飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐


Tomorrowland has a specially designed flight every year, this year they revealed the plane on February 23. Let's take a look at the PLUR plane and see what it has to offer.


飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐

布鲁塞尔航空公司(Brussels Airlines)设计了这架特殊的航班Amare,该公司关于Tomorrowland发表了这样的阐述:“ Tomorrowland,是将世界上各种国家的人聚集在一起的国际性音乐节,大约全球200个国家的人相聚于此,将会一起度过一个难忘的周末。如果没有飞机航班来接送乘客的话,这个音乐节也无法成立。”

Brussels Airline designed this special plane Amare; the company had this to say about Tomorrowland, 'Tomorrowland lets people of all countries in the world to gather, about 200 countries of the world's population, will join for a memorable weekend together. If there are no flights to transport passengers, this festival cannot exist.’

对于布鲁塞尔航空公司来说,Tomorrowland是非常重要的音乐节,根据 Tomorrowland 的主题,布鲁塞尔航空公司制作了Amare 特殊的航班客机。这个特殊的Tomorrowland主题客机设计加上制作,总共花费了9个月的时间来完成。制作小组,经过2周不休不眠的高强度工作量将客机涂装改造完成。

For Brussels Airlines, Tomorrowland is a very important festival, and they made the Amare according to its theme. It took nine months to design and make. The team, after 2 weeks without sleep, finished the decoration.


飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐

那么Amare到底有什么含义呢?官方解释为 “Unity, Love and Friendship” ,是最好的诠释了 Tomorrowland 的意义。除此之外对于 Amare 的补充说明还有 “We are one world. Like Tomorrowland, Amare means: Live Today. Love Tomorrow. Unite Forever.” (我们是同一个世界,喜欢Tomorrowland,Amare的意义:活在今日,热爱明天,永远团结在一起。)

What is the meaning of Amare? “Unity, Love and Friendship” In addition to Amare, they say “We are one world. Like Tomorrowland, Amare means: Live Today. Love Tomorrow. Unite Forever.

Amare的目的是 “将世界各地的人们聚集在一起,孕育出新的友情、发现新的冒险。

Amare's purpose is "to allow people all over the world to come together and spawn a new friendship and find new adventures."


飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐


Amare is not just an ordinary plane, it will bring everyone's hearts together. Tomorrowland's ideals of  love, friendship and unity are deeply imprinted on it.

飞机不单单是涂了一层 Tomorrowland 主题的外观,飞机里面也放置了关于 Tomorrowland 的宣传册;贴上了主题的贴纸;并且每个座位上都配置了 Tomorrowland 相关的音乐程序,乘坐这架 Amare 将会全身心感受到 Tomorrowland 的音乐之旅。

The plane is not just themed on the outside. Inside the flight, you will find Tomorrowland brochures and stickers, and each seat is equipped with a Tomorrowland related music program, taking the Amare you will really begin to feel the Tomorrowland music tour.

飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐


如此充满 PLUR 精神的 Rave 客机


What do you think about Amare?

And the PLUR Rave flight?

Would you want to take this plane?




飞往明日世界的特殊航班—Amare 酷到掉渣!!!-PYRO音乐


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