NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈

NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐

NLVi是来自亚洲的电子舞曲制作人组合,两名团员分别是来自台湾的Nova Lee与来自新加坡Sebastian Leon(又名:Virusindigo)。2013年加盟荷兰ToCo International音乐厂牌,同年发行他们的出道成名单曲”Amplifier”,这首单曲邀来美国知名的歌手Jonny Rose献声,发行后便勇夺知名数位音乐下载平台 Beatport 前卫浩室音乐排行第13名、商业舞曲排行第27名的好成绩,使NLVi受到相当大的关注。

NLVi are an Asian EDM production duo formed in 2013 through the collaboration of Nova Lee and Sebastian Leon (aka Virusindigo). They are signed to the Netherland label ToCo International, who released their single "Amplifier", featuring the famous American vocalist Jonny Rose. The single was well received on Beatport, ranking 13th in progressive house music and 27th i,n commercial dance, which gave them recognition worldwide. 

 NLVi这周发行了他们的最新单曲"A Million Hearts”,快扫码来Pyro收听吧!

NLVi released their new single "A Million Hearts” this week. Scan the QR code below to listen on PYRO Music!

NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐

我们有幸和他们进行了一次关于新单曲”A Million Hearts”的深度访谈,赶快来看看吧。

We were also lucky enough to chat with NLVi about the release.Let's go to read it.

很多粉丝在听到了你们对Dannic “Light The Sky”的混音后开始关注你们。你们对于这次混音大赛以及自己这次的混音版怎么看?

A lot of fans began following you after your remix of Dannic's track "Light The Sky". What do you think about this remix contest, and your remix version?
当我们看到PYRO MUSIC在徵选Dannic “Light The Sky”的混音作品之后,我们觉得PRYO MUSIC非常用心与积极的在为中国的音乐製作人创造很多的机会向世界发声,而我们身为一直在国外奋斗的华裔音乐製作人,我们希望可以透过参与活动,表示对于PYRO MUSIC的支持。虽然我们由于工作的忙碌,碍于时间的关系,没有能够做出我们真正满意的作品,因为Dannic的原作真的相当完美,想要超越真的相当的困难,于是我们选择了一个不同类型风格的曲风,做出与原作不同的感觉。
When we saw that PYRO MUSIC is holding an open audition for the remix of Dannic "Light The Sky", we feel that PYRO MUSIC is very attentive and aggressive in creating a lot of opportunities and developing a message to the world for the arranger in China. Therefore, as hard working Asian music producers in oversea, we would like to participate in this audition to express our support. Although we are completely tied up by busy work and only get limited time, we couldn’t be satisfied with the fruition. Because the original edition of Dannic is too perfect to transcend it, we try a different music style from the original one to complete the remix.
NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐
What is your process like for producing music together?
我们的录音室在新加坡,所以我们通常是先分开工作然后在合体完成的,首先由Nova Lee(台湾)先创作词曲并且做出Demo之后,再由Virusindigo(新加坡)进行音乐结构的初步工程与和弦创作,在这个同时,Nova Lee会作为人声录音的监製并完成人声调适后带往新加坡,与Virusindigo共同细化整首歌曲製作的每一个轨道,最后将Mastering的工作交给我们的经纪人去安排给专业的后製扬声公司为我们完成Mastering,而我们自己在单曲正式发行之前,是不会拿到最后的母带的。
NLVi Music studio is in Singapore, and we are won the ‘’Singapore Brands Awards’’ for three years, usually we work on different parts before putting them all together. Normally Nova Lee in Taiwan starts with songs and lyrics composing and demo recording and then Virusindigo in Singapore builds the preliminary music structure, synths and rhythmic grooves.
NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐

能和大家谈谈你们最新的发行:"Shanghai19(One Night)"吗?这首歌的灵感来自哪里?
Could you guys tell us something about your recent release: "Shanghai19 (One Night)"? Where does your inspiration come from?
这是我们 NLVi 最近的创作单曲,歌名为"Shanghai 19",翻唱自经典的华语老歌"夜上海”,曲风是Future House。 之所以会有作这首歌的想法,是因为一直在海外打拼音乐事业的我们,在2016年四月份回到了故乡台湾,跟几个老朋友相聚叙旧,当我们聊起最早从2002年台北第一家电子音乐舞厅Club Underground开始接触电子音乐,然后透过朋友的帮忙让我可以有机会进入当时的蓝月唱片以及当时台北最有名的夜店Club——EDGE,在蓝月除了认识了很多好朋友,同时也对电子音乐以及编曲录音工程有了深刻的认识和理解。 当我们聊起在那个年代最令大家难忘的歌曲,大家都说是Blue Moon Records製作的PsyTrance曲风版本“夜上海”,那是我们很珍贵的回忆也是对我而言很重要的年代,因为那是NLVi的起点,所以我决定重新製作这首歌,和大家分享,同时,也帮助我们找回自己的初衷,继续在音乐製作的道路上不停向前走。 NLVi 也会继续在电子音乐创作中继续努力,期待有一天,在国际间发光发热。
 Shanghai 19, a cover of the classic Chinese songs "Night in Shanghai", and the genre is "Future House." When we went back to our hometown - Taiwan in April 2016 and meet with some old friends, we started to talk about how and when were their first time to hear about EDM, which was in the first Taipei Dance Club "Club Underground" in 2002. Through the help of some friends NLVi have the opportunity to join the "Blue Moon Records" and play in the most famous nightclub club "EDGE" in Taipei. During that period of time we have met a lot of good friends, and also gained a deep knowledge of electronic music, remixing and mastering.
 When everybody talked about the most memorable songs at that period, everyone said it is the PsyTrance genre version of "Night in Shanghai" produced by ‘Blue Moon Records’, it is a very precious memories and important time for us, because that was the starting point for NLVi, so we decided to recreate this song and to share it with the different generations, which is always our original purpose - to continue making music and move forward in the music industry.
How would you describe NLVi's music? What kind of influence have you taken from other industry icons?
我们两个人喜欢的音乐不太一样,但是对NLVi来说,Armin van Burren比較多是偏向Swedish House和Progressive House比較多, 而我們最近也在嘗試製作Future House以及Trap, Ferry Corsten, Vince Clarke对于音乐的合成器的处理,律动性以及声音的品质追求是相当不错的,另外,我们在Howard Jones, Nik Kershaw, Tears for Fears的音乐中得到很多音乐的启发和灵感。
NLVi's music is more like Swedish House, Progressive House, and now we also try Future House & Trap,  Armin van Burren, Ferry Corsten, Vince Clarke are good for synths and rhythmic grooves. Howard Jones, Nik Kershaw, Tears for Fears has many melodic scales which we learn from. There are many more that we listen through  the years but the above mention has the biggest influence in our music.
NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐

As a DJ duo from Asia, what do you think about Asia's electronic music development?
It's a closed situation, producers need to work together as a group, sharing ideas, techniques and work flow. Many new young producers are coming up, setting up studio at home, studios not really needed unless a special equipment is needed. What we've learn overseas and throughout the years is sharing is caring. We are not perfect yet, we strive to be, everyday in the studio is a new learning curve for us.
NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐

What is your upcoming music release? And your plan in the coming years?

我们将会在八月发行我们的新单曲"A Million Hearts",这首单曲是我们花了一年的时间才製作完成的,因为这是我们首次尝试将古典小提琴加入我们的音乐当中,所以我们做了很多很多不同的版本也不断地修改旋律以及歌词,直到两个月前我们才将最后的版本决定下来,完成之后还将歌曲送到英国进行最后的扬声后製工作,特别值得一提的是这次的新单曲我们找来了一名中国籍的优秀小提琴家Huimen以及知名的女歌手Q`Aila跨海献艺,我们对于完成后的结果相当满意。其实歌曲的创作灵感是源自于发生在Huimen身上的一段感人故事,希望下次有机会能和大家分享更多关于这首单曲的製作过程以及这首歌背后的故事和意义。

Our latest single " A Million Hearts" will be release in August worldwide. we spent a whole year to complete it because this is our first time to bring the classical violin into our music. We have made kinds of versions and incessantly revised the rhythms and lyrics. The final version was decided only two months ago. And the mastering was made by Wired Masters, UK. What is worth to mentioning is that this time we cooperate with an excellent Chinese violinist, Huimen and a famous female singer, Q`Aila and we are all satisfied with the final outcome. In fact, the inspiration came from a touching story happened on Huimen. We really hope that next time we could share the story with everyone and tell everybody how the story influences the creation process.

 From now on, NLVi will keep working hard on making new songs and we have already made a plan to release an album next year. In this new album, we are going to cooperate with more well-known international electroacoustic music producers and singers. Also, we will are now also making soundtracks for some movies in Asia & US.





NLVi携新单“A Million Hearts”作客PYRO访谈-PYRO音乐


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