Monkey VINAI大赛自开始以来,获得了来自全国各地DJ的踊跃参与,并取得巨大反响。在半个月中,一共收到来自全国30多首优秀作品的投递。每一首作品都带有着DJ自己不同的特色。
经过长沙Monkey Museum团队的缜密筛选,他们挑选出了最满意的DJ作品作为最终大赛的获奖DJ作品。这个作品来自DJ ROCKETS.
整个作品,编排构架在future house的基础之上,中间穿插一些House曲风,显得没那么单调,同样层次感,流畅性都还不错,当然还是缺少了一些比较惊艳的搭配。相对其他作品来说,思路清晰,层次分明,表达的算很完整(来自Monkey Museum音乐团队的评价)
DJ ROCKETS是来自乌克兰的DJ,自年幼起便开始了自己的DJ生涯。他曾在2013和2014年都被入选乌克兰顶级DJ排行榜。并在众多知名的俱乐部驻场。
他将获得Monkey Museum的邀请,参加24号第二季Monkey Noise主题派对,并与百大DJ VINAI同台!期待他届时的精彩表现!
如果你这次没有赢得,也不用担心!我们从下个月将会有相同的甄选活动,不过Club将会换成 RAVEN Club,并且是甄选当日的嘉宾DJ。现在开始准备你的混音带吧,比赛将会在3月1日开始提交作品!
活动最终解释权归PYRO音乐与长沙Monkey Museum共同所有
Since the MonkeyVINAI competition launched, it hass been supported by DJs all over China. In just two weeks, we received more than 30 submissions, from different DJs in different styles.
The Monkey Museum music team has selected their favorite mixtape from all the submissions to choose a winner, one created by DJ ROCKETS.
DJ ROCKETS is from Ukraine, he started his DJ career at a very young age. He was selected as the top Ukrainian DJ in 2013 & 2014, and has held a residency in many different clubs.
He will be invited to play a set at Club Monkey Museum, joining the Monkey Noise party on February 24th, featuring TOP100 DJ VINAI. Don’t miss his performance then!
If you didnt win, then don't worry! We are starting next months mixtape competition which will be hosted by RAVEN Club of Xiamen. Start preparing your mixes now, the contest will be open for submissions on March 1st!
Check out his PYRO page for more music