UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-21

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!







UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐


上海,北京,广州,深圳,长沙,南宁,准备好迎接创始人,OG,Trap之神了吗?!去年,我们所呈现的NIGHT SHFT FEST三城(北京,上海和成都)仓库派对全数售罄。今年,他将带着新的音乐,新的厂牌和中国的地下说唱歌手BLOW FEVER一同踏上中国六座城市的巡演,必将呈现炸耳音乐!

往下滑,所有城市的预售正在热卖中—— 所以,别睡!

另外,还为你介绍UZ自创厂牌Quality Good Record。


Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Changsha, Nannning, are you ready for the founder, the OG, the God of Trap?! Last year UZ sold out three warehouses in Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu, at our notorious NIGHT SHFT FEST. This year he is back for a 6 city tour takeover, and with brand new music, a brand new record label, and one of China’s underground rap Hero’s BLOW FEVER, he is bringing heavy fire power !  



UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

“过去的这些年,我去过世界上很多个地方,在旅程中,我时常被许多制作人和新的声音所影响”  —— ƱZ

“Over the past few years, I have traveled the world countless times, and throughout my journeys, I have been influenced by a wide array of producers and new sounds.” —— ƱZUZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

作为最有开拓力的trap音乐人,UZ正带领他自己创立的Quality Goods Records走向新纪元。他亲自挑选不同的前卫艺术家和时尚达人将他们聚在一起创造出不同的音乐火花,Quality Goods Records在UZ的典型trap风格上传达了所有关于bass音乐风格的作品。


UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

ƱZ, known for his trailblazing trap sounds, ushers in a new era with his  own label, Quality Goods Records. Promising a diverse discography from a hand-picked selection of forward-thinking artists and tastemakers, Quality Goods Records will deliver all styles of bass music with ƱZ’s signature trap influences at the core. 

He stated that "When you're a DJ, you have to find and choose or create new trends, I spend my days listening and looking for new music, new talents; when I'm not working and trying to improve my own sound. I like expanding my horizon and perfecting my craft - my music is mutating. I'm known for a very specific style of music, very dark, but I can produce almost anything that I want. "

Million Dollar Bills (ft. Gia)


UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐


这个新的厂牌建立在UZ暗黑的街头音乐风格基础上推向了新的领域,以trap音乐作为核心,这群多才多艺的音乐人和这位富有经验的制作人承诺他们会创造“所有bass音乐风格”。作为群龙之首,UZ将这次冒险视作为一个拓展他个人事业的机会。在快慢节奏的bpm实验基础上他拥有了许多新素材、新的声音和新的合作对象。厂牌成立之后, 释出了第一张Quality Goods Records音乐合辑“QGRC OO1”。这张合辑对于粉丝来说是尝鲜的好机会,你会发现来自这些制作人许多未雕琢的,很“生”的音乐。

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

The new label builds on UZ's established brand of ominous street beats and pushes into new territory with a well-rounded roster and discography the producer promises with display “all styles of bass music,” with trap-influenced sounds at its core. As the gang leader, UZ sees the venture as a chance to expand his own horizons. He's got a host of new material experimenting with slower and faster bpms, as well as new voices and collaborators. Quality Goods Records, ran by bass heavyweight UZ, has released their first artists compilation, “QGRC 001”. This collection is a chance for fans of the platform to get their teeth into some raw, unfiltered sounds from upcoming producers. 

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

"我总是觉得在这个领域里必须要有一个让艺术家们无拘无束的进行艺术创作的主体。这就是我创造Quality Goods Records的初衷。" —— ƱZ

“I have always felt that there has been a need for a staple within the community that allows artists (to) work freely within the confines of their own creativity. That is why I have decided to create Quality Goods Records.” —— ƱZ

 Magellan (TYNVN Remix)


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个神秘的男子 —— UZ 在2012年横空出世,他富有创造力的强烈的音乐让喜爱他的粉丝们对他产生了强烈的好奇心。他被广泛认可为floor-shattering trap的创始人并在世界上挂起一阵旋风,UZ在制作方面的创造力和在创造时髦方面不错的名声使他在这五年间一直立于顶端。

Something of a man of mystery, UZ emerged into the world of constantly evolving bass music back in 2012, and his intense musical creativity has kept fans guessing ever since.  Widely considered one of the founding fathers of the floor-shattering trap sound that has taken the world by storm, UZ’s innovative approach to production and impeccable reputation as a tastemaker has kept him on top of the pile for the past five years. 

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

2017对于UZ来说也是重要的一年,过去这段时间他取得了一些作为DJ和制作人方面的成就。到今年四月,UZ已经在这一领域五年了,这期间他的作品已经达到了600,000次的下载量———这代表了人们对于“Trap Shit”的喜爱与追求,还包括了这个系列旗下的25首同名歌曲。Spin, Complex, Billboard, Hypertrak也表达了对UZ作品的认可与喜爱,将他广泛推广在大众面前。UZ 曾制作remix了Flosstradamus, Zeds Dead, 12th planet,Birdy Nam Nam, Ice Cube, Elliphant, GIA, Alvin Risk and DJ Shadow等人的作品,2013年他还为Red Bull Academy做了一个特别的mixtape。

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

2017 is possibly set to be the biggest year to date for this artist, having built such a tangible platform for himself over the past couple of years, both as a DJ and producer. Reaching five full years in the game this April, a giveaway of material from 2012-2015 hit well over 600,000 downloads – showing the consistent demand for fresh “Trap Shit” sounds, including the series of 25 tracks that fell under the same name.  The likes of SPIN, Complex, Billboard and Hypetrak have offered their full support since the start, pushing his vision to a wider audience. UZ counts official remixes for the likes of Flosstradamus, Zeds Dead, 12th planet, Birdy Nam Nam, Ice Cube, Elliphant, GIA, Alvin Risk and DJ Shadow in his arsenal, whilst in 2013 he was commissioned to make a very special mixtape for Red Bull Academy. 

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

UZ曾在全球多个地方行巡演,例如澳洲,加拿大,洲,欧洲,南美和南非等地。出色地代表着bass音乐,他还曾受邀参加Coachella,Sonar, Ultra, Stereosonic and EDC等多个重要地音乐节。

随着2016年开启颤栗的新篇章,UZ成立了新的厂牌Quality Goods Records。他手挑最新的音和最秀的艺术家,不久就行了一 EP“Magellan”。其他作品包含UZ & Myrne 的remix “Trapshit 16,” “Amazon”, “Magellan”等一经发行就大受追捧。QGR正展迅猛,于UZ来,最好的代已到来…

UZ’s touring schedule continues to take him across the globe several times over, appearing in Australia, Canada, Asia, Europe, South America and South Africa. Representing bass music at its finest, he is increasingly in demand from international festivals such as Coachella, Sonar, Ultra, Stereosonic and EDC. 

2016 saw the start of a thrilling chapter, with UZ beginning his trap-influenced record label Quality Goods Records in April. Hand selecting the most exhilarating new music and artists, the inaugural release came from the label head himself in the form of “Magellan” EP. Other works include the UZ & Myrne remix of “Trapshit 16,” “Amazon” from Mayhem and UZ and a remix EP of the brilliantly received “Magellan.” QGR is just getting started, and as with UZ, the best is yet to come…

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐


UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

Blow Fever过去曾和大陆rapper K.O.Z以及说唱歌手Al Rocco一起组成过三人音乐组合BUSY GANG,并发行了一张名为“800”的混音带,其中有“干家王”和“RMB人民币”等不少热门曲目。Blow Fever已经与诸如Keith Ape、OG Maco、UZ等著名音乐人一起合作过,并在各大音乐节上崭露光芒,他也于近期完成了十三城中国巡演。他在2016年9月发布了第一张个人EP,名为“CAMO”,目前正与Trap大帝 UZ 和 MPC 传奇ARAABMUZIK进行紧锣密鼓的合作,将在2017年年初发布全新两首单曲!在全球多个地方行巡演,例如澳洲,加拿大,洲,欧洲,南美和南非等地。

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

Born and raised in Shanghai, Blow Fever was inspired by Rap at a young age. He quotes “When I was younger, I didn’t know what to do with myself, but once I heard Rap music, I realized that music would be my future...” 

Previously a member of the trio BUSY GANG, made up of HK-rapper Al Rocco and Chinese Rapper K.O.Z, they released a mixtape titled “800” which featured hot tracks such as “Gan Jia Wang” and “RMB Red Money”. Blow Fever has performed various big name festivals and shows alongside names such as Keith Ape, OG Maco, UZ and just finished a thirteen (13) city China tour. He released his first EP titled “CAMO” in September 2016 and is currently working on separate collaborations with Trap God - UZ, and MPC Legend – ARAABMUZIK; both singles will be released early 2017!


Address & Tickets Info

广州 GUANGZHOU   @ The One

DATE: Friday, May 26th

日期周五 526

ADDRESS: 24-26 Bei jing South Road, Yue Qiu District, Guangzhou



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南宁 NANNING   @ Club Meme

DATE: Saturday, May 27th

日期周六 527

ADDRESS: A6-2 Ming Ge Hu Bar Street, 23 Jin Pu Road, Qing Xiu District, Nanning


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长沙 CHANGSHA   @ Electronic Circus

DATE: Sunday, May 28th

日期周日 528

ADDRESS: B2, Parking area, Wangfujinjing, South Jiefang Rd, Changsha



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DATE: Monday, May 28th

日期周一 529

ADDRESS2F, A8 Music Mansion, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

 地址深圳市南山区 A8音乐大厦 2

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上海 SHANGHAI   @ Arkham 

DATE: Friday, Jun 2th

日期周五 62

ADDRESS:168 Ju Lu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai



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DATE: Saturday, Jun 3th

日期周六 63

ADDRESS:CLUB MIX Worker's Stadium Centre, North Entrance, Chaoyang District, Beijing

 地址: CLUB MIX 工体北门内

购票链接 Link:

UZ中国巡演 |深圳 上海 北京 公布获奖名单!-PYRO音乐

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