INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-21

INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢








INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐


INTRO 2009–INTRO 2017

  Not every party will change your life. But once it does, it changes you for life.”

Picasso Baby(Remix) INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐

INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐


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2017 INTRO以“Music For The Soul”为主题,正本清源——坚定“音乐至上”的基因,强调电子乐通达灵魂的力量,重申音乐节给人所带来的那种回归天性的原始欢愉。它更像是锐舞运动和“爱的大游行”的薪火相传,期待着给你带来莫大惊喜。延续以往,此次音乐节将设有三个舞台,力邀几十组国内及海外的一流音乐人和艺术家,相信会给你带来不一样的惊喜和感受。

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INTRO Electronic Music Festival has made the world understand China, and also given China’s modern young generation the way to express themselves. INTRO makes people with different races from all over the world gather together for one reason--electronic music. We tear off our disguise, leave our troubles behind and just dance. INTRO makes all of us feel the love and peace expressed by electronic music, also it gives electronic music a meaning, which totally affects young people’s understanding of life. Through domestic and international media coverage, INTRO’s made China an emerging country on the world map of modern electronic music development. Also, it builds an effective communication bridge between Chinese electronic music artists and international electronic music industry.

After lots of preparation, we announce that on May 29th 2017, INTRO(Shanghai) By Night will be held in BANDAI NAMCO SHANGHAI BASE (QSW Culture Center)! It is an annual event for all the electronic music fans! Look back and see the beautiful memories it brought us...Let’s celebrate this one together-- INTRO(Shanghai) By Night!

INTRO (Shanghai) by Night 强大阵容:
DJs @ Dream Hall:
International Artists: 


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UVB是法国DJ和制作人Sébastien Michel的艺名。他带着对音乐的热情成长起来,从2009年他第一次决定开始制作起,他便专注于电子音乐。期间,他开始和他的录音室伙伴Jean Redondo一起用“Daxyl”的名号开始实验不同的音乐类型,这塑造了他对原始、强硬音色的品位。

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UVB is the pseudonym of the French DJ and producer Sébastien Michel. In 2014, he released is first EP on the Rotterdam based label MORD, followed by the double pack « Second Life » that have both been supported by some of the biggest names of the Techno scene such as Surgeon, Marcel Dettmann, Tommy Four Seven. As for now, UVB is working on new music in preparation for the launch of his own label “Body Theory” and delivers his own vision of Techno through the numerous DJ gigs he is playing around the world.


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Dax J是一名非常有影响力的DJ,制作人和厂牌主理人。他生于伦敦,成长于柏林。他杰出的音乐可以与当今最棒的DJ们比肩。在2016年,DAX J在RA TOP100 DJ排行榜上获得了的56名,同年他还在Mixmag, Groove Magazine 和 DJ Mag 上获得了最突破DJ的提名。他在ADE在Gashoulder举办的预热派对和最臭名昭著的TECHNO club Berghain等等各种伟大的派对上压轴演出。

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Dax J is a London born, Berlin based artist, known as a powerful DJ, producer and label boss. His trademark sound is on constant rotation from the biggest DJ's in electronic music today. In 2016 Dax was voted into Resident Advisor's top 100 DJ’s of the year at No.56, while also being nominated in Mixmag, Groove Magazine and DJ Mag as Best Breakthrough DJ. He played closing sets at monumental parties including Awakenings for ADE in the Gashoulder as well as a 10-hour marathon set in the world’s most notorious techno club, Berghain.


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DJ, Singer, Songwriter and Producer, Virginia has been deeply involved in electronic music for over a decade. Growing up in Munich, the talented, energetic and dedicated artist quickly found her feet in music. Her career kick-started in the late 90s thanks to a wave of early hit singles, and she soon began to tour as a DJ, discovering a real passion for life in front of the crowd.


Abdulla Rashim

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Abdulla Rashim: 沉浸于节奏感和神秘感,同时又拥有着飘忽不定的美感,但是Abdulla Rashim的音乐却同时拥有着不变的特点。Rashim的手工音乐一直来源于他独特的想法,并且完美融合了国际和本地的音乐特点,形成了独树一帜的风格。会聆听的耳朵和纯粹的情感给了他保持音乐品质的基础。

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Submerged in both rhythm and mystery, Abdulla Rashim's shadowy aesthetic floats in balance with his uncompromising work. Wholly dedicated to his ideas and sound, Rashim's quest for renewal and the importance of his craft has reflected well both internationally and locally, where he is praised alike. A listening ear and pure emotion is what his rhythms demand and what keeps him on top of his mission.



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Steffi:出生于荷兰的Steffi在当代电子音乐中是一个举足轻重的人物。作为Panorama Bar的驻演嘉宾,受人尊敬的制作人,厂牌主理人,她的工作涵盖了电子音乐的方方面面。她曾经为电音派对做过十年以上的制作人,同时还运营着两个厂牌,做起了Dolly,这样的经验让她能够在做DJ和录制唱片之间找到一个非常合适的平衡点。她的作品依然成熟而且富有特点,沿着她脑中清晰的脉络寻找着House 和 Techno更多的可能性。

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Dutch-born Steffi is a key figure in the realms of contemporary electronic music. A resident at Panorama Bar, and a respected producer and label owner, her work embraces underground electronic culture in its many forms. With the experience that comes with promoting underground parties for over a decade, and running two record labels - Klakson, and her quickly expanding Dolly imprint - Steffi has developed a natural and professional balance between DJing and making records. Her productions continue to mature and shine, exploring many different aspects of House and Techno, with a distinctive clarity and classic approach.


同时, INTRO(Shanghai)By Night云集了国内外众多顶尖DJ!他们是:
Domestic Artists:  


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Motion团队的Techno核心动力,从去年MIIIA发行的第一张专辑《What Just Happened》,凭借其不凡的品味与及其富有冲击力和迷幻太空感的节奏,意大利魔匠Rodion也为其制作的混音,这个版本也收录在了专辑之中。毫无疑问,MIIIA是上海最为杰出的音乐人之一,从最初电台节目再到后来跨越欧洲亚洲各大音乐节上的亮相,MIIIA的音乐俘虏了大批听众的心。

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The Techno core of the Motion team, from the first album "What Just Happened" released last year by the MIIIA, with its extraordinary taste and its rich impact and psychedelic sense of rhythm of the space, the Italian magician Rodion for its production Mix, this version is also included in the album. There is no doubt that, MIIIA is one of the most outstanding musicians in Shanghai, from the initial radio program and then across Europe and Asia on the major music festivals, MIIIA music captured a large number of listeners’ heart.

Elvis T

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Elvis T:Acupuncture Records(“针刺疗法”电音厂牌)创始人之一,DOT电音厂牌首席DJ兼制作人,迄今已发行两张专辑和数首单曲,国际水准的制作赢得许多欧洲一线大牌艺人的赞誉!其身影亦不断出现在亚洲及欧洲舞台上。

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Hailing from Taipei, ELVIS.T started his career in 1998 and initiated the popular “VooDooBeatz” techno party series. Since 2001, ELVIS.T has been producing and is recognized as a pioneer in electronic music production in China. His techno/minimal/tech-house tracks reflect his exquisite style and deep understanding of different music genres.

Bass Stage低音舞台
DJs @ Future House:


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提起Ballroom和Vogue那一定会大声的喊出MikeQ的名字!MikeQ “Fade To Mind|Qween Beat”是一位美国新泽西的艺术家兼ballroom/vogue-house文化的领军人物。

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MikeQ, (Formally DJ MikeQ) one of the leading figures of the East Coast's long-running (but still largely underground) ballroom/vogue-house scene. Based in New Jersey, the 26-year-old producer is not only one of the most in-demand ballroom DJs, but he also heads up his own Qween Beat Team and turns out a steady stream of vogue and ballroom tracks, re-edits, and remixes. 


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DJ Paypal是一位舞步制作人。他出生于北卡罗来纳州,现住在印度,因为不想被名气所拖累,他选择每次现场演出时都把脸遮住。他在2015年发行的首张专辑《Sold Out》被媒体和市场都给予了超高的评价。

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DJ Paypal is one of footwork's most fascinating figures. His take on footwork is kaleidoscopic and vivid, expanding on the Spinn and Rashad template for a new wave of footwork that looks backwards and forwards in equal measure. His Mall Music label is home to some of footwork's most idiosyncratic voices, including DJ Mastercard and his lush sci-fi funk, and the whiplash mixtapes and a new album from DJ Orange Julius. Growing increasingly obsessed with jazz, funk and soul music, Paypal's latest, Sold Out, has brought him to Flying Lotus’ imprint Brainfeeder, showcasing what he can do at 160 BPM.


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HOWELL,曾经的DRUNK MONK,是与上海的电子厂牌SVBKVLT、活动组织SUB-CULTURE、矩阵杂志以及上海SHELTER俱乐部相关的极其重要的人物。他收集来自全球的的最新鲜、最前卫的跳舞音乐,这些音乐的⻛格横跨舞池音乐、DUB、意大利恐怖电影配乐甚至图书馆的声音资料。HOWELL的DJ SET总是能将大量不同⻛格的音乐混合成连贯而条理清晰的听觉体验。

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HOWELL, who used to be called “DRUNK MONK”, is an important role of the Shanghai electronic label “SVBKVLT”, SUB-CULTURE, Matrix Magazine and Shelter. He collects fresh dance music from all over the world, these music includes dancing music, DB, Italian Horror Movie Soundtrack to library's sound material. HOWELL's DJ SET is always mixed with different kinds of music styles. 


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Eli Osheyack是一位居住在上海的美国音乐人及艺术家,他采用多种采样器、鼓机及合成器来现场表演实验电子音乐的Live。他的首张EP发布在8月的SVBKVLT上,已经被Kode9、Tzusing, Steve Barker等很多音乐人现场演绎。

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Eli Osheyack is an American musician and artist who lives in Shanghai. He uses live music from various samplers, drum machines and synthesizers. His debut EP was released in August in SVBKVLT, has been played by musicians such as Kode9, Tzusing, Steve Barker and many others.

Kilo Vee

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出⾝于上海的KILO受到臭名昭著的地下俱乐部Shelter的Club文化影响于两年前开始涉足DJ领域。 KILO与2012 China DMC冠军DJ Monk组成的Ladidadi Crew每个月都会在Logo Bar和C's Bar组织固定的Funky、Soul 、Breaks Party 。

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After he got greatly influenced by Shelter's club culture, KILO started his DJ career two years ago. Ladidadi Crew founded by DJ Monk and him would throw regular Funky, Soul, Breaks Party in Logo Bar and C's Bar every month.


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Hyph11e aka Tess 是一位河北出生,生活在上海的制作人,她的音乐非常难以归类。Hyph11e自己的作品听起来徘徊于两种截然不同的可能之间;自然与机械,舞池与卧室,俱乐部音乐与声音拼贴艺术。你可以在呼啸而过的改装车引擎咆哮中发现热带鸟类的叫声。片刻的寂静后突然陷入一大片混乱儿且急促的重低音。感觉就像一段摇篮曲或者音乐理疗配乐一下子被摧毁变成为一首激烈的俱乐部舞曲。

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Hyph11e aka TESS is easily one of the most exciting young prospects in underground music in China. Since she started Djing in 2014, her DJ sets consistently push music that is at the forefront of global dancefloor innovation. But Hyph11e's own tunes are where things really hit the next level. Hyph11e's music is bursting with so many fresh ideas that it's impossible not to feel thrilled, it's hard for anyone with an interest in underground dance music in China not to feel like the same. 

INTRO十分注重电子音乐形式的多元化,Future House音乐风格以bass类音乐为主,涵盖电音其他种类,为不同音乐品位的电音爱好者提供更多选择。
INTRO上海之夜,六大低音高手将联手在Future House连续与电音爱好者在上海浅水湾文化艺术中心躁动九小时。

INTRO attaches great importance to the diversification of electronic music forms, bass stage music style shall never be forgotten, covering other types of electronic music for different music taste of electronic enthusiasts to provide more choices.INTRO (Shanghai) by night, six bass music master will join forces in the bass stage with electronic music enthusiasts in the Grand Epoch for nine hours.

INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐

INTRO(Shanghai)by Night Dream Hall LINEUP (Starts from 23:00)

FUTURE HOUSE LINEUP(Starts from 6 pm):


Date & Time 日期与时间: 
May 29th 18:00 – May 30th, 07:00

地址(Location): 万代南梦宫上海文化中心 BANDAI NAMCO SHANGHAI BASE

How To Buy Tickets/如何购票

Pre-sale tickets /预售票: 160 RMB
At Door tickets /现场票: 220 RMB

13911977989(中),  18601185868(中/EN), 18500407732(中/EN)

Dream hall
23:00-24:00 Miiia
00:00-01:00 Virginia
01:00-02:00 Steffi
02:00-03:00 Abdulla Rashim
03:00-04:00 UVB
04:00-05:00 Dax J
05:00-06:00 Elvis T

Future house
18:00-19:00  Howell
19:00-20:00  Hyph11e
20:00-21:00  Kilo Vee
21:00-22:00  Osheyack
22:00-23:30  MikeQ
23:30-01:00  DJ Paypal

 INTRO 上海之夜 购票二维码 Tickets

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INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐


 INTRO festival  

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INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐

INTRO 上海之夜 PYRO邀请你来整整一晚上的狂欢-PYRO音乐

PYRO音乐APP新版 2.6.0 强势推出!






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