PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20


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Spotify is the world's largest music streaming platform, and although there it is blocked in China, its influence overseas is beyond doubt. Recently, the company made a video about EDM, a story to let us know about the spirit and the origin of EDM, and also to let us know what we have many misunderstandings about EDM.Spotify带来了一个小故事,关于EDM的精神和起源-PYRO音乐

Deconstructing How EDM Changed the World


The story is...

在1977的芝加哥,遭受社会歧视的黑人、同性恋者等发现了一个安全的地方新Club—Warehouse,在Warehouse中DJ Frankie Knuckles将Disco、Soul、Eurosynth等进行mix,结果诞生出一种新的曲风,这就是我们之后称之为的house。

Chicago, 1977. Marginalized black, gay communities find a safe place to gather in a new club called the Warehouse. Inside, DJ Frankie Knuckles is mixing disco, soul, and Eurosynth records into an entirely new sound. It would later become known as “house”.Spotify带来了一个小故事,关于EDM的精神和起源-PYRO音乐

另外一方面,在底特律的年轻气盛的三位少年Juan Atkins、Derrick May、Kevin Saunderson,他们想要发掘一些新的东西,制作一些关于未来的声音。底特律Techno是带有希望的音乐,能够从黑暗的现实中摆脱。

Meanwhile, the city of Detroit and its economy were basically Imploding. Three teenagers channeled the frustration and decay they saw into something exciting and new. And what they created…sounded like the future. Detroit techno was a sound rooted in hope. It offered an escape from a present that seemed bleak.Spotify带来了一个小故事,关于EDM的精神和起源-PYRO音乐

但是时间到了90年带中期,出现了将这一切都破坏的敌人。邪恶的Club老板们为了从锐舞文化中榨取利润,在美国毒品问题肆起,当时禁止了许多的音乐形式。为了与之抗衡,布鲁克林的Frankie Bones和Adam X 提出了“PLUR”的概念。Peace 和平、Love 爱、Unity 团结、Respect 尊重。

But by the mid-90s, what had been a safe place for misfits and outcasts was facing three major enemies that threatened to destroy it. Corrupt club owners exploited dance culture as a business venture by hosting overcrowded, dangerous, illegal parties. Hard drugs swept the rave scene, overtaking the popularity of softer drugs like ecstasy. Conservative policies tried to ban raves and even music with repetitive beats. So, in resistance, Brooklyn’s own Frankie Bones and Adam X introduced the enduring concept of ‘PLUR’, Peace, Love, Unity, Respect.Spotify带来了一个小故事,关于EDM的精神和起源-PYRO音乐


Today, the radical growth of EDM may have taken the movement beyond its origins of racial and political struggle. But by keeping its message of positivity and community at its core, the next generation of EDM artists are keeping the PLUR ethos alive. 



This is the origin of EDM, mixed with house in Chicago, Detroit‘s techno and the idea of PLUR. While in China most people only know EDM as noisy club music, I hope you can to have a better understanding of EDM, and remember the spirit of PLUR. PYRO music will also be in spirit as the center, to spread the EDM and RAVE culture.






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