PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版

PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐

我们热烈的宣布我们的下一场混音大赛将与AIMEC 音乐(巴西)合作,并将使 用顶级音乐人FractaLL, Gabe,和FKLS的必杀单曲“Take Over”, 这首 chill deep house风格的单曲融合了颤动的贝斯,微妙的吉他,合成器音色,还有强烈的 人声。

China’s Premier electronic music platform has again bridged the gap between the middle kingdom and a huge international brand. PYRO Music is proud to support its many producers by offering the chance to get discovered by one of the largest record labels in the world; not only that, but also represent China in an industry that is being dominated elsewhere.

PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐

如果AIMEC音乐和YIN唱片 选中了你的 混音,那么你将得到许多疯狂的奖励, 包括: 由AIMEC音乐旗下的YIN唱片厂牌官方发布混音,一次超级宝贵的机会得到SKIO 和AIMEC的音乐人们的辅导,在包括spotify,beatport等各大主流平台发布, landr 一年的专业 版会费, 一次与FractaLL和Gabe视频见面的机会(可配备翻 译),得到一切来自流媒体最顶级的支持,包括mix union,mix feed,还有 AIMEC&SKIO 的soundcloud 超过750 k+的粉丝群。

We're proud to announce PYRO's next remix contest in partnership with AIMEC Music (Brazil) and top artists FractaLL, Gabe and FKLS for a killer track called "Take Over!"

If AIMEC and YIN Records like your remix you could win some crazy prizes including: official release on AIMEC Music’s Yin Records label, 1,000 RMB, a Midi DJ controller, artist mentorship program from SKIO & Aimec A&R’s, distribution to Spotify, Beatport and other major channels, some killer iZotope plugins, a LANDR 1 yr PRO subscription to master your tracks like a pro ($299 value), a Skype Meet and Greet with FractaLL and Gabe (translator will be present if necessary). On top of all that support from Mix Union, Mix Feed, AIMEC & SKIO Soundcloud repost network to over 750K+ followers!

比赛不限定风格种类,所以你可以尽情制作你喜欢的音乐。.这次我们决定省 去drum stems部分来挑战你技术的极限,同时用我们提供的采样尽情创作吧!

There are no specific genres for the contest, so you are free to produce whatever you want. Be creative, use and abuse the samples that are provided! We decided to leave out the drum stems to challenge you to flex your skills and get creative. As usual, do your thing and have fun!


Submissions are now open, March 15th 2017, and the deadline is Monday, April 15. This gives you 30 days to analyse the track, download the stems and give it your spin – remember ALL genres are accepted, dare to be different 0_o


PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐



由AIMEC音乐(YIN 唱片)官方发布混音


得到一切来自流媒体最顶级的支持,包括mix union,mix feed,还有aimec&siko

soundcloud 超过750 k+的粉丝群。

LANDR 一年专业版会费 ($299)




¥1,000 人民币现金奖励

Hercules Midi DJ 控制器

PYRO 主页专版歌曲宣传

免费升级至PYRO PRO 账户


International 1st Place Grand Prizes

(International Winner Receives All Prizes Below)

Official release on AIMEC Music (YIN Records)

Distribution to Spotify, Beatport and major outlets

Support from Mix Union, Mix Feed, AIMEC & SKIO Soundcloud repost network (750K+ followers)

Artist Mentorship from AIMEC & SKIO A&R’s

iZotope Neutron & Ozone 7 Plugins ($435)

LANDR 1 yr PRO Subscription ($299)

Skype Meet & Greet with FractaLL & Gabe

SKIO Music Swag

PYRO 1st Place Grand Winner Prizes

(Chinese based PYRO DJ will win prizes below)

¥1,000 RMB Cash Prize

Hercules Midi DJ Controller

PYRO Homepage Banner dedicated to your song

Free PYRO PRO Account Upgrade

PYRO Music Swag Bag


PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐





iZotope Iris 2 插件 ($111)


SKIO Music swag



PYRO 主页专版歌曲宣传

免费升级至PYRO PRO 账户

International Runner-Up Prizes

Official release on AIMEC Music (YIN Records)

Distribution to Spotify, Beatport and major outlets

iZotope Iris 2 Plugin ($111)

Call with SKIO Music A&R’s

SKIO Music swag

PYRO DJ Runner-Up Prizes

PYRO Music Swag Bag

PYRO Homepage Track Recommendation

Free PYRO PRO Account Upgrade

*Note: All submissions on PYRO are eligble to win all International & PYRO prizes; PYRO prizes will be awarded to the number one and two remixes by a China based DJ on PYRO %100.


参加比赛的步骤和详情可以点击 “阅读原文” 进行详细了解

If you'd like to represent China and learn how to submit your remix then click the Read More at the bottom of the article!

谁是 FractaLL?

PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐

FractaLL是一个如果你还没听说过,那你必须去关注一下的大人物,尤其是在他 的祖国巴西和整个南美地区非常有名。他有超过250,000 soundcloud粉丝数量,facebook超过150,000的点赞数,并 且随着他每次的新发布还在不断增长,他的厂牌 mix feed恰好也是南美最大的音 乐厂牌。

FractaLL is kind of a big deal if you haven’t heard of him, especially in his native country of Brazil and all of South America. He has over 250,000 Soundcloud followers and more than 150,000 Facebook likes, that is constantly growing with each release on his record label, Mix Feed, which happens to be the largest in South America.

FractaLL 本人就是巴西有名的dj兼制作人Lucian Castro,同时也是厂牌”Mix Feed” 和 “Sublime Music”的老板。FractaLL从2008年出道,深受各类音乐风格 影响,包括从house音乐到techno音乐等,并且创造了本人独有的音乐风格。Lucian持续的在各大著名俱乐部表演,并且受到了电音届大咖们的赏识。

FractaLL is a project by the talented Brazilian DJ and producer Lucian Castro who is also the owner of the labels “Mix Feed” and “Sublime Music”. The artist began in 2008 and has managed to create a unique identity in its musical style, with influences ranging from house music to techno. Lucian is constantly performing in several respected clubs and is recognized by influential names in the e-music industry.

PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐




PYRO音乐 x AIMEC Music Remix 大赛| 中国版-PYRO音乐


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