The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析


The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐

4月7日 The Chainsmokers 发布了新专辑 “MEMORIES…DO NOT OPEN” ,同时 The Chainsmokers 也在 Facebook 上对于每首歌都做了一些介绍,对于这张专辑的每一首歌,The Chainsmokers 到底是怎么来诠释的呢?

Memories ...Do Not Open

我们一直觉得我们得有权利做一张专辑,一张粉丝们想要的专辑,一张展现真实自我,表达我们真正想说的专辑。这个Memories ...Do Not Open的回忆盒,就代表了我们专辑的信息。我们都有我们童年的卧室,里面装着一个个东西都阐述了特殊的一段时光。最终,随着我们慢慢长大,房间被收拾好,东西都被装进了一个充满回忆的小盒子,里面装着我们最重要的回忆。对我们和你们许多人来说,这里面的东西都是无价的。我们收藏的盒子,都在我们之前的作品封面中。现在,我们向你们打开它。这个盒子中还装着我们应该成为什么样的人和人们对我们的看法。现在我们打开盒子,来看看里面到底有什么。

The One 

这首歌的第一段,是在我们错过了一位好朋友的婚礼后感觉愧疚,在我们手机里的备忘录写下的。这份愧疚让我们深思我们的行程对我们个人生活的影响。一直在巡演的路上让我们很难与我们生活中重要的人保持亲密联系。这些友情给我们的压力给我们启发写了这首歌。这首歌的第二段告诉我们有一个人精神上已经从这段感情里走出但并没有勇气实际上结束这段恋情,这样错误的方式会让他们一直在这段感情里纠缠。我们爽快的坦白我们的自私,但也困惑我们是否从中学到了什么。我们承认有时我们被工作所困,所以我们不能陪伴生命中重要的人。我们的自私是否是我们已经越走越远了的标志?这优柔寡断让我们常常陷入争吵,让我们不确定对方是否仍旧忠诚,我们总是互相让对方感到困惑。我们不会是可以做决定的The Ones(一类人)。

The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐

Break Up Every Night

这首歌比专辑里任何一首歌都更多展示了我们内心真实的自我。声音上来说,这比我们过去任何一首歌走的都远。我们和我们的好朋友Captain Cuts合作一首乐观的,可供人们选择的曲子,但是又能展现内心深处的声音。我们经常写关于朋友间友情紧张的时候,我们也乐于接受这一概念。我们对那个困住我们但又让我们疯狂迷恋的女人吐槽发泄。我们以前与许多这样的人约会过,也被这些人逼疯过,这些经历让这首歌听起来很有意思。


在我们写这张专辑的这一年里,许多东西都变了。我们开始第一次面对名利。这不是我们所能想到的。在那么多年的默默无闻后,突然所有人都开始评论我们的所有东西,从穿衣到到发的推特。媒体上的文章和对我们的误解让我们很有压力。这首歌展现了我们对面我们新收到的关注时受到的挫折,同时,这首歌也触及了我们的友情。我们总是被批评是“Party Boys”,他们想怀疑我们的艺术性,但是事实上,在我们的派对上是我们最清醒的写歌的时候。我们在伦敦早上4点写了这首歌,在Brixton的一场派对后。Bloodstream是关于我们接受真实的自我。

Don’t Say

这首歌是我们和Emily Warren一起写的一首很棒的曲子。这是关于一对情侣一直在持续争吵。这段关系最终以男主一直做错事结束,女主坚称他不用为他的错误后悔终生。许多人会用“我们只是人类”来当作犯错的借口,我们向诱惑屈服,但对于受害者,借口总是没用的。

Something Just Like This

这首歌是讲一段恋情里不用做得像超人那样完美,一段普通的爱情,一份每个人都值得的爱就好,就像封面中的小男孩童年的梦想已经被装进了盒子里。Coldplay是我们最大的启发之一,这次的合作也是我们梦想成真。这首歌大部分是我们第一次见到Chris Martin的时候写的。我们发现一些人人都爱的和声部分,然后Chris插了个话筒,在录音室里自己唱了一个小时。这首歌便是我们合作的结果。我们从没见过一首这样用意识流写完的曲子。与这样一位成功的艺人合作时你很难有自己的特色,但我们觉得我们很好的做到了我们和Coldplay的平衡。

The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐

My Type

这首歌是我们和我们好朋友Emily Warren&Britt Burton一起写的。Drew在session里说“I hate to say it but you’re just my type”。这件事让我们想写一首歌关于我们不能决定我们会爱上谁。又是我们不能选择我们被谁吸引,甚至他们对我们不好。这在我们生命中常常发生,Emily完美献声,她的声音真的有毒,很吸引人。

It Won’t Kill Ya

这首歌是关于一次晚上出去玩,在房间里看到了一个你有感觉的人,这让你挣扎是否有勇气来和他搭讪。这首专辑里比较舒缓的曲子关注了我们面对诱惑时享受的过程。和Louane合作很开心。我们喜欢写很甜美的歌词,但是在此之上是有黑暗元素的曲子。对我们来说, Louane为这首歌增添了太多东西。她特别用法语献唱,但她用英语唱的时候的独特口音也很迷人。


这首歌其实是在Stockholm写的,在一首晚上演出后。这首歌又“We were staying in Paris”开始,并呈现了出来。一开始歌词的意思似乎很模糊,但这创意来自一个真实的地方。Drew在东海岸有一个朋友,最近好多年都在对抗毒瘾。他们是发小,家里人也都认识,所以他家人一致告诉他欢愉他的朋友。他和Drew一直在facebook聊天,但他从来不说他在经历些什么,不过Drew全都知道。我们用Paris作为暗喻他感觉他在一个所有事情都还好的地方,但是需要意识到所有人都在关心他。Paris总是一个浪漫理想的地方,这首歌是说逃离你的现实,一个没有意思的现实,一个除了别人就是别人的现实。

The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐



Wake Up Alone

这首歌质疑了各种关系中的肤浅一面。Jhene Aiko唱了她关于物质上成功导致她质疑她的许多关系时候是否是真的。她承认她的成就很诱人,她想知道那些和她关系很好的人是否是真的对她的人感兴趣还是要有求于她。这是一个故事关于寻觅成功不管我们是否仍旧孤独。这条路上很孤独,即便周围都是人,但这让这一切感觉更孤独了。我们很欣赏Jhene,她意志很强,我们的合作不能更棒。


我们喜欢写关于某些片段的曲子。这首歌,是我们和Peter Hannah & Cvbz一切写的,我们写了关于所有这些导致我们关系结束的特殊时刻。我们偷偷溜出屋子来见另一半,或者我撞了你的车……那些事情都很简单,但我们的不成熟让这些事情变成了很有意思的回忆。我们的论点是我们不该对我们自己太过苛刻。说你想说的,但在我们小的时候,这很难做到。

Last Day Alive

这首歌包含了我们想要为你们每晚都表演,想在那一刻迷失的心情。这首歌由鼓点节奏开始,我们在开始想写歌词之前,循环了3小时这个节奏。这歌是我们和Dan Reynolds,我们也有幸请来了Florida Georgia Line来献声。这首歌是关于一种最棒的感觉,我们希望你们每个听到它的人体会到我们那种每晚跳到台前的那种超棒的感觉。



Alex & Drew



We have always felt that we had to earn the right to put out an album, that when our fans, The Pack, commanded it, and we felt we could put together a body of work that was true to who we were and what we wanted to say, we would. The box of Memories…Do Not Open symbolizes the message of our album. We all have childhood bedrooms, filled with objects that illustrate special moments. Eventually, that room and its objects are boxed up as we grow up and move out but a few of the very important items remain in a box that is saved…memories. For us and many of you, these items are precious and private. The box of memories we collected has been there in all of our past cover art, the text box. We are opening that up to you. We have been put in this box of who we are supposed to be and what people think of us, and now we are literally taking that box and showing you what is really inside us.


The first verse of The One was written on a notepad in a phone after feeling guilty about missing a close friend’s wedding. This guilt triggered a deeper look into the effect our schedule has had on our personal lives. Being on the road all the time makes it difficult to keep close relationships with a lot of people who have been a significant part of our lives. The strain of these relationships inspired the story of this song. The second verse tells the story of someone who is realizing that they’ve mentally moved on from a romantic relationship but don’t have the courage to end it in fear that they are making a mistake that will haunt them. We fess up to our selfishness, but also question if it’s trying to tell us something. We admit at times we’re so consumed by work that we are not present when we are with the people in our lives. Is our selfishness a sign that we've moved on? This indecision results in a tumultuous stage of a relationship where both of us aren’t sure we are still committed and therefore make each other miserable. We won’t be the ones to be decisive one way or the other.


Break Up Every Night shows off our indie rock roots more than any other song on the album. Sonically, it's the furthest departure from anything we’ve done in the past. We worked with our good friends Captain Cuts with the goal of writing a record that was upbeat and alternative but kept the roots of our sound. We often write about moments of tension in relationships and this is a really fun take on that concept. We vent about that girl who we're stuck on but is driving us crazy. We've dated people like this in the past but have also been the crazy one on the other side which made this song super fun.


In the year that we spent writing this album, a lot changed. We experienced fame for the first time. It wasn’t what we expected. After years of being relatively unknown, all of a sudden people were commenting on everything we did from what we wore to what we tweeted. The feeling of being taken out of context and misrepresented in the media weighed heavily on us. While the song represents the frustration in dealing with our newfound attention it also touches on relationship. We are often criticized for being “party boys" in what seems to be an attempt to discredit our artistry, when in fact, our partying has led to some of our most sobering song writing moments. We wrote this song at 4am in London after one of our shows at Brixton. Bloodstream is about the acceptance of who we are from ourselves.


Don't Say is an incredible song we wrote with Emily Warren. It deals with a couple that is constantly at odds. The relationship nearing the end as the guy fucks up constantly, and the girl asserts that he needs to not blame life for his mistakes. Many of us use the excuse we are only human, we succumb to the same temptations and battle the same addictions but for the victim, that excuse often falls on deaf ears. We’ve sat in both seats.


Something Just Like This is about a relationship that doesn’t need to be superhumanly perfect, an ordinary love, a love everyone deserves like the boy on the cover art whose childhood memories are now boxed up. Coldplay is one of our biggest inspirations and this song was an absolute dream come true to make. The song, for the most part, was created during our first meeting with Chris Martin. We found some chords that everyone loved and then Chris plugged a mic into the PA in the studio and freestyled for an hour. This song was the result. We’ve never seen a song written in such a stream of conscious. It’s hard to maintain your identity when working with such an established artist but we feel this song is great balance between both us and Coldplay.


We wrote My Type with our friends Emily Warren and Britt Burton. Drew found himself saying in the session “I hate to say it but you’re just my type” as we listened to the piano riff on loop. This led us to writing a song around the idea that we can’t help who we fall for. Sometimes we cannot choose who we are attracted to, even if they are bad for us. We have been there many times in our lives and Emily does a beautiful job singing from this perspective about an attraction that is poisonous but addicting.


It Won’t Kill Ya is about a night out, seeing someone you are attracted to across the room which pulls you into this mental struggle to gain the courage to interact with them. This is one of the lighter tracks on our album that focuses on enjoying the moment yet handling temptation. Working with Louane was such a pleasure. We love taking a sweet lyrical idea and spinning it on its head with dark production elements. For us, Louane adds so much to this song. She typically sings in French, but her accent while singing in English, although subtle, makes the song that much more captivating.


Paris was written in Stockholm (although we had just visited Paris days before) late one night after a show. It started with the lyrics, 'we were staying and Paris' and unfolded from there. The lyrics may seem vague at first, but their inspiration comes from a real place. Drew had a friend from the East coast who had been struggling with a drug addiction for the past few years. He was a childhood friend and their families were close, so his parents kept him informed on how he was doing. He and Drew would keep in touch on Facebook chat but would never speak about what he was going through, but meanwhile Drew knew of all the craziness that surrounded his friend’s life. We used Paris as a metaphor to convey that he felt like he was in a place where everything was fine, while being acutely aware of other people’s concern for him. Paris always being this romantic idealized place, the song is about escaping your reality, a reality often void of excitement and in your mind being somewhere else with someone else.


Honest is the oldest song on the album. Outing ourselves as one of our mentors advises. It’s a story about a balance between conscience, loneliness, and temptation told through the eyes of one of us after a night out on the road. Drew is talking to himself about what he wants to say to his girlfriend at the end of night when he knows she’s expecting to hear from him. He's telling her he doesn’t want to lie to her and say he doesn’t get caught up in the superficial world of fame and fortune and what comes with it. He wants to be honest, which means having to admit not always thinking of her. It’s hard to put out a song like this. The message is dark and revealing of a personal moment, but it’s real for anyone who has ever thought about someone outside their relationship. We love this song because it challenges the thought that love and temptation are mutually exclusive. We all want to be happy and in love, but in reality of most relationships, there are still times of darkness, loneliness, and temptation despite our love for the other person.


Wake Up Alone questions superficiality in relationships. Jhene Aiko sings about her material success and how that leads her to question the integrity of her relationships. She acknowledges the fact that her achievements are magnetic but really wants to know if the people they’ve pulled into her life are truly interested in her as a person or what she can do for them. It’s an over sexualized story about finding success but regardless of that the fear of still being alone haunts us. The road is a lonely place, and even being surrounded by people all the time can make that even lonelier, it’s not a cry for sympathy but a statement about loneliness and finding meaning with important people. We admire Jhene for being such a strong willed artist and couldn’t ask for a better collaboration.


We love writing songs about small moments. In Young, written with Peter Hannah and Cvbz, we touch on all these specific moments in our past that led to the demise of a relationship. The times we had to sneak out of our parent’s houses to be together or that time we crashed your car, when things were simpler but often our immaturity still played a role in bad decisions that sometimes led to amazing moments. The contention is that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves for the things that didn’t work out. Say what you want, but it’s hard when you’re young.


This is the song that encompasses what it’s like to perform every night for our fans and get lost in that moment. This song started with the beat. Think we put it on loop for three hours before even thinking of writing lyrics. We wrote this song with Dan Reynolds and were lucky enough to have Florida Georgia Line feature as the vocalists. This song is about a feeling more than anything and we hope it fills everyone who hears it with the feeling of inspiration that we get every night when we jump on stage.

Thanks for letting us share our memories.


Alex and Drew

The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐




The Chainsmokers 新专辑全曲详细解析-PYRO音乐


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