Bingo Players要带着新单
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

Bingo Players的微博账号已开通


也许认为今年为止出道已经十年的Bingo Players一直在不断变强从未退步,是有点疯狂。在取得了不单是有名的一系列超棒热单后,他已经在那个时代的舞曲领域里拥有不可动摇的位置。今天,他在Insomniac Records发行了全新的单曲"Be With You",一首人声部分充满了夏天气息的歌曲。在这首单曲中,Maarten把富有激情的合成器声效支撑的洗脑旋律,和整体顺畅自然的氛围巧妙的结合在一起。那是一种让你想把它送给你那个特别的人的曲子。

It’s crazy to think Bingo Players has been going strong for going on a decade this year. He’s become a permanent fixture in the dance music space in that time, having notched up a more-than-respectable list of smashing hits. Today, he’s ripping open a brand-new one on Insomniac Records by the name of “Be With You,” a vocal-driven bit crammed with all the summertime vibes a single song can handle. Maarten does a standup job at propping up the catchy topline against oxytocin-soaked synths and an overall go-with-the-flow atmosphere. It’s the type of tune you want to dedicate to that special someone.

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

十年的时间对于Bingo Players来说有大起也有大落,第一首单曲“Toms’s Diner“就让无数人们记住了他们的名字。不过2013年Paul突然被诊断出癌症并且永远的离开了我们,这无疑是灾难性的打击。但是第二年Maarten一个人挑起大梁,延续Paul的音乐之路,他表示会一直坚持下去,让Bingo Players一直延续下去。

Ten years for Bingo Players has also given them quite a name, their first single "Tom's Diner" has let countless people remember their names. But in 2013, they suffered a huge tragedy, as Paul was suddenly diagnosed with cancer and left us forever.

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

就在这个具有意义的十周年里,刚公布不久的百威风暴电音节的北京站,我们惊喜的看到Bingo Plyaers在Line Up名单上,我们不仅可以在电音节听到这一首新歌,也可以看到Maarten在遵守着自己的诺言,Bingo Players会一直往前走。

On the news of this significant 10 year anniversary, they also announced their return to China at the Beijing stop of the Budweiser STORM Festival. We were surprised to see Bingo Players in the lineup, but can't wait to hear this new song at the festival, and with Maarten carrying on by himself to fulfill the Bingo Players promise, they can move on into the future.

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

Maarten Hoogstraten接受了Sam Yun关于新单曲的采访,想知道他们都聊了什么吗?那就借着往下看!

There’s a little exchange Sam Yun had with Maarten Hoogstraten about his newest single, dive right in.
You’ve reached the 10-year milestone in your career. Congrats. What’s one thing you’ve achieved in that time that you never thought possible?
Basically, the past 10 years have been full of things I could only dream of, from playing the biggest festivals and clubs around the world, to scoring a #1 in the UK charts with “Rattle.”

Who has been your biggest supporter since day one?

That has to be my parents. They always supported me to pursue this career (after I finished my studies, that is). And of course, my girlfriend, who does a great job of keeping things going when I’m away from home.

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐


What has been the most enriching interaction/connection you’ve had with a fan in the decade you’ve been around?
There have been many—especially during the time when [former partner] Paul was diagnosed with cancer, and then when he passed away. The fans made signs [and] really supported me and Paul during that period. After Paul passed, I was overwhelmed by how compassionate the whole community was. It really helped me pull through.

Family has been an important part of your life, especially with your son. What’s the secret to balancing a demanding tour schedule and life at home?

When I get back from touring... I try not to think too much about work, and spend time with my family and friends. I like to do really “normal” things that most people would do when they get off from work, like watch a movie, go out for dinner, get groceries—simple stuff. Our life on the road is crazy enough; it’s good to have the contrast.

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

让我们具体聊聊你的新单曲Be With You,它是如何反应了你目前的作为一个音乐人目前的历程?

Let’s talk specifically about the new single on Insomniac Records, “Be With You.” How does it reflect where you are currently in your journey as an artist?
我做好vocal demo已经很长一段时间了,但是当时的制作效果和现在完全不同。当我在前一段时间以前再听这段demo的时候,我想把它全新制作。我有很好的时机去尝试做一些不同于我以前做的东西。为自己保持新鲜感是很重要的,反复重复同样的把戏是很无聊。我们过去不会这样做,未来也不会。
I had the vocal demo around for quite a while, but with a totally different production. When I listened back to it a while ago, I thought about doing a whole new production around it. I had a great time trying to do something different than what I usually do. I think it’s important to keep things fresh for yourself. Repeating the same trick over and over is boring. We never did that, and we will never do it.

What was the most challenging part about finishing the tune? Did you struggle with any section more than others?

Not really—this is one of the easier songs that I’ve ever worked on. I was quickly happy with the results, which never happened before!

Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐


Was the tune produced with anyone in particular in mind? Did you dedicate it to anyone special out there?
Actually, no, haha. I think you can apply the lyrics to different situations. It’s just a being-in-love song!

欢迎在PYRO收听"Be With You":
Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐

some content provided by Sam Yun at Insomniac Records / translated by Liz




Bingo Players要带着新单"Be With You"来风暴音乐节啦!-PYRO音乐


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