PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20


经过几个月的期待,DJ Snake的终于在上周发行了首张专辑。虽然蛇叔靠着现象级的单曲"Get Low"与"Lean On"取得了主流音乐领域的成功,但他在"Encore"中可不仅仅是流行的尝试。相反的,这张专辑像是一幅细致的画,展现了一个音乐人各种灵感的兼收和丰富音色运用的天赋。
After months of anticipation, DJ Snake‘s debut album finally arrived earlier last week. Though Snake has achieved mainstream success with monster singles like “Get Low” and “Lean On,” his efforts on Encore are more than a stab at popularity. Instead, the album is a nuanced picture of an artist with eclectic inspirations and a wide range of sonic talents.


这张专辑最强大的地方在于,单曲的合作人的参与度保持到最低,使得制作人署名的呼声得以蓬勃发展。还有比如在“Sober”这首歌中,Downtempo的交错运用,使JRY诚挚的人声和简洁迷人的节拍相得益彰。Vampire Weekend风格的吉他lick使那句“You never call me when you’re sober”散发出特有的哀怨,让这首歌显得更为动人。
The LP’s strongest suits are tracks where Snake’s collaborators are kept to a minimum and the producer’s signature sound is allowed to flourish. Downtempo crossover “Sober,” for example, pits vocalist JRY’s earnest plea against a spare, enchanting beat. The result is an affecting track with a Vampire Weekend-esque guitar lick that brings sonic levity to a quintessential Millennial complaint: “You never call me when you’re sober.”

"Encore"中有两首同Bipolar Sunshine合作的单曲。其中之一是今年作为先行单曲的发行的"Middle",已经得到了全球范围内的支持。另一首是"Future Pt 2",融合了经典的恰到好处的电子爵士风格和一些经典的英式garage风。

Encore also features two turns from Bipolar Sunshine. Firstly,”Middle” which has been receiving international support since its release as an advance single earlier this year. The latter “Future Pt 2” is a fusion of classic Justice style electro funk and trace amounts of classic UK garage.

Justin Bieber客串的"Let Me Love You"是另一个亮点。在全新的形式下,这首还没有正式发行的单曲就已经在iTunes上登顶。这首歌暗藏着热带风情的制作以及"Lean On"式的合成器旋律。
Justin Bieber’s cameo on “Let Me Love You” is another high point. In true maverick form, the track has already rocketed to the number 1 slot on iTunes without ever receiving a true single release. The song also bears DJ Snake’s signature sound with simple, vaguely tropical production and a “Lean On” style synth melody.

在所有hip hop曲风的歌曲中,"4 Life"无疑是最强的。因为其他的曲子的制作可能较为繁杂,而在"4 Life"中则更为克制和简明。且G4shi提供了仿佛还沉浸在醉酒后的疲倦中的,但是又那么吸引人的vocal。
Of all the hip hop crossover tracks on the album, “4 Life” is by far the strongest. Where other tracks get bogged down in maximalism, the production here is restrained and clean. G4shi delivers a compelling turn with biting vocals drenched in overly liquored languor.


也许这张专辑中最让人兴奋的一首歌,是和Mr Hudson.合作的,曲风带着点黑暗味道的"Here Comes The Night"。Hudson因在Kanye的专辑808s &Heartbreak中的制作出名,他在歌曲中融入自己对synth运用的偏爱,且提供了非常自然的人声hook。专业的制作让整首歌陷入了一种带点失落的氛围,但是又点缀着相对活泼的节奏,Bullet shell音色从来没有这样听起来带有气泡感。
Perhaps the most exciting track on the album, though, is the album’s dark closer “Here Comes The Night” featuring Mr Hudson. Known for his production work on Kanye’s infamously solemn 808s and Heartbreak, Hudson puts his synth heavy proclivities to work and delivers a raw vocal hook. Expert production keeps the whole thing from sliding into depressive territory. Instead the track sparkles with an effervescent melancholy. Bullet shell samples have never sounded so bubbly.

扫码收听DJ Snake新专辑吧!

article by Dancing Astronaut / translated by Liz







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