox也并没有透露是否这是官方账号,DJ Mag联系了他们的代表,但他们拒绝对此事作出评论。

Ibiza传奇巨星,当他上个月(12月)在DJ Mag举办的Best of British奖项中获得他的杰出贡献奖时,官方地确认今年会回归到White Isle。

Carl Cox在上个月还透露了他最新的Pure系列的阵容,也会在4月得澳大利亚城市,墨尔本悉尼,同时还会在佩斯和新西兰奥克兰进行演出。

Carl Cox 也是多年没有来到中国进行演出,小编上次在上海dkd亲临现场已是10年之前了(在2012年也来过上海M2演出),当时有幸拍了不少照片。在此希望Carl Cox 能够尽快来到国内演出,给大家带来他的现场魅力。

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

Carl Cox came to the end of his 15-year residency at Space Ibiza in September, as the White Isle nightclub closed its doors for the last time at the end of the summer.

Little has been revealed about what Cox will do in Ibiza in the wake of his last ever Music is Revolution show, but when the legendary British selector played his Carl Cox & Friends party at London’s Tobacco Dock on New Year’s Day, he gave a major hint about his plans for the new season.

Carl Cox PYRO Music Page

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

Cox played the entire set wearing a t-shirt with the logo “PURE CARL COX IBIZA 2017”, whilst on the same day a Facebook page under the name made its first post, stating simply, “Ibiza 2017… We are coming for you!”

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

As yet Cox hasn’t revealed whether the Facebook page is official. DJ Mag contacted his representatives, who declined to comment.

The Ibiza legend did officially confirm he would be returning to the White Isle this year when collecting his Outstanding Contribution award at DJ Mag’s Best of British awards last month (December), you can see that below.

Cox also revealed the line-up for the latest in his Pure series last month (December), which will hit Australian cities Melbourne and Sydney in April, along with new dates in Perth and Auckland, Newzealand.

Carl Cox hasn't shown up in China for many years. The last time I was present is about 10 years ago in Shanghai and I was so lucky to get some photos. Hope Carl Cox will come to China soon to bring us amazing live shows!

2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐



2017年 CARL COX 很有可能回归 Ibiza ?!-PYRO音乐

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