第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]

第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐
第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐


第六十四期节目,PYRO RADIO为您带来 RayRay 

This episode of PYRO RADIO brought you by  RayRay

 Welcome to a new episode of PYRO Radio.

PYRO为您呈现来自于世界最顶尖DJ和本地天赋DJ所做出的最精彩电子音乐!  每周,PYRO RADIO将会邀请到驻扎在中国极其有天赋的DJ或者世界最受欢迎的DJ,让你享受到经过精心挑选的最新最棒的电子音乐!

从本周开始,连续三期 PYRO RADIO 将会带来特别版,与LOOPTOPIA 合作,带来即将在4月8日~9日台湾举办的 LOOPTOPIA Music Festival 的知名DJ们的最新Mixtape,好的音乐,值得与你们分享!

第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐


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第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐

RayRay曾就读台湾大学人类学系。从15岁开始接触Hip-Hop,音乐对于DJ RayRay来说是生命中不可或缺的重要元素,随著音乐的摆动,她将活泼的力量随著唱盘转动注入音乐之中,音乐风格从Hip-Hop, Funk & Disco到House Music都能游刃自如。甜美的外表加上完美的选歌技巧所散发的音乐魅力,不容小觑,更多次参与台湾音乐节春呐、春浪,国际音乐节SXSW、ADE、Glastonbury等演出,个人特色以及表演经验极为丰富。为2013年Red Bull Thre3Style首届台湾区冠军,代表台湾前往加拿大,和来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲等最强DJ高手争取全球总冠军赛。

Taipei native, RayRay, like all great artist manifests this into music. At a young age, she dug into the rich history of music and bourn out an eclectic taste and a sensibility of soulful sound, when she digs in the crates and drops the needle, she drops gems.

She's been a hit in the circuit of major music festivals and DJ venues across Asia, working with some of their top music makers. Catching the ears of the crowd in her home country, she was crowned champion of the 2013 Red Bull Thre3style DJ competition. The same year, she presented Taiwan to Toronto in the International DJ Championship.

With so much strength under her belt, she's garnered further foreign interest, being invited to perform at SXSW in 2013 and 2016, ADE in Amsterdamin 2015, Glastonbury UK Festival in 2016, and the Midem France Music Festival in 2016. Each year, her reach furthers.

第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐



第六十四期|PYRO RADIO 电台之声 RayRay [Looptopia 特别版]-PYRO音乐

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